Nebraska, AAR TEN X and TC Total 410 breeding. Guaranteed sound. Good EPDs. Calving Ease and Mature Cow bulls with growth. Starting at $2,500. Part of 30 years of selective breeding.
These heifers are all home raised from one of the most progressive commercials herds in the South. Same price as these others. With bulls now. Also for sale three heifers, one has twins, one has baby calf and other to calve within the next week.
His first calves started dropping about three months ago. Bull is gentle and is hand fed regularly. Three year old black angus bull. All were solid black.
These heifers are $2400 each but if all are taken we would make a better pkg deal. These 135 heifers are with bulls now, will calve as two year-olds. They will be pregnancy checked in June if they are not sold before then.
Wormed and Vaccinated Freeze Branded with numbers. Located in Beulah, MS. 23 Replacement Heifers Angus/BWF - $1250/head Medium/Large Frame, Moderate Fleshy, Feed Minerals, Protein Block, Rye Grass and Hay.
Registered black angus heifers. Call 6017570305 or 6017546291 for more info Other heifer born in march weighs 450lbs. 2 heifers born in February weighing around 550 lbs.
You can pick at $1400/Head with a 5% discount if buying 5 or more. They have been de-wormed and have had all necessary vaccinations. Registered angus females. I also have 3 spring calving cows for sale at $1600/Head.
Bulls have been raised on grass with minimal feed and have passed a breeding soundness exam. 18-20 months old as of May 15th, 2018. Bred for LBW, growth and maternal. Registered Black Angus bulls.
We are top rated producer of Angus beef cattle , Angus beef calves , weaned calves and pregnant heifers . Please contact for details ; we can assist in .PM only delivery (706)541-6776
36 head Angus Cross – 20 steers; 16 heifers; 100% forage fed. • Weighted on May 11, 2017 – Avg weights: steers 1055 lbs, heifers 972 lbs; will be weighted again 6-15-2017 • Grass fed finish – ready for processing or short time on feed • 100%...
Current on vaccinations. Call if interested Tom Cooper or Matthew Cooper Pick a minimum of 25 head out of 85 head 10 to 12 month old heifers ready for breeding in May, Approx 700 lbs Home raised sires and mama cows on farm.
Hereford bull, 1 black yearling heifer, and 1 yearling charolais heifer. Brangus bull, 1 reg. 37 cows, 2 bulls, 2 yearling heifers, and 30 calves. They are all home raised. I will only sell the whole herd.
We have twenty one {21] red wattle pigs for sale at a very reasonable price. Wilson farm is located in north Mississippi. Contact us at in Houston, Mississippi. Also have 6 that were 3 weeks old Tuesday,27 of May.
These would make a good cross for some one wanting to butcher offspring. I am located in north east Mississippi. The twenty five are not registered, I was in Kuwait when they were born.
I am in Mississippi, phone # Regards Jack Wilson We have 5 sows and 2 red wattle boars. Have another sow due to drop soon, these will be registered. They are not registered ,some more due soon
We do not use growth harmons of any kind Priced at $250.00 each They are pasture raised, we do feed a small amount of cord and soy bean pelletts. Age from 8 wks to 11 wks There is another sow due within the next few weeks.