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Garden Design on Your Computer, Part 2: choosing the best software for you
At right is the fencing and landscaping that surrounds my pool.Do you plan to include a water feature, such as a pond, stream or waterfall at any time? One package requires you to be online to access their objects database even though the application...
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Garden Design on Your Computer, Part 1: A Mini-Review of the Available Software
Reviewer has completed grid from information available on vendor's web site.**This program is no longer sold or being upgraded by the original developer, Riverdeep. They state that they will add new models at the request of users and you can use your...
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Garden Design on Your Computer, Part 4: your first garden design with your new software
'What sizes do you have?' I replied. I explained that I was going to grow herbs in them. The bed isn't centered between the east and west existing beds because we wanted to be able to see the herb garden in the center from our sunroom windows.A retaining...
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Gardeners Prep Your Engines
Either 2 or 4 stroke or 2 or 4 cycle. They are marked in ounces and are easy to read. Make sure all safety equipment and guards are working properly. By taking a little time in the fall before storing it away for the winter you'll be ready to go in the...
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California\'s Prop 37: The Right to Know (About GMOs)
An article published by the American Institute of Biological Sciences titled “Navigating a Critical Juncture for Sustainable Weed Management” states: “This technology [genetically modified herbicide-resistant weeds] will allow these herbicides to...
FDA Approves Genetically Modified Salmon
The approval of the AquAdvantage salmon and the absence of labeling requirements have led a number of individuals and agencies to voice their concerns. The genetically engineered salmon will not be required to have the GMO label.
Fractals in Nature - An Introduction to Organized Chaos!
The beauty we enjoy in our gardens and indeed, in the entire natural world, seems so awe-inspiring at times that it brings us to speechlessness. You, too, might be able to iterate a fractal Bird of Paradise like the one at left.
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4 Easy Ways to Organize for Holiday Baking
Gather Recipes A first, often overlooked, step in getting organized for holiday cooking is to get all your recipes together in one place and assess ingredients. We have some staple holiday favorites in our household, like our Peppermint Biscotti cookies...
GE Deregulation Impacts Farms of All Sizes
Cutting into corporate profits gets their attention.” He recommends the Non-GMO Shopping Guide as a resource for consumers who want to send a message with their pocketbooks. Harris, Stockman and Kittredge all spoke at the event.
Intentional Flooding Overtakes Farmland
The watershed could bring in seeds—both weeds and crops —to farms from other areas that take root in a new area, he explains. Counties affected by the floodwaters could also see financial strain on other community resources, as money used for schools,...
Picasa - FREE Photo Editing and Management Software ~What is it and how do I get it?
So we'll save that for another article. No credit card information is required. The first thing to do is to let it do an. When it's done, click onThe files have been trasnferred now so all you have to do now is clickNow that it's installed, it's time...
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Seed Starting: Basic Tips for Success
Avoid chunky garden soil or compost alone as it is too coarse for the fine roots of new seedlings. There are seed starter mixes which have similar ingredients and are a speedy way to get going on your planting.
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Geothermal Systems Keep Turkeys Comfy
Propane burners in livestock barns produce humidity and carbon dioxide, which can smother the turkeys. Using geothermal energy also improves the turkeys' air quality. Propane fuel for temperature-control units can cost farmers tens of thousands of dollars...
3 Reasons Everyone Needs A Ratchet-And-Socket Set
You might need them for replacing spark plugs, which tends to be a rather common job with small engines. You might need them for replacing the teeth on a hay rake. One huge advantage that ratchets offer is the ability to turn a nut in only one direction.
Downloading Photos from the Camera - Uploading Your Photos to Dave\'s Garden
A little window should pop up asking you what you want to do. You can also choose a different folder, but for now, this is used to simplify things.You will see the machine copying the images to your harddrive.You will drain the batteries if you forget...
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That Darned Kerla!
Then Mom thought, “What's the use?” So she caught them both and put them in a pen. So before Mom could catch up and get a rope on Bon Bon, Kerla figured out what goes where and he bred her three times.
Whole Foods Requires GMO Labeling by 2018
Leading natural foods grocer responds to customer requests for more transparency in packaged-food ingredients by requiring the labeling of genetically engineered foods. It is also a response to their customers' desire for more transparency.
How Do I ... Build a Hay Feeder
About the Author Dennis Acevedo is a computer programmer in Lexington, Ky., and a regular behind-the-scenes contributor to HF. Download our simple plans and provide a sturdy place to feed your livestock.
7 Daily Tractor Maintenance Tasks
If your tractor cab is equipped with air conditioning, take a minute to check the condenser, and remove any debris built up around it, as well. This article originally appeared in the May/June 2012 issue of Hobby Farms.
Let It Tow: Choose the Correct Vehicle for Towing Your Loads
First, you need to consider the heaviest loads you will haul. One-ton trucks are typically built on the same chassis as a three-quarter-ton truck but with a heavier suspension and duallies (a second pair of tires on the back).
O Christmas Tree
They were first mass-produced in 1890. Nowadays artificial trees are made from PVC plastic; 80 percent of them sold worldwide are made in China. Historians think the first decorated Christmas tree graced the Riga, Latvia, Brotherhood of Blackheads hall...
Confining Cattle Ups Carbon Footprint
Greenhouse-gas emissions are lower for cows kept outdoors year-round rather than spending time in the barn, a study shows. Compared to high-confinement systems, keeping dairy cows outdoors year-round lowered levels of ammonia emission by about 30 percent.
Midwinter Bugs
They're spread by contact with ked-infested sheep and live their lives on host sheep, sucking blood. Keds mostly feed on sheep's necks, shoulders and belly areas. Lice are teensy but big enough to see with the naked eye.
The Chicks are Here!
Because Buckeye chicks are bigger than Mom's old breeds, the brooder we had wouldn't be roomy enough for our new additions. Baby chicks need a safe, dry, draft-free home kept at a constant temperature of 95 degrees F for their first week of life, then...
Green means go, but Green Stop! was a fun childhood game
But will he have some friends to play with? I agree, this is wonderful technology and I love it too. Many plants were subject of our games, like I mentioned in thisBut there was one game that was endless and for which I didn't need anything else than...
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Tornadoes and Storms: Offer Your Neighborly Support
I sincerely hope you find the comfort I know you so desperately need. We all know how expensive the first several years are. We put in the long, hard hours in hopes that one day we can live off the fruits of our labor, literally.
The weather is awful...
Drink the rest of the coffee (wait ... Vow to take the box to the ‘harmful chemicals' special drop off point. I wonder if there are good reruns of American Idol on? I wonder what happened to it.
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