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Red Begonia Flowers

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Bada Bing Mix Begonia Seeds
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 100-seeds

14-16 weeks to bloom from seed. Do not cover seed. Use sterilized soil. Cover flat with a piece of plastic. (Pelleted Seed) 2,000,000 seeds/oz.; 14-21 days, 75-80°F. (8-10”) Bada Bing Mix green leaf foliage type begonia is an early blooming mix in...
  • weight: .0625 lbs
East Hartford
Double Yellow Begonia
Prices start at : 19.98 USD / Bag of 3

Tuberous begonias are hardy in zones 8-10 and considered annuals in zones 3-7. Tuberous begonias add lavish color in shady spots under trees, in gardens and in containers. Great in containers and shaded beds, use this begonia to create an inviting outdoor...
  •  Full Shade
  •  Half Sun / Half Shade
  • Flower Color: Yellow
  • Planting Depth: Plant 2" deep.
  • Flower Size: Up to 5" flowers
  • Days to Bloom: Blooms in 84-98 days. (12-14 weeks)
Double Orange Begonia
Prices start at : 19.98 USD / Bag of 3

Tuberous begonias are hardy in zones 8-10 and considered annuals in zones 3-7. Tuberous begonias add lavish color in shady spots under trees, in gardens and in containers. Growing 10-12” tall, Double Orange is the perfect choice for small-space gardens...
  • Days to Bloom: Blooms in 84-98 days. (12-14 weeks)
  • Zones: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
  • Foliage Color: Green
  • Flower Size: Up to 5" flowers
  • Half Sun / Half Shade: Yes
  • Plant Type / Life Cycle: Annual
Nonstop Mix Begonia Seeds
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 100-seeds

(8”) Nonstop Mix is a tuberous rooted type begonia featuring early, double or semi-double blooms on a compact plant. 14-16 weeks to bloom from seed. (Pelleted Seed) 2,000,000 seeds/oz.; 14-21 days, 75-80°F.
  • weight: .0625 lbs
East Hartford
Red and White Crispa Marginata Begonia
Prices start at : 19.98 USD / Bag of 3

Very showy and ideal for containers, let these blooms illuminate your garden or favorite shady sitting area come summer. 'Crispa Marginata' is a unique begonia that produces full white blooms edged in crimson red.
  • Bloom Time: Summer
  • Planting Depth: Plant 2" deep.
  • Light Requirements: Half Sun / Half Shade, Full Shade
  • Foliage Color: Green
  • Zones: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
  • Flower Color: White
Double Bouton De Rose Begonia
Prices start at : 19.98 USD / Bag of 3

These beauties produce huge, colorful blooms that can an easily grow up to 5". Tuberous begonias are hardy in zones 8-10 and considered annuals in zones 3-7. Hanging begonias add a flawless look to containers and hanging baskets.
  •  Half Sun / Half Shade
  •  Containers
  • Soil Type: Clay Soil, Sandy Soil, Loamy Soil
  • Foliage Color: Green
  • Days to Bloom: Blooms in 84-98 days. (12-14 weeks)
  • Planting Depth: Plant 2" deep.
Double Scarlet Begonia
Prices start at : 19.98 USD / Bag of 3

Scarlet tuberous begonias provide upright color and are grown for their showy doubled petaled flowers. Scarlet begonias red tone is beautiful and will provide stunning color in the shadiest locations.
  •  Neonicotinoid-Free
  •  Full Shade

10-12" tall

    • Foliage Color: Green
    • Poisonous or Toxic to Animals: All parts of plant are poisonous if ingested. Contact with parts of the flower can cause dermatitis. Toxic to dogs, cats and horses.
    • Mature Plant Size: 10-12" tall
    • Mature Height: 10-12" tall
    Double Pink Begonia
    Prices start at : 19.98 USD / Bag of 3

    The double pink tuberous begonia literally glows with warm tones and luscious texture. It's warms colors creates a display stunning against it's rich green foliage. Double Pink begonias produce large, deep, warm pink blossoms that resemble camellia flowers.
    • Advantages: Attract Hummingbirds, Containers
    • Bulb Spacing: 3 bulbs per sq. ft.
    • Poisonous or Toxic to Animals: All parts of plant are poisonous if ingested. Contact with parts of the flower can cause dermatitis. Toxic to dogs, cats and horses.
    • Attract Hummingbirds: Yes
    • Zones: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
    • Soil Type: Clay Soil, Sandy Soil, Loamy Soil
    Double White Begonia
    Prices start at : 19.98 USD / Bag of 3

    Tuberous begonias are hardy in zones 8-10 and considered annuals in zones 3-7. Tuberous begonias add lavish color in shady spots under trees, in gardens and in containers. A perfect plant to light up your shade garden and brighten your summer bouquets.

