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Plant Disease Transmission To Humans: Can Virus And Plant Bacteria Infect A Human
Even if you eat fruits from yourinfected melons, you won't contract the virus responsible for this disease (: eating fruits from virus-infected plants isn't recommended — they're not usually very tasty but won't hurt you.).You should always cull virus-infected...
Help Your Flock and Poultrify Your Home Decor With These 8 Chicken-Themed Items
Fluffy Layers 2. Prices vary at Carefree Enzymes 7. $24.95 at Sierra Sage This story originally appeared in the Januray/February 2018 issue of Chickens magazine. Coop Protection All-natural, nontoxic, biodegradable Healthy Pen protects coops, stalls and...
Farm Discoveries: Musings On An Old Cattle Water Dispenser
But finding this water dispenser has sparked my curiosity to do some research and find out when it might have been made. But on this trip to the rock pile, one object caught my attention.
5 Tips for Summer Watering
Alternatively, most nurseries sell water-absorbing polymer crystals under one or more brand names, such as Terra-Sorb, Hidrogel, Soil Moist, Aquasorb or Zeba. If it's dry, then give the soil a nice long, deep soak so that the water reaches the root zone.
I\'ve Been Expecting You
I'll share their story in my next article. I digress.I found an old sweetpea obelisk and decided this would be perfect for my newly acquired plants. Did you know that Georgia Vines participates in the Dave's Garden PlantScout program, and that many other...
El Segundo
13 Tractor Terms to Help You Buy with Confidence
As a hobby farmer, buying a tractor might be your first major purchase outside of the land itself, and you want the experience to be a positive one. Before heading to the tractor dealership make a list what these qualities are.
Basic Photography in the Garden & the Wild
Shutter speed is measured in seconds of exposure time. For this, you will need a soft, static-free cloth & a cleaning fluid, usually alcohol-based. In other words, the human eye is no more able to look into the sun than it is able to focus on near & distant...
El Segundo
Chicken Gets Free Ride On A Roomba, Thoroughly Enjoys It
Share your story in the comments below. She (yes, James is a hen—she was named by children after a character from Thomas the Tank Engine ) hops on a Roomba and can't get enough of the automatic vacuum's free ride.
All-Terrain Farming
While there are many excellent ATVs on the market, I quickly narrowed my choices to the Yamaha Grizzly and the Honda Foreman. What I did want was something that could maneuver well among dense woods and easily pull, push and lift up to several hundred...
8 Things To Consider When Buying A Tractor
Of course, this also means that tractors are complex machines with a lot of parts. This type of transmission makes it easy to maintain a constant speed; the operator simply puts it in the appropriate gear and lets it go.
German Farm Sells Eggs Via A Vending Machine
Huehnerhof der Motte , an urban farm in Hamburg, Germany, has been around for 30 years and was looking for a new way to sell its farm-fresh eggs. The Automaten Eier liegen (automatic egg machine) is located streetside and is accessible 24/7.
What Is Tobacco Streak Virus: Learn About Tobacco Streak Damage On Raspberry Plants
Tobacco streak virus goes by many different names, depending on the plant infected.Tobacco streak virus is responsible for the symptoms of the disease commonly called raspberry streak.
Get Eggs From Your Chickens All Year Round
Conversely, shortening daylight in autumn signals her to slow down on egg production, molt, replace feathers and renew nutritional stores. New chicks can be started each spring so that they begin laying in fall when last year's birds start their first...
Citronella Plant Uses
Rubbing citronella oil or crushed leaves on the hair or on the fur of a pet can help reduce the chance of lice coming from an infested person or animal.Citronella can also be used in automatic anti-barking collars to discourage noisy dogs, according to...
Santa Monica
Drive-Through Farm Gates
GTO/PRO manufactures a wide range of commercial and residential gate openers in both swing- and sliding-gate styles, most of which are solar-compatible. A plus: A gate with warning lights alerts anyone near the gate of impending movement.
Herb Growing In Greenhouses: How To Grow Greenhouse Herbs
Greenhouse herb gardening can protect tender annuals from extreme summer heat, while extending the season and allowing your plants to grow earlier and later in the season. If you are building a new greenhouse, don't create a roof made entirely of glass...
Fluorescent Vs. Natural Light
Sunlight dissipates at the end of the day, sending plants into important night cycles. Blue light encourages vegetative growth, while red light encourages flowering. Many plants can be grown indoors using fluorescent lighting systems.
Santa Monica
Chicken Feeders and Waterers: A  Buyer\'s Guide
I'll throw my whole waterer into a big tub, and then I'll put a couple of tablets in there and just let it sit for a while, then scrub with a brush,” Stromberg says. Waterers range from less than $10 to around $100.
13 Tractor Terms Every Hobby Farmer Needs To Know
These pieces of equipment have an arm or other mechanism that attaches to the PTO. Here's your lesson in the lingo of tractor terms. Joystick If you're purchasing a front-end loader to use with your tractor, you can opt to control it with traditional...
What Is A Glassy Winged Sharpshooter: Learn About Sharpshooter Damage And Control
However, the substance must come in contact with the pests in order to be effective. Thorough coverage of foliage is necessary and repeat application is required every seven to 10 days.
Pioneer 500: Fun, Compact and Ready for Your Farm\'s Heavy Lifting
Get more farm-equipment buying tips from UTV Buyer's Guide Tractor Buyer's Guide Rough Cut Mowers 13 Tractor Terms to Help You Buy with Confidence Tags atv , farm chores , farm equipment , farm machine , UTV
6 Tools for the Perfect Greenhouse Temperature
These are also valuable to growers using hoop houses, cold frames or just starting seeds in the basement. These also work well for cold frames. To make a garden is to create an artificial environment: Some garden plants need extra water or more protection...
That Tractor You Own—Well, It Might Not Be Yours
So if you want to somehow make a modification that involves how the software functions, you're no longer just tinkering with your tractor—you're now screwing with copyrighted materials.
What\'s that Bug? The Camouflaged Looper: Synchlora aerata
The easiest way to spot one is to look for little pieces of flower petals that move. The caterpillar of the Wavy Lined Emerald creates its own disguise by utilizing bits of flowers and leaves from the plants it feeds on.
El Segundo
Students Localize Carbon Offsets
“In the spring of 2009, we created this carbon registry to support green projects on campus [and] to offset the carbon emissions of those who participated,” says Julie Fry, one of only two freshman enrolled in the class at the time.
A Look in the Rearview Mirror ...
A sign off to the side of the road announced the Vintage Harvest. Bigger isn't always better. While topping a hill in western Washington state this summer, I saw before me a wheat field with harvest equipment circa 1930 and 1940.
Poultry Science: Build a Better Chicken Coop
By moving the coop and hence allowing birds to spend their days in different outdoor spaces on your property, you can reduce grass from being denuded and also help fertigate available land in a more even method.