The editors of Chickens magazine are always on the lookout for great chicken photos, and in a recent print issue they ran a contest they titled Shutterclucks. Rebekka Ford of Grand Marais, Minnesota 5.
These days I can't wait until I finally get my own three wheeled Ape. That's all history now. The owner of the Ape in the photo is a local small farmer. I realize I've already lied about trucks.
Although using a three-point hitch can be frustrating, farmers everywhere should be thankful for the advantages offered by this standardized feature. Designed and improved during the 1920s and 1930s by Harry Ferguson, the three-point hitch first rose...
“Clothing and shoes worn outside need to stay outside.” For the latest updates on the current listeriosis outbreak, visit the Center for Disease Control's Listeriosis Web page .
A proposal, recently submitted by […] Although the proposed extent of the facility is undoubtedly expansive, the initial phases of the construction would likely be considerably smaller.
From mayonnaise to paint, Carver developed over 100 uses for soybeans both edible and industrial.Long before Carver began his work the Chinese ground up soy beans, mixed them with water and achieved soy milk around the first century A.D. However, soy...
Roosenberg explains, “When we were over there, we knew that our great grandparents had used voice commands to control draft animals, but we were learning as we went. That's big; it can make the world a more peaceful place.” Though he had grown up...
Burbank's wish for a design using plants, wood. He was buried under a Cedar of Lebanon tree which he planted in front of his Santa Rosa cottage in 1893. I think that we should know some of the people who brought us the plants that we so enjoy today.
You can also purchase a PTO-powered generator that runs directly off the tractor. Recreation Throw a few bales on a flatbed trailer (hay wagons are great), and you have the makings of a hayride.
The high carbohydrate content of acorns supplies energy as animals prepare for the rigors of winter.Another cause of the spread of these diseases is the movement of firewood from one part of the country to another.
“Buyers should always ask for a copy of this permit.” Even if an all-black chicken isn't the next animal you'll be adding to your farm menagerie, learning about rare breeds, like the Ayam Cemani and the Swedish Black, can open to your eyes to a whole...
“The Higher Education Act began [in 1965] because we needed new teachers, and the government did this to incentivize teachers,” Ackoff explains. This one makes me kinda mad. For just about every other beginning farmer out there, the National Young...
It's wearing, especially in foul weather, be it torrential rain, swirling snow or steamy, Southern heat. Get a drive-through gate for your farm and make winter or any type of weather more bearable.
Show me!" I demanded.He led me to the front of the garden center. She finally said the words I knew were coming, "You love the plants more than you love me!" I assured her that was not correct, but deep down, I knew it might be true.About five months...