This bite-sized tropical fruit is perfect for snacking and satisfying a sweet craving. We'll do whatever it takes to make it right. Antioxidants are associated with the prevention of age-related diseases.
Manufactured on shared equipment with peanuts, soybeans, tree nuts, milk, eggs, wheat and whey. Product of Thailand. Cantaloupe, Sugar, Citric Acid, Sulphur Dioxide. Shelf life: bags – up to 1 year.
Tender orange flesh of succulent new sweetheart delivers pluperfect melodious honey-sweetness. Musky sweetness makes ‘Aphrodite' the cantaloupe of choice for sublime desserts and breakfast alike.
Resistant to Alternaria, PM and DM. 700-900 seeds/oz.; 3 lbs./acre. *Brix is a measure of sweetness. (3 to 5 lbs.) Edisto 47 is finely netted and does well in hot, humid conditions.
These single serving fruits measure 4-6 inches across and have deep orange flesh that is succulent, sweet, and delicious down to the rind. The ultimate melon for short-season areas, and the compact plants are ideal for small space or container gardens.
Even hardened melon seedlings are tender. Handle young plants carefully and never let the soil dry out. When the weather is frost-free, warm, and settled, transplant 2-3' apart in rows 6' apart or thin to 1 plant/pot or cell with scissors and transplant...
"Sudden wilt" is a complex disease and cold weather stress syndrome in late summer when plants have a heavy set of ripening melons, can cause plants to wilt almost overnight. Sarah's Choice's sweet and juicy flesh has consistently been a winner in our...
Keep the slings tight enough to support the cantaloupe but with enough give to allow room for the melon to grow. Remember, you're dealing with heavy, dense fruit and very long vines, so there is some significant weight to support.Some strong materials...
After that time, provide container grown cantaloupes with a general-purpose, water-soluble fertilizer diluted to half strength every two to three the strongest three plants when the seedlings have at least two sets of true leaves by snipping...
Start early indoors or direct seed. *Brix is a measure of sweetness. (3 1/2 – 5 lbs.) Our Certified Organic Hale's Best Jumbo cantaloupe features oval, ribbed and heavily netted fruits with salmon-orange flesh.
10 days, 75-80°F. Well netted, bright orange and very aromatic. Round to oval shape. One of the best eating melons available. (Eastern Shipper) 700-900 seeds/oz.; 3 lbs./acre. *Brix is a measure of sweetness.
Start early indoors or direct seed. Sante features bright orange, very firm flesh with a consistent brix of 17 plus. (Western Shipper) 700-900 seeds/oz.; 3 lbs./acre. Intermediate resistance to PM Race 1 & 2.
Athena's vigorous vines stand up to field stress and its fruit seldom cracks. 700-900 seeds/oz.; 3 lbs./acre. *Brix is a measure of sweetness. (5-6 lbs) The Athena F1 Hybrid cantaloupe is an innovative variety whose fruit can stay on the vine to maximize...
Start early indoors or direct seed. *Brix is a measure of sweetness. (3 1/2 – 5 lbs.) Hale's Best Jumbo features oval, ribbed and heavily netted fruits with salmon-orange flesh. 700-900 seeds/oz.; 3 lbs./acre.
*Brix is a measure of sweetness. They will not slip from the vine when ripe. Harvest when the melons change color where they rest on the ground and the stems develop a little drying or corking.
It is easily recognized by the net-like rind and sweet orange color inside. You can either sow seeds directly in the garden or in flats inside (do this well before their initial planting outdoors), or you can use transplants purchased from reputable nurseries...
700-900 seeds/oz.; 3 lbs./acre. Tolerant to PM Race 1 and 2, FW Race 1 and 2. Start early indoors or direct seed. Trinidad F1 exhibits a golden yellow exterior with a moderate net and a cream to slightly orange flesh color.
10 days, 75-80°F. This melon has a vigorous vine and terrific canopy for fruit sunburn protection. Infinito provides high yields of uniform fruit with high brix. This melon exhibits a bluish-green rind with a slightly oval shape and raised, ropey netting...
700-900 seeds/oz.; 3 lbs./acre. Tolerant to Alternaria, PM Race 1 and 2, FW Race 0, 1 and 2. Start early indoors or direct seed. With deep orange flesh and tight cavity, Tasty Sherbet F1 is an excellent melon.
Tolerant to PM Race 0, 1 and 2, FW Race 0, 1, and 2. 700-900 seeds/oz.; 3 lbs./acre. *Brix is a measure of sweetness. (5 lbs.) San Juan PMT F1 Hybrid is an ultra early Ananas variety with a golden yellow exterior with firm net and ivory colored flesh.
Tolerant to FW Race 0, 1 and 2 as well as PM Race 1, DM and PV. 700-900 seeds/oz.; 3 lbs./acre. *Brix is a measure of sweetness. (6-7 lbs.) Toscana F1 Hybrid is a new Tuscan style hybrid melon with a very tight cavity, green sutures and dark orange, very...
*Brix is a measure of sweetness. PM Race 1, FV Race 1 and 2 and Alternaria tolerance. 10 days, 75-80°F. (1-1.5 lb.) Tasty Bites F1 Hybrid is just enough for 2. This Tania type melon is very sweet–a gourmet delight.
If you harvest too soon, you'll be left with a hard, tasteless or bitter melon, as the sugars haven't had sufficient time to develop and fully sweeten. A ripe melon will also exhibit a sweet and pleasant aroma.One way to tell if a melon is over ripe is...
Start early indoors or direct seed. One of our best hybrid melons featuring a uniform roundness with thick flesh. (Tuscan Type) 700-900 seeds/oz.; 3 lbs./acre. Harvest at 3/4 slip when the skin changes from bluish to yellowish/tan and the stem develops...
Start early indoors or direct seed. Can weigh up to 30 lbs. (Tuscan Type) 700-900 seeds/oz.; 3 lbs./acre. Excellent resistance to PM and WMV. (15-20 lbs.) El Gordo F1 Hybrid is a giant Tuscan style melon that can be for juicing or bragging rights for...
Tolerant to Fusarium Wilt Race 1 and Powdery Mildew Race 2. 700-900 seeds/oz.; 3 lbs./acre. *Brix is a measure of sweetness. This very tasty melon is a medium distance shipper. (3-5 lbs.) Gala F1 Hybrid is a Galia type melon that exhibits a fine net over...
Start early indoors or direct seed. It was the top pick in the DPS San Joaquin Valley trials in 2004. (Western Shipper) 700-900 seeds/oz.; 3 lbs./acre. Tolerant to Fusarium Wilt Race 0, 1 and 2, Powdery Mildew Race 2.