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Garden Design on Your Computer, Part 1: A Mini-Review of the Available Software
It's difficult to make a judgment about the quality of the graphics with what is available on the web site.There is also some bargain software available. If you have a lot of planning to do and keep all of your gardens in your planning software as I do,...
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Garden Design on Your Computer, Part 4: your first garden design with your new software
The last thing I did here was raise the soil to about the height of the stone wall by putting in a 'plateau', which in 3DHA consists of a flat, raised area with sloping sides. The lot slopes down to the lake slowly and then rather dramatically for the...
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Fractals in Nature - An Introduction to Organized Chaos!
With today's computers, anyone can iterate the Mandelbrot Set into the familiar fractal image. In this article I will introduce you to the fascinating and wonderful world of fractal geometry as it relates to the natural realm .
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Picasa - FREE Photo Editing and Management Software ~What is it and how do I get it?
Along with the incredible people that come here, beautiful photos are one of the things that keep us coming back to Dave's Garden. You can't hurt anything.Your photo will remain just as it is until you click on SAVE.
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Downloading Photos from the Camera - Uploading Your Photos to Dave\'s Garden
My camera is a Sony DSC H1. Several times a week I'll be reading a thread here on Dave's and "hear" someone say, "I wish I knew how to get the pictures from my camera to my computer." Or, "As soon as my DH gets home, I'll have him put my photos on my...
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That Darned Kerla!
Then he shrieked and stampeded up the ramp to the top of his Port-a-Hut and stood and snorted. So, turnabout is fair play (I guess). Last week, Mom was working on her computer when she heard buck blubbering just outside the door.
How Do I ... Build a Hay Feeder
About the Author Dennis Acevedo is a computer programmer in Lexington, Ky., and a regular behind-the-scenes contributor to HF. Grab Dennis Acevedo's “How Do I … Build a Hay Feeder” plans for the details.
O Christmas Tree
Uzzi and I looked them up online. Or, pick a wild tree. In 1882, Thomas Edison's assistant, Edward Johnson, invented electric lights for Christmas trees. Historians think the first decorated Christmas tree graced the Riga, Latvia, Brotherhood of Blackheads...
MSU Urban-Agriculture Research Center
A proposal, recently submitted by […] While it will likely be some time before ground can even be broken on the proposed MSU center, the possibilities for the future of this research center provide exciting fodder for the imagination.
Midwinter Bugs
Will our sheep stop itching since they were wormed with Ivermectin? Also, our coats are longer and sometimes scruffier this time of year. Lice are teensy but big enough to see with the naked eye.
The Chicks are Here!
That's because chicks are really thirsty when they first arrive. Because Buckeye chicks are bigger than Mom's old breeds, the brooder we had wouldn't be roomy enough for our new additions.
Green means go, but Green Stop! was a fun childhood game
I agree, this is wonderful technology and I love it too. How inventive we were with those punishments and how much we all laughed! To avoid being caught, I tried to always keep a green leaf inside my pocket, or in my sock, if my dress didn't have apocket...
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Tornadoes and Storms: Offer Your Neighborly Support
But those stories, the terrible, terrible stories literally shook me to my core. So we should be the first ones to want to assist our fellow cultivator, even if it's just something as simple as a few words of encouragement or a few manual-labor hours...
The weather is awful...
Wonder what fertilizers you have in the garage.Going through all those bottles of fertilizers/insecticides etc. What did I just use this mug for???)Make a map of your garden and decide where to move/add/remove plants.I can just ESTIMATE the size of my...
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The Yule Log
Once you finish frosting the cake, the extra piece looks like a “bump” on a log. Within a few years the station refilmed “The Yule Log” as a six-minute loop on 35mm film. You might think the yule log a thing of the past for urban families not...
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Out of Chaos a Mystery Plant is Born
The noise from the storm is deafening and only intermittently do I hear the wail of emergency sirens above the roar. Once there, I find hardly any of the building's occupants assembled.
El Segundo
While doing so, she found this article that appeared in the June 1980 issue of Horse Illustrated. Carnival sounds filled the air. It would give me hope. I'd just finished reading Dr. Norman Vincent Peale's The Power of Positive Thinking .
Interviewing a Farm Manager
By assessing her farm needs, Michelle Dietzler of Dietzler Farms outlined the responsibilities and required skills of the farm manager she wanted to hire. Hiring a farm manager as a member of your hobby farm requires forethought, planning and care.
Mom also builds a memorial cairn over our graves when one of us animals dies . That's an intricate project! Cairns date back to prehistoric times when they were used to mark inland trails and sea routes when built on bluffs above the sea.
After the Blossoms are Gone: A Gardener\'s Melancholia
Do you actually mourn its passing? If so, you?re not alone. Over the years, many gardeners who live in areas with distinct seasons have written and spoken about their melancholic moods during the fall.In writing this article, I'm no longer an exception.I...
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Writer\'s Butt
She walked like that so much that she hurt something in her other knee too. Take time to play with the lambs. Humans are confusing some times! P.S. Mom put her computer chair in the back room and she's sitting on a squooshy, yellow thing called a Swiss...
Confining Cattle Ups Carbon Footprint
Tags barns , carbon emissions , carbon footprint , dairy cows Then they used their farm model, supported by the field data, to evaluate the environmental dynamics of four different dairy farms in all types of weather over a 25-year period.
Connecticut Puts e-Waste Law to Action
In Kansas, the Johnson County Environmental Department is hoping to set a Guinness World Record for electronics recycling this weekend. Computers and other electronic devices have become a necessary part of every day life in the United States.
Wreaths Taste Gooood!
And tell Juniper her noisy son, Edmund, is doing fine too (wow, can that boy scream!). General Kerla is another Klingon warrior but he isn't as important as General Martok. There are half a dozen lovely Boer ladies here (and Big Mama!) but my mean old...
How to Get Tree Sap Off a Windshield
If you happen to get tree sap on your windshield, don't worry. Although trees can provide shade and beauty, some varieties also drop sap onto your car, leaving you with a sticky mess.
Santa Monica
The Business of Green
Buy office equipment with the best energy ratings. Encourage your office to purchase eco-friendly supplies or supplies made from made from recycled materials. Also set up a recycle bin for your co-workers to toss old papers into.
Gloxinia Is No Longer Called Gloxinia
I could see the leaves were different, but the flowers seemed so much alike, though they had different colors. What is the New World names? If it weren't for the computer and the internet, I don't know how I would have managed it, but going online has...
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