He has been a great bull for us but we need a new one that isn't related to all of our heifers. He has a classic look with his curved horns. Dual registered Red Devon and Milking Devon bull, Taylors Sampson of Devon Point out of Taylors Stonewall Jackson.
Call Dwayne to talk Devons and grass cattle 205-365-1023 Red Devon bull calves born May, June and July. Commercial Red Devon Cows bred to a registered Rotokawa bull.
6yr old cow with 2015 heifer calf. Yearling heifer from same cow also for sale. 3 registered American Milking Devon Cattle. Nice genetics, healthy grass fed cows. Yearling and cow lead, tie and handle extremely well.
Red Devon has won numerous awards, both in the Netherlands and England. Red Devon Daffodil is a showy yellow daffodil with a ruffled orange cup. Great as a cut flower and for naturalizing.
Mixture of cows and calves, bred heifers, 9 yearling bulls and 2 year olds. I have a herd of both registered American Milking Devons and Red Devons. 2 sires of both of our lines.
18th month Devon Bull - Quality Confirmation - Deep Brisket/Full Rump/Broad Back - Bred for low birth weight, followed by vigorous growth - Great young bull for developing quality Devon herd or enhancing an Angus production - $2,500
6 exposed cows, 2 15/16 year and a half old open Devon heifers, 2 five month old 15/16 Devon heifers, two 24 month old steers, One 5 month old 15/16 Devon bull and One 3 year old Devon bull.
Their lineage goes all the way back to the original oxen brought from Devonshire England in the 1800s. These are the only American Milking Devons on the West coast. Three cows and two, two month old heifer calfs and one on the way.
Four with calves at side, the rest have just had calves weaned. Grass Cattle for sale- 20+ Devon Crossed with Black Angus, Red Angus and Old Style Hereford bred cows. Bull also available.
Starting at $1500 per pair. 15 high percentage Red Devon cow calf pairs, mostly 3/4 cows with 7/8 calves. Other purebred and high percentage cows and heifers available.
Buyers have the option of having their bull registered through Red Devon USA at the time of purchase. Prices range from $2200 to $3000. All are polled, quiet, and easy to manage. Located in SW Wisconsin.
Load and travel easily. Raised at 500' elevation. Extremely docile, familiar with open range, herd dogs, human and horse herding. Devon Bulls for SALE Registered Rotokawa Devon genetics, range raised, 100% grass fed.
9 bred Red DevonX cows, all 1/2 - 3/4 Devon off Rotokawa lines, 982, 688, and 243, ages 3-7- to calve in May -early june Also have about the same number and class of fall calvers available as well, to calve late Aug.
2 two year old Devon steers. 2 year and a half heifers 15/16 Devon. 6 exposed Devon cows. 2 five month old heifers 15/16 Devon and one 5 month old 15/16 Devon steer. We have 1 pure blood 3 year old Red Devon bull.
Have been exposed to bull. 100% grass fed. May or may not be bred. Pasture fed durring growing season and hay fed in winter. 5 devon first to second calf hiefer. $10,000 for all five.
They are $2500 each of both cow/calf pairs for $4500. Possibly they are bred back to the same Wagyu bull. Timber Creek Ruby and Timber Creek Crony are two 3 yr old registered polled Red Devons.
Currently breeding stock in a conception to finish 100% grass-fed beef program. All cows have been exposed to a Hereford bull. 7 cows 4-7 year olds. $2150/pair, $1850/bred cow. 2 2nd calf cows, 1 has calf at side (born July), 1 due soon.
Perfect for crossing with your Herefords and Angus cows. Calves born May-July 2015 Sire is a registered Red Devon bull double bred to the Rotokawa 688 bull. Cows are unregistered Red Devons.
Great disposition, easy handling, proven bull. Responds to a whistle and is not stubborn. Very gentle with people and other animals. All calves were born healthy and small (50-60lbs) and will wean at over half their mothers weight.
She's 7 years old, produced 5 gallons of very rich milk a day after her last calf. VERY smart cow. Rebecca: Dual registered AMERICAN MILKING DEVON/Red Devon. Comes to her name when called.
Registered Red Devon Bulls for Sale - Bull pictured is Sire of many of our Bulls for Sale; dam of some Bulls shown - 3 Graduates of the all-forage Lakota Bull Test - two year olds(only top 50% make the cut) - Several 10-12 month old bulls - Docile and...