The age breakdown is as follows: 6 year old - 16 4 year old - 10 3 year old - 9 All are 3/4+ Red Angus with a little Short Horn, They are on a vaccine/worming program and have been pregnancy checked by our veterinarian.
$2,400 a pair 405-203-5140. They are hot wire and cake broke with a very gentle disposition. Calves where born between 2-2-18 and 2-16-18. You will not be disappointed. 10 Super nice set of red angus Hereford cross 2 year old cows with calves by their...
50+ Calves as of late March Pasture/Feed: Hay & pasture Delivery Date: Available now Sell Part or All: Any Number . Price: Cows @$2.650.00 per head... South Central Oklahoma Shipping Point: Stratford OK - Map - Freight/Distance Calculator Number: 100...
Originate from 2 ranches in western South Dakota and Nebraska. Weigh 900-1000 lbs and good disposition. AI'd to red Angus bull conquest due August 17th, 2016. Are in a 6 acre field that goes to a 30 acre pasture.
40 good stout cows 4 to 7 years old 1250 to 1300 lbs Spring calving cows Dewormed , vaccinated and preg checked Mostly red few white and Mott face on them Trucking can be arranged Priced at 1425 each or 1400 take all For more information and details call...
Please call for more information and price. Check out our website: Heifers hand selected for quality fertility and good disposition from reputable herds. Synchronized and ultra sounded.
I also have the documentation with their ear tag #, description, months bred and age of each cow. Will sell in groups of 20 head also. Please call 903-886-6922 or 903-450-5524. They each have a Inventory # in each cows ear tag along with how far along...
Have paperwork if you are interested Bulls are sired by Reg. 1 calf is an Angus Cross. Frank Narki Sebring FL Margie Narki 863.386.0305 - Home 863.273.3539 - Cell Eligible for registration with the Red Angus Assoc.
They have all been born and raised in one place and are bred to calving ease registered Red Angus bulls. Commercial Red Angis heifers Bred to calve end of February-March, weighing 800lbs, all bangs vaccinated, in addition they've been vaccinated with...
Call or text Kyle @ 912-590-5778 Also have 2 year old bucking bull weighing 1000lb asking $900 has been bucked with dummy. Chancey's Livestock Farm offers 8 beef calves/yearlings avg weight 600-650lb 2 Bulls and 6 heifers, heifers possibly bred to bucking...
Implanted with ralgro first if August. Mostly black and bwf with a few red. AI sired include windy 078, Angus valley, Coleman Charlo, basin excitement, SAV predominant, and sensation.
All calves born here on our farm. Calves have been fully vaccinated with Cattlemaster Gold 5, Ultra-bac 7 way black-leg & pour on wormer. They are now eating grain from bunks. We have weaned calves for sale sizes range from approximately 500lb to 650lb.
He was an FFA project and won reserve at Tulsa and champion at red dirt. He has lots of muscle and has a gentle disposition. Asking 4500 obo This bull would make an excellent addition to any herd.
$2200.00 Please call Paul at 816-389-1829 or Terry 816-896-8455 ** FOR SALE** 5 YEAR OLD REGISTERED RED ANGUS BULL Breeder- Peiper Ranch, Hay Springs NE Great shape and semen tested.
40 Head of Angus, brangus cross, and cross bred cows. Some are bred, exposed and breeding age heifers. Bred cows are 4 to 8 months bred, the exposed are 30-45 day angus bull exposed.
Gentle, vaccinated, wormed. Please call or text 817-239-4221 Yearling bull Reg.# 3545302. Gentle, fertility tested, vaccinated, trich tested, wormed. Will be good heifer bull. Registered Red Angus Bulls For Sale.
Call or text for more information 607 329 2301 These cattle are on heavy feed diet and all vaccinated . No problem loading tractor trailer. Equal split on steers to heifers .
Mother is 3/4 angus 1/4 herford. 500 to 600 lbs. Bull was pure angus $ 800 each or deal if take all 3. Better pics available upon request. Wormed vaccinated. 3 nice breedable heifers .
1 (ea) reg heifer #3507163 AI bred 11-9-16 to Red Hill Julian 84S #1147702 $2250 3 (ea) reg heifers #3507170, 7171 & 7155 NS bred Dec/Jan to #3507153 $2000 5 (ea) comm heifers bred NS Nov / Dec to #3507153 $1800
Price is $950.00/head This is a very uniform set of steers, out of a very nice set of Angus and F1 Black Baldie Cows by Hales Big Ribeye bulls. They are currently on grower feed "stocker 10" and pasture.
Would like to keep herd together asking a firm $7,200. 1 bred Maine-simmental heifer. Calf born in May 1/2 limousine, 1/4 angus and 1/4, 1 first calf bred heifer angus-Maine, 1 first calf bred heifer short-horn, 2 registered Maine cows both bred.
They are ready to grow out and put bull of your choice on them OR put a pair together and take to your county show. Asking $1600/hd. Located Giddings/Dime Box, TX