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Beginner Beekeeper Series: How to Install a Package
Here are step-by-step guidelines to your first hands-on experience with your new bees. They must work to accept their new queen. A happy hive has forager bees coming to and fro with pollen, house bees building comb, and lots of eggs and brood starting...
Miniature Landscaping: Great Gardens Come In Small Packages
Use a shallow container, about two inches deep. Items for dollhouses and railroads offer an array of choices, from small garden statuary, fountains, fencing and buildings galore. For instance, if viewed from all sides, the focal point should be placed...
Care of a Hindu Rope Plant
Because they seldom require repotting and may grow in the same soil for many years, they may need a boost of supplemental nutrients to help keep them growing. Always use pots with drainage holes.Hindu rope plants are light feeders and will survive without...
Santa Monica
How to Propagate a Rope Hoya
Tap your finger on the stem to knock off excess powder.Immediately Plant the bare stem of the rope hoya tip cutting in the potting medium, with the leafy tip extended above the potting medium.
Santa Monica
Chianina Cattle
American soldiers that hailed from cattle country instantly realized the breed's potential but at the time, United States Department of Agriculture regulations prohibited importation of hoof stock from Italy.
4 Ways To Find A Good Beekeeping Mentor
Local clubs usually hold meetings monthly, discussing pertinent topics as they relate to both local and global issues. Whatever you do, don't give up. Visit your local homesteading supply stores, and ask there; they may even allow you to post to a bulletin...
DIY Hip Basket for Harvesting
Now, you can harvest your berries with confidence! Natural Options I used simple craft-store finds for this basket, but you can also gather materials from your farm or roadside. For decoration or color variation, dye the raffia or cordage with onion skins...
DIY Macrame Hanging Vase
Mason jar (or small plant container) rope or sturdy twine scissors Step 1 Cut 4 long lengths of rope or twine, each one six times the height of the jar. Step 5 Gather the strands from two side-by-side knots at the base rim of the container, and tie them...
Climbing and pruning grass, are you kidding?
Just check the pictures, the giant grass has been shattered, some have broken and fallen, many broke at various heights and got stuck. But as we work with full protection gear including chain-saw proof pants and boots, over sleeves and gloves, helmets...
El Segundo
How To Make A DIY Platform Bird Feeder
If any of them are too long, cut some off so it matches the others. This DIY platform bird feeder uses an old, round grill grate to keep the seeds dry. Step 2: Make The Hanger Holes Jessica Walliser Hammer the scratch awl through the rim of the metal...
Justifying \
The guy selling it thought it was for setting saw blades. Multiply the pulleys with one on the object to be lifted and a second at the roof, and you cut the force needed in half. I guess sensible only goes so far.
Secure tree climbing
As the leg straps were made wider the harness sometimes was called ‘saddle'. I also climbed trees as a young boy as I was lucky enough to have a large garden with huge trees, apple trees and pear trees as well as a large walnut and my parents would...
El Segundo
DIY Tea Bags From Coffee Filters
Use coffee filters to package your homegrown tea for an easy cup on a cold winter day. Put the end of your string inside the tab and staple. Extra tea bags can be stored in the freezer to maintain freshness.
6 Marketing Tips To Help You Sell More Lettuce
Clam shells, which are generally recyclable plastic boxes, are worth considering for selling head lettuces at the farmers market because they can contain a whole head and help protect it from the elements.
Goats Love Christmas!
Also, thanks to Fayre, the ornament eater, it has to be small enough to sit on the kitchen counter. The wrapping is pretty and the box smells gd, like homemade goat treats. Our Christmas tree is small and skinny because Mom and Dad cut trees from...
The Tamworth: A Pig Of A Different Color
“We were thinking about phasing out of hogs altogether,” he says, “but at an OEFFA meeting I met a fellow who was interested in selling organic, humanely raised pork. Small producers are discriminated against in the commodity system, and many are...
4 Myths About Pastured Poultry
“Therefore, like a human athlete, they need sources of starch to provide the energy needed for growth and development. “Either way, there are facilities that provide protection from the weather elements and predation.
Poultry Science: Proper Vaccination of Backyard Chickens
Psychologically, we remember a vaccine failure (“We gave our chicken a vaccine, but the chicken got the disease”) more than all the times that vaccinated birds did not get the disease.
Whole Foods Requires GMO Labeling by 2018
In the coming years, the grocer will work with suppliers to determine what that label will look like. National Organic Program standards prohibit the intentional use of seed in certified-organic crop production and require the use of organic feed in meat...
When the pots are pretty... too pretty... the roots may be ugly
Last month I finally broke down and paid $3.75 for aof unknown but surely lovely bloom color. I was in for a big surprise. I brought my prizehome and prepared a spacious planting hole for it.
El Segundo
From Seed to Soda Bottle
Courtesy The Coca-Cola Company Many companies are using plant-based packaging for their products, including The Coca-Cola Company, which created the PlantBottle. Backyard compost bins do not fit the bill.
8 Gift Wrapping Ideas Inspired By Herbs
I like to mix equal parts thyme honey and grainy mustard and spread over chicken before roasting. Get the Look: Place fresh or dry herbs in a jar and cover with honey. Your gift wrap can be just as exciting as what it's covering when you adorn the package...
The Best Way To Get 10 Popular Crops To Market
Also consider selling any damaged fruits as seconds or canning tomatoes. Package: Don't put either in plastic bags. Package: Peas can be sold in bulk or in bags. If loose, keep it out of the wind to avoid wilting.
Rio and Jeremy
Later than night, I told Lisa about this exchange and expressed my disbelief. If someone said something unkind about Rio, Jeremy jumped to his defense. I was cleaning out Rio's feet, and Jeremy said “He's really good about picking up his feet.” Yes,...
How to Use Peppermint to Get Rid of Fleas
While they may not prevent all fleas from entering your yard, the plants will at least deter most of them. Sachets also benefit homeowners when placed in closets, room corners or inside of pet bedding.Create a homemade flea collar for your pet.
Santa Monica
The Second Arborists\' Challenge in the Indian Ocean
Climbers called "squirrels" go up in the various trees and set as comfortably as possible, they will be in charge of security and for assistance during the whole event.Most of the day climbers switch from one event to the other, some show up smiling while...
El Segundo
A No-Wa-Wa Fountain for Your Garden
Pea gravel is also available at garden centers.New or used pedestal birdbath with a fairly deep bowl (3.5" or more): New ones are available at garden centers and home improvement stores.
El Segundo