The grass, although not terribly tall, was nevertheless high enough to block from view an anthill covered with grass. But first, allow me to backtrack. Fortunately, the differential lock can override the essence of the differential, locking the two wheels...
Tall plants can also obstruct the views around windows, which may lead to safety issues.There are many ground cover plants used in foundation plantings. Ground covers can be used extensively in foundation plantings and are flattering to most gardening...
German home-improvement store Toom Baumarkt will remove all glyphosate-containing products from its shelves by the end of September. That's just a little of what I've read in my summer-travel-deprivation reading.
Upon seeing the Americana sign on that stock tank, I fleetingly considered finding the shop owners and explaining the difference between Easter Eggers and Ameraucanas. I was at my local feed store, minding my own business as I strolled the aisles for...
Organic pest control advice is helpful and on-point. Even the urbanite with the fussiest HOA can manage to sneak a tasty treat or two under the radar. This delightful book is a great example of learning to color outside the lines and dispels the notion...
Lightly file off any burrs, but do not attempt to sharpen this side of the blade. Mill files only go in the forward direct, so do not pull the file across the edge on your backstroke.
Use plants for entryways with restraint and the same can be said for any other accent feature. Let's find out more about choosing a plant for front entrances.When creating a front door garden design, consider the architecture or “bones” of your home.
Areas of air masses are not of uniform temperature and weight; colder air is denser and spreads out like freshly mixed mortar, while warmer air is less dense and rises. If this temperature and humidity contrast is very high, the storms that form can be...
Use pots and large planters for annuals and perennials that can't tolerate the difficult soil. You should typically let the grass grow to a height of about three inches before mowing.Use native coastal plants and grasses as much as possible.
Pilots holes should not be too large, as incorrect readings are common when the glass bulb or digital sensor is not in direct contact with the soil. To avoid breaking a glass thermometer, use an ice pick or screw driver to dig a pilot hole.
Shrubs provide landscape interest in a yard by enhancing an entrance or giving the dwelling a focus point. Spirea likes full sun and grows to 7 feet with white, fragrant flowers. A grouping of shrubs at the front corner of a house ties it in, making the...
Two weeks before your last-frost date, your cool-season vegetables will be able to survive on their own. Be aware that the temperature in the cold frame will affect the health of heat-loving seedlings.
One note I would want to make is for those of you who suffer from a slow thyroid: Cabbage can act as a depressant for the thyroid when eaten often in its raw from. Digestive Health If you struggle with pain, irritation, constipation or ulcers, cabbage...
(However, in hindsight, I wish I had made it slightly wider and deeper, as I am still experiencing occasional flooding over and beyond its banks. Also, if your creek bed will be relatively small, make sure the stoneyard will sell smaller amounts of materials.
How to Design a Consignment Deal First, make sure both parties are clear about the deal. Offering some consignment might also make you a favorite vendor of any retailer who is game for this type of transaction.
But now that the season of planning has commenced, I can't wait to get my spreadsheets started. Here's what we have in mind so far. It's been a dream of mine to begin growing the herbs that play starring roles in my balms, lotions, tinctures and teas,...
Once we settled on “the right guy,” he worked with us to create a new design for the walk and steps. These are the steps leading from the driveway up to the walk. They use these hollow stakes with nail holes through them to carefully position the...
Everything was spread on the former lawn area with the help of a wheelbarrow and rake. Photo by Elyse Grau David Saul and Debbie Hebert relax in their front yard, which is now a source of pounds of food each year.
We quickly established that that I had built it too small. It may be time to start building a new trellis for next year! << More Shop Talk >> Tags build a trellis , gardening , Jim Ruen , trellis instructions
Unfortunately, the geyser delayed the geothermal installation for a full day, but the good news is that coiling the lines in water actually makes them more effective, according to the technicians.
Using a masonry bit, I drilled three holes in the bottom of the dish and filled it with good-quality potting soil . So this year, I decided to convert my grandmother's birdbath into a planter.
They also dig up and store the dahlias and gladioli that won't make it through the northern winter, keeping them in their cold storage to maintain the state of dormancy without freezing them.
Check in with your neighbors this month to see whether they're spraying, and when. A late spring or midsummer harvest is wonderful for capturing the taste of certain short-lived blooms, but remember that summer is when bees build up population and stores.
A bill in front of the U.S. Senate would make it easier to feed more hungry people, provide further incentive to conserve land and give a boost to your favorite nonprofits. Your Call Government-transparency website GovTrack thinks the America Gives More...
It is a deciduous tree, about 60 to 80 feet tall, with a thick, deeply furrowed, dark brown bark and crooked forking branches. It involves the relationship that developed between me and the black locust that grew in my mother's front yard.
Lay down protective paper. To save time cleaning brushes every day, I wrapped them up tightly in plastic bags. Poly tends to be very thin and extremely prone to running, so take your time and apply thin layers.
I used a willow basket when I went to gather eggs. I sometimes think that the white willow could be called nature's aspirin. We had an old set of encyclopedias at home, and I searched through them for more pictures of cave paintings and I learned that...