    10-12" tall

      • Bloom Time: Summer
      • Mature Height: 10-12" tall
      • Additional Information: Perennial in zones 8-10. Annual in zones 3-7.
      • Flower Size: Up to 5" flowers
      • Soil Type: Clay Soil, Sandy Soil, Loamy Soil
      • Mature Plant Size: 10-12" tall
      Yellow-Red Picotee Begonia
      Prices start at : 19.98 USD / Bag of 3

      Tuberous begonias are hardy in zones 8-10 and considered annuals in zones 3-7. Tuberous begonias add lavish color in shady spots under trees, in gardens and in containers. Plant this one where you can enjoy the flowers up close.
      • Advantages: Attract Hummingbirds, Containers
      • Flower Color: Yellow
      • Neonicotinoid-Free: Yes
      • Plant Type / Life Cycle: Annual
      • Soil Moisture: Average, Well Draining
      • Mature Plant Size: 4-9" tall
      Picotee Begonia Mix
      Prices start at : 19.98 USD / Bag of 3

      This mixture is perfect for planting in a container and will produce bright, double blooms in mid to late summer. Picotee Begonia Mix delivers a stunning collection of 3 different two-toned begonias with colorful, scalloped edging.
      •  Containers
      •  Half Sun / Half Shade
      •  Neonicotinoid-Free
      • Botanical Name: Begonia Picotee Mix
      • Soil Type: Clay Soil, Sandy Soil, Loamy Soil
      • Flower Size: Up to 5" flowers
      Cascading Begonia Mix
      Prices start at : 19.98 USD / Bag of 3

      Perfect for shadier spots that need a lively burst of cheer and charm, begonias' scalloped petals play perfectly off their lush and lasting foliage. The Cascading Begonia Mix produces blooms of peach, pink, yellow, red and white that tumble down the sides...
      • Bloom Time: Summer
      • Mature Height: 10-12" - Cascading
      • Planting Time: Spring / Summer
      • Bulb Size: 7 cm
      • Flower Color: Mixed
      • Poisonous or Toxic to Animals: All parts of plant are poisonous if ingested. Contact with parts of the flower can cause dermatitis. Toxic to dogs, cats and horses.
      Red Cascading Begonia
      Prices start at : 19.98 USD / Bag of 3

      Flowers shoot skywards and spill over container sides, creating a fully-rounded shape. Red Cascading Begonia is a compact plant that forms small, crimson-colored blooms in spades. Tuberous begonias are hardy in zones 8-10 and considered annuals in zones...
      • Foliage: Glossy green foliage with serrated edges.
      • Days to Bloom: Blooms in 84-98 days. (12-14 weeks)
      • Attract Hummingbirds: Yes
      • Soil Moisture: Average, Well Draining
      • Plant Type / Life Cycle: Annual
      • Flower Size: Up to 5" flowers
      Begonia, Dragon Wingtm Red Hybrid
      Prices start at : 5.99 USD / 12 Plants

      Flowers are 1 1/2", clusters are 5-6" across. Start seeds indoors, blooms 3 months from seeding. Begonias are one of the few plants that bloom under almost any light conditions, but they do best in light shade.
      • Sow Method: Indoor Sow
      • Spread: 10-18 inches
      • Flower color: Red
      • Bloom Duration: 16 weeks
      • Flowering: Yes
      Tuberous Begonia Care – How To Grow Tuberous Begonias
      Store the tray in a dark room where the temperature is about 65 degrees F. The gold, purple, green or burgundy leaves are nearly as attractive as the flowers.Tuberous begonias are frost-tender.
      Do I Need To Prune A Begonia – Learn How To Prune Begonias
      Native to the Caribbean Islands and other tropical locations,are hardy in areas with frost free winters. In cool climates, begonias are pruned in fall, mainly so that they can easily be fit in an indoor location to safely overwinter.
      Growing Begonias From Corms
      As many people grow them as annuals, some may not be as familiar with begonia corms; therefore, it may be helpful to share some tips for growing begonia plants from corms.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
      How To Care For Begonias As Houseplants
      It is extremely rare to have a begonia develop a pest problem. Some varieties of begonia houseplants are grown for their flowers while others are grown for their striking foliage. Begonias are a popular houseplant.
      Classifying Begonias – Using Begonia Leaves To Help Identify The Begonia Class
      The leaves can be bright red, green, pink, silver, gray and purple in vibrant combinations and patterns. The leaves are often dark green but may have colored spots. The pinched leaves (with a little stem) can go on a bed ofor other growing medium and...
      Tip On Propagating Begonias From Cuttings
      Cut just below a node. There are two basic ways to propagate begonias through begonia cuttings: stem and leaf. Use mature stems for cutting, but not so old they've become fibrous or woody.
      Gryphon Begonia Care: Tips On Growing Gryphon Begonias
      Gryphon begonia is prized mainly as a foliage plant because it seldom blooms – the appearance of bright pink flowers may only happen when grown under a day length of eleven hours or less.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
      Wintering Begonias – Overwintering A Begonia In Cold Climates
      Pot-grown begonia plants can be stored in their containers as long as they remain dry. Begonias can be dug up in fall once foliage has faded or just after the first light frost. Increase humidity levels but cut down on watering over winter.
      Angel Wing Begonia Care: How To Grow An Angel Wing Begonia Houseplant
      When growing angel wing begonias for the attractive foliage, flowers may not be desirable. Speckled or streaked foliage appears on glossy green leaves with red tints or backing.An angel wing begonia houseplant blooms in pendulous clusters of flowers if...
      Care Of Begonias: Growing Tips And Annual Begonia Care
      Divide in spring for more outdoor begonia plants.Now that you've learned how to grow begonias each year, you can take advantage of this perky plant in the summer landscape. Annual begonia care is relatively simple when one properly learns how to grow...
      Red Riding Hood Penstemon, Beardtongue
      Prices start at : 7.99 USD

      A clump forming perennial, Red Riding Hood prefers well-draining dry to average moist soils and a sunny location whether in the garden or containers. Images courtesy of North Creek Nurseries.
      • Deer Resistance: Not Normally Bothered
      • USDA Cold Hardiness Zones: 5,6,7,8,9
      • Soil & Moisture: Average to dry soils with good to excellent drainage. Do not over water.
      • Native To / Origin: US native hybrid - Lubbe, 2007
      • Grows To: 18-24"H x 12-18"W
      Cracklin\' Rosie Angel Wing Begonia
      Prices start at : 9.99 USD

      Newly emerging leaves are a deep red with the same flecking. An excellent choice for a medium sized container on a shaded patio or porch. Cracklin' is right the large Angel-Wing shaped leaves of this medium-sized cane-begonia are dark glossy and flecked...
      • Native To / Origin: Gardens - Walter Dworkin - 1990
      • Container Size: 3.5 inch / 16 fl.oz. / 473 ml
      • Soil & Moisture: Well-drained. Never keep soggy or overly wet.
      • USDA Cold Hardiness Zones: 10,11
      • Deer Resistance: Rarely Bothered
      C.M. Hovey Camellia, Colonel Firey Camellia
      Prices start at : 14.99 USD

      Camellias prefer an acidic, humus rich soil with an organic mulch and average moisture. This Camellia has somewhat of an upright habit and develops into a medium to large evergreen shrub or small tree.
      • USDA Cold Hardiness Zones: 7,8,9
      • pH Range: Acidic, Mildly Acidic
      • Container Size: 4.5 inch R / 20 fl.oz. / 591 ml
      • Fertilizing: Use a balanced, slow release, nonburning fertilizer for acid loving plants.
      • Native To / Origin: US Gardens - C.M. Hovey, Boston, Massachusetts - 1853
      • Indoor Light: Early or late direct sunlight, Cool sunlight, High