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How Do Plant Cells Grow?
These daughter cells are identical to the original cell, and each contains half of the final number of chomosomes, called chromatids. The other nutrients are less responsible for plant growth and more directly related to processes within plants such as...
Santa Monica
Are Geraniums Poisonous to Humans?
They are valued for their long-lasting blooms and variety of colors. In 2006, geraniums were voted the herb of the year. The lines, called veins, radiate from one central point on the leaf.
Santa Monica
How to Remove Seeds From Concord Grapes
The distinctive flavor of Concord grapes sets these apart from seedless varieties of grapes, and the time it takes to remove the seeds will be worth the effort. Repeat with the remaining grapes.Remove the seeds from the grapes for eating the whole fruit.
Santa Monica
How Do I Tell the Difference Between a Banana Plant & a Plantain Plant?
Bananas are soft, sweet, and great for baking, while plantains are more firm and have a very starchy flavor that makes them favorable to use in exotic recipes. While the colors of the leaves on both plantain and banana plants vary, you can sometimes tell...
Santa Monica
How Rooting Hormones Work on Plant Cuttings
Successful rooting involves encouraging cuttings to stop producing stem cells and start producing root cells. The new cells form calluses at the site of the cut, and the hormones hasten the appearance of root cells that will produce strong healthy roots.Cell...
Santa Monica
What Is a Plant Growth Regulator – Learn When To Use Plant Hormones
They are now used widely in agriculture. Gibberellins are responsible for elongating stems and the process of not required for plant growth, but it does affect the growth of shoots and roots and promotes flower death.
Are Elm Trees Hardwood?
However, describing the furniture may be slightly difficult unless you understand the qualities of lumbers such as hardwood and softwood and the divisions inside those classifications.Elm wood has historically been used for wheels, coffins and chairs.The...
Santa Monica
Where Do I Cut to Trim Hydrangeas?
After weeding out dead canes, determine if the bush needs reshaping. After weeding out dead canes, C.L. Fornari recommends shaping the bush with top-down pruning. Sit on the ground next to the hydrangea bush and cut the canes at the soil level with pruning...
Santa Monica
Introduction to the Furcraeas, the giant Agave Look-alikes
But Furcraeas are indeed a separate genus, differentiated biologically primarily by their distinct flower shape (bulbous versus filiform).I never cease to be amazed at the little things that can keep two very similar plants from being closely related.In...
El Segundo
6 Causes of Swollen Abdomen In Chickens
Poultry keepers who keep genetically improved breeds, bred for high egg production, might see these problems more frequently in their flocks, as production breeds—most of which are usually kept for 12 to 18 months in commercial settings—do not have...
Nankin Chickens
History: The Nankin is a naturally tiny chicken breed that originated in Southeast Asia, but it was imported to England prior to the 1500s. There are two Nankin varieties differentiated by comb type: one has a large, five-pointed comb and the other a...
How to Tell Vincas & Impatiens Apart
Vincas thrive in sun, while impatiens prefer shade. If you know what characteristics to look for, it should be easy to tell vincas and impatiens apart by making some simple observations.Look at the blossoms.
Santa Monica
What Is the Difference Between a Yucca and an Agave?
The Yucca plant derives from the genera subtype ''Yucca,'' featuring about 40 species, whereas the agave belongs to the genera subtype ''Agave,'' which features around 300 species.Many varieties of yuccas can be admired in desert regions.Both plants are...
Santa Monica
When Are Tangelos Ripe?
Ripe tangelos peel and separate into segments easily, so look for these clues as you prepare them.Both tangelos and the juice from this fruit freeze poorly. Tangelos keep well at room temperature for a couple of days but need to be stored in the refrigerator...
Santa Monica
Hardwood Information: Recognizing Hardwood Tree Characteristics
Hardwood tree characteristics apply to many of the tree species in this country. Softwood lumber is often used in building. Softwood discussion, read on.The term “hardwood tree” is a botanical grouping of trees with similar characteristics.
Holiday Cactus Varieties: What Are The Different Types Of Holiday Cactus
During active growth, the plants should be watered whenever the surface of the potting mix feels dry to the touch. Otherwise, the stem is likely to rot before it develops roots. All three are easy to grow and have similar growth habits and care requirements.Although...
What Is A Fir Clubmoss Plant?
When you find them in more protected environments, such as ditches and stream sides, they are more likely a similar species, such as. Anyone suffering from fir clubmoss poisoning needs immediate medical treatment.
Plantain Control – How To Eliminate The Weed Plantain From Your Lawn
Post-emergent herbicides are most effective against plantains in fall when the plants are moving carbohydrates to the roots for winter storage. Store any unused portions of the herbicide in the original container and out of the reach of children.
How to Identify Camomile
Cut the flower receptacle, the portion of the blossom that connects the bloom to the flower stalk, in half. If the receptacle has a solid interior, the camomile plant is English. English camomile flowers are approximately the same overall size as German...
Santa Monica
Tool Shopping: Check the Amps
The more torque, the less likely you are to stall out. << More Shop Talk >> Tags Jim Ruen , tool shopping , tools , torque For a guy who likes tools , I really hate shopping for them.
Scientists Target Deadly Swine Diseases
Testing is under way to discover if these viruses will make vaccine candidates. All pigs within close proximity of an infected animal must be destroyed to prevent spread of the disease.
Neem Oil And Ladybugs: Is Neem Oil Harmful To Ladybugs In Gardens
Midday, when butterflies, bees and ladybugs are very active, is not a good time to apply Neem oil. In the fine print, the label will usually also say nontoxic to plants and beneficial insects likeand other good bugs – also that Neem oil is safe to use...
Will the Real Christmas Cactus Please Stand Up
I have a Christmas cactus that a friend gave me in 2005. To see this baby in full bloom in December warms my heart. To be able to differentiate between these cacti, you must look at their leaves or stem segments called phylloclades.The Christmas cactus...
El Segundo
What Is Angular Leaf Spot: Treating Angular Leaf Spot On Plants
Future problems can be prevented by only using certified, disease-free seed, practicing a three-yearand making a habit out of cleaning up plant debris as it falls to the ground.Beds with poor drainage or that are over-watered favor angular leaf spot —...
They have scaly, leathery heads and legs and armored shells made of horn and bone, but armadillos have soft, vulnerable tummies. Feyza, the livestock guardian dog who protects us says they're yummy to eat but it upsets Mom (a lot!) when Feyza kills one.
The Structure of Algae
Other structures that algae may have vary greatly. Euglenophyta are also single-celled and can create energy by photosynthesis and absorb food. They also contain chloroplasts, which are structures that generate energy for the cell through photosynthesis.
Santa Monica
What Is Black Rot Of Cole Crops: Learn About Cole Vegetable Black Rot
It is moved into a plant's pores, spread by workers in the garden or equipment in the field. The veins of infected leaves, stems, and roots, blacken as the pathogen multiplies.This disease may be confused with Fusarium yellows.