This insect is the most common pest of the cultivated dogwood.Adult borers are day-flying moths that lay their eggs wounds or fissures in the tree bark. The small size works well in home gardens and backyards, but improper culture can cause sick dogwood...
Several dogwood species are marketed as red twig dogwoods, all growing 3 to 8 feet tall, depending on cultivar. Austrian black pines (Pinus nigra) also thrive in moist, well-drained soil, as does the dawn redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides).
White dogwoods seem to be less susceptible to the infection than their pink counterparts; there are also new cultivars of the Appalachian dogwood series that are bred to be anthracnose resistant.
Can dogwood trees be transplanted? Provided your soil is workable, this could be in the middle of winter, but northern gardeners will have to wait until early spring. Transplanting dogwoods earlier can damage the plant's health because the sap is actively...
Several species of birds eat the berries, including Eastern bluebirds, Northern cardinals, Northern flickers and downy woodpeckers. Thefreestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Although you can grow it as a tree,...
Many people use them as aby attaching small twinkle lights to the underside of the canopy, creating a magical look for evening relaxation.There are a number of Kousa dogwood varieties, and the only basic difference is how each tree looks.“Gold Star”...
They are native to east and Southeast Asia but can be grown in warm climates all over the world. It's important to bear in mind, however, that they will not flower for 8 to 10 years if they are grown from seed.
One of these pests is the dogwood borer. But, if you discover a dogwood borer infestation earlier or later than this and you would like to treat it immediately, you can. It is best to simply keep the base of your dogwood tree well mulched.
The cuttings should be three to five inches long. Find out how to grow dogwood cuttings in this article.Knowing when to take cuttings of dogwood stems can mean the difference between successful propagation and failure.
The seeds fall to the ground and go about dogwood seed germination on their own.Your first step toward dogwood seed propagation is to collect seeds from native trees. In the South, collect seeds in early autumn, but make it November in the northernmost...
Scale infestations are more damaging some years than others and seem to come in cycles. They also secrete honeydew, which can be recognized easily by a dogwood dripping a great way to control aphids on trees, or you can use a– Some people may...
If the disease is a common problem in your area, it is best to choose a cultivar with powdery mildew resistance.Leaf spot disease also occurs on twigs and buds. Prune out affected stems and leaves and destroy the plant material.Crown canker is a serious...
They are impressive trees to have around, but not every gardener has the space or the means to take care of a large tree. The plants need cold temperatures in order to go dormant during the winter.
Mature height generally ranges from 6 to 12 feet. No fertilizer is required.if you want to limit growth, or allow the shrubs to grow unrestrained if you want to form a naturalized screen or thicket.
But even plants with good site conditions, annual fertilizer and adequate water may still encounter dogwood tree problems that destroy their health and vigor.Dogwood anthracnose is one of the most common fungal diseases to attack this plant.
This is because when they mass on a stem, they seem like hard-bodied scabs which can be easily flicked off with a fingernail. These invasive creatures may be difficult to detect until widespread damage is done because they hide away from investigative...
Both are canker diseases. For more information on crown canker on dogwood trees, read on.suffer from a variety of diseases and conditions, most of which result in only cosmetic damage.
Be sure to water the tree thoroughly after planting and on a regular basis until the tree establishes itself.Most dogwoods require supplemental water during summer and fall, especially during hot, dry spells.
This is due to its tiered branch structure and elegantly variegated white and green leaves. Take care to provide enough space above and on the sides for the adult height and spread of this majestic tree.After planting, it is a good idea to stake the young...
Therefore, the best time to prune a dogwood tree is in late fall and winter while the tree is dormant.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Dogwood trees have a naturally attractive shape and don't require...
They are shrub-like trees that can grow up to 15-25 feet in height if left unpruned. The plant can live and be fruitful for up to 100 years., and bloom for an extended period of time, carpeting the tree in a yellow haze of tiny blossoms.
If it does not get this much water a week from rainfall, supplement with a deep watering from the hose that extends to the edges of the canopy of the tree.The point of having a flowering dogwood tree in your yard is to see the dogwood tree flower in the...
The plants are part of a classic landscaping scheme of naturaland shade to partial shade understory plants. But do you know when to feed dogwood trees, or how to fertilize dogwoods?
These are understory trees that usually flourish on the edges of hardwood forests and in the deep south, can benefit from a bit of afternoon shade. However, be aware that the best fall color will develop when the tree receives more sunlight.
Also known as creeping dogwood vine, pretty yellow flowers appear first followed by clusters of red berries that ripen midsummer. If the soil temperature is above 65 degrees F., they can wither and die.
They will grow in full sun to reasonable shade, but variegated versions may not develop the best colours if grown in too much shade, nor will winter twigs be as bright. Newer, even hardier gold-leaved selections are ‘Morden Amber' with dark red twigs...
Red twig dogwoods are incredibly easy to grow and thrive in almost any soil (including heavy clay) as long as they are planted in a consistently moist but well-drained area in full sun or light shade.