**Group 5 of 6** Registered Red Angus Females For Sale Ozark Hills Genetics Located in West Plains, Missouri: 2-11 Year Old Fall Calving Black Hided Red Angus Cows Category 2 Registered Red Angus Black/Red Carriers 50/50 Chance of calves being red or...
He is a conquest son out of a king rob cow he would be a great bull for heifers great epds he has had a bse current on all vaccines. Asking $4000.00 delivery available call 615-330-2093
Bulls are priced from $2500-$3500. A list of the bulls and their EPDs can be found on our website. We have 14 registered Red Angus bulls for sale private treaty. Bulls will be semen tested and delivered within 300 mile radius of New Salem, ND.
His sir is Trensetter, his mother is a pure breed red Angus from Montana. He is currently not registered. We are looking to sell our 1 year old red Angus bull.
All Vaccines current. 75 day calving period. Vet checked on 10/16. Start calving 1 March 2016. Call for information. Very nice looking set of Heifers. 12 Head of Red Angus Bred Heifers Weigh 900 - 1000 lbs., bred to low-birth weight Red or Black Angus...
14 month low birth weight bull out of Mushrush Impact out of Mushrush genetics cow. This bull will be perfect for a heifer bull, he weighed 65 lbs at birth.
Weight: 1200 lbs Frame: Large Condition: Fleshy Vaccinations: blackleg Horns: Polled Bred to: Black Angus. Can be preg checked at time of sale Time with Bulls: Year round Calving period: May to June 5 calves Pasture/Feed: grass and mineral Delivery Date:...
His sire has great numbers for birth weight and calving ease making him a great candidate for your future first time heifers. He's just over 3 months old and weighs in at about 350 pounds! He has the same great disposition as mama and great genes.
18 month old heifers due in March & April 2016 weighing 1000 lbs now. Synchronized and ultra sounded. Check out our website: crosshairsimmentals.com AI sires used Conquest and Exclusive.
Fed on pear millet, crabgrass, perennial peanut hay. By May 1, heifers will be 14 months old; weight approximately 900 lbs. Full blood Red Angus Heifers, vaccinated and wormed.
Bangs vacc and all shots. Est calving starting March 5th. 10 or so head baldy or have some white on their heads. 135 Commercial Bred Red Angus Heifers Red Angus Bull bred June 1st for 45 days.
All calves are out of red angus bulls. They are open and will weigh 450# Asking $875.00 per head 13 Black/Black White Face Heifer Calves, 9-head are out black angus cows and 4-out of red angus cows.
These bulls have proven genetics and are developed to last with strong work ethics! Several heifer bulls available. We develop our bulls on grass, they have never been in a feedlot and have never been given any grain
All our Cattle were purchased as Heifer's. 15 Beautiful Red Angus cross. We take pride in our beef and these heifers have been cared for daily. Will have Vet out to Preg check very confident that they will all be bred and due to calve out February/March...
Can deliver for a fee. All have been vet checked, aged, palpated, safeguard wormed and updated on all vaccinations. 47 head of Black Angus, Brangus and Red Angus Cows. All are 3 year old to 4 year olds and very good quality, gentle and a very young herd...
All proven Bulls as well!! U won't find a more fancy, true set of certified Red Angus Heifers around. 93 head calf in the first 20 days starting March 14. Bred back to Beastrom Red Angus Balancer Heifer Bulls.
He would make an excellent FFA show steer Gentle and started on halter his mother was Tulsa st fair reserve champion and Ok city fair reserve champion . Flashy 5 month old registered red angus steer.
Yearling bulls are priced starting at $2,500. All weight information is available for each bull as growth rates, structure, and soundness are critical factors when selecting a quality bull.
For Sale: 87 Red Angus Fall Bred Heifers, start calving Aug 25,2018. Please call for Pricing. Bred to Red angus bulls proven calving ease sons of Beckton Nebula, Redemption, Basin Hobo.