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Growing Rice
Growing rice isn't difficult; milling it is. No wonder that the most famous culinary delights from the area are rice dishes like Risotto Milanese. Essentially, none of the 150 commercial rice mills in the U.S. are set up to accept small lots of paddy...
How To Roll Out A Grass Lawn
So what is the answer? Rolling the lawn when it is dry, will not be effective in pushing the seed or grass roots into contact with the soil.Use a lightweight roller when you roll out a grass lawn.
A New Kind Of Show Chicken
The days of fair-based chicken shows , with judges wielding American Poultry Association breed standards, aren't exactly a thing of the past, but they do seem a little archaic thanks to a new kind of chicken beauty pageant.
Turn Toilet Paper Rolls Into Seed Starting Pots
Step 8 Place the containers of tubes under grow lights or on a bright windowsill. The only trouble is that members of the cucumber family don't like to have their roots disturbed. Step 3 Jessica Walliser Next, fold the two points you created into the...
Roll out the barrel, the rain barrel that is!
Many get their olives in barrels that are ideal for converting into R.B.'s.Check with wine or home brewing stores; many sell barrels at a very reasonable cost.Look in the Yellow pages under Barrels; we have a dealer here from which you can purchase new...
El Segundo
Portable Sawmills
The sawdust, bark and everything but the select lumber is left in the forest to decompose and feed new growth.” Most portable sawmills come in two basic styles: the chain saw with attachments and the mini band-saw mill.
Farm Storehouse: 7 Products to Help You & Your Operation
Wormwide Products 4. Tractor Supply Co. This story originally appeared in the January/February 2018 issue of Hobby Farms. A chainsaw milling attachment, a personal weather station and a body roller for sore muscles are among items our editors found.
Sorghum: More Than A Sweetener
(Photo by Matt Fowler) In southeastern Illinois, the Woods brothers—Elvis, Leo and George—have revived the old sorghum mill their parents operated from 1947 to 1960. Everyone has an opinion on when the sorghum is finished, and you will find a spectrum...
The Tradition Of Making Sorghum
The juice traditionally cooks down in a long, flat, open-air pan set atop a firebox or other heat source. Even if milling happens in the wee hours of the morning, syrup bottling could be taking place during the final hours of daylight.
About Raising Chickens
The Fun Begins! Once you determine that chickens are legal in your city and everyone in your household is on board with starting a flock (or at least, begrudgingly agrees), you're ready for the fun part: planning a coop and researching breeds.
New Salad Greens for 2008 - Part II: Lettuce
Bolting and tipburn resistant with superior flavor, not bitter.Fedco and Johnny's Selected Seeds both offer organic seeds.Another heat-tolerant full-sized Romaine with dark green leaves.This one is available from Johnny's Selected Seeds only in a pelleted...
El Segundo
Control Lawn Grubs with Beneficial Nematodes
Beneficial nematodes are available through several online sources, including Arbico-Organics and Planet Natural , among many others. Follow all label instructions carefully for best results.
20 Tips To Cut Costs Around The Farm
Helping someone move could mean you get that old box of mason jars that were in the attic. The desire to save money has stayed with me as an adult, and whenever I can save money, I do.
Weathering the Storm
And the neighbor across the street had two 60-foot-tall spruce trees sprawled across his backyard. Another neighbor's metal flag pole was lying on the ground in several twisted pieces.
Belgian Bearded d\'Uccle Chickens
The breed comes in a range of APA-recognized colors, including Mille Fleur, Black, White, Blue, Mottled, Golden Neck and Porcelain. Because of their fancy feathering, they don't do well in wet or snowy conditions.
4 Asian Herbs To Add To Your Herb Garden
They're often dried and added to dishes like stir-fries or curries. In this case, an herb is simply a plant that has a potent flavor and is, accordingly, used in small quantities for seasoning foods or making tea.
Hedge Apples: Thanksgiving Decor and Strong American Wood
Pomifera and the sloth lived together happily in what is known as the Red River drainage of Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas. As I pile up a bowl of hedge apples for my Thanksgiving centerpiece, it makes me chuckle that this “useless” fruit is still working...
Sweet apple cider, a most delicious fall tradition
Cider makers generally leave the Granny Smiths and Honeycrisps to the pie bakers and school lunch eaters. Cider may be unpasteurized at some cider mills and farm stands. On chilly days, you might like to take this tip from a: They steam the cider, as...
El Segundo
Keyhole Gardens: A Drought Tolerant Composting Garden
Supports to hold the basket in place, such as strong branches, boards, or rebar, and wire or strong twine to hold everything together, also, will be needed.Anything that will contain the soil could be used: stones, bricks, or blocks can be stacked into...
El Segundo
Choice evergreens add spark to home landscapes
What further certification could it need? Callling a MahoniaThree very different specimens, but all "evergreen." These and other choice cultivars will spark up a humdrum landscape and provide beautiful clippings for wintertime displays in the home.Thank...
El Segundo
Small Farms Lose in 9-Month Farm Bill Extension
These programs include: the Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program , which gives new farmers business and marketing training the Value Added Producer Grants Program , which prioritizes small- and mid-size farm enterprises the Conservation Reserve...
Favorite Seed Catalogs
Here are some of the interesting things I learned: The Cook's Garden catalog, which I had heard about but never seen, has a really cool new tomato called Green Envy. The seed catalogs have really started rolling in, now, and it's so exciting.
Hot Breakfast Pastries and Tubers with Rot - What Can Make Them Both Better?
Days and weeks later, the wound was dry and apparently healed. The most important part of the preparation is to be sure you have removed all diseased or rotted tissue from the affected area.
El Segundo
Bay Laurel - the 2009 herb of the year
Is happiest in its native Mediterranean basin or similar climates. The 2009 herb of the year is (drum-roll, please) bay laurel or sweet bay! This woody, aromatic perennial tree native to the Mediterranean has many reasons to be celebrated, both for its...
El Segundo
Bringing Back The Windmill
Because these mills are designed for aerating at the bottom of the pond, tower location determines the tower height. If the pond is in a shallow valley, it might be advantageous to place the mill on a rise and run tubing down into the pond.
How to Measure Board Feet in a Log for Timber Logging
Many sawmills require you to round down to the nearest even foot, especially for softwoods. Round down to the nearest full foot. Do not include the bark in the measurement. One board foot is equal to the amount of wood in a one-inch-thick board that measures...
Santa Monica
10 Vines You Should Know
Most of us have heard of clematis, morning glory, and passion flower vines, but have you ever heard mention of the Nong Nooch Vine? The foliage of Cup and Saucer vine is lush and deep green, a nice contrast to the flowers.Seeds of this vine are more difficult...
El Segundo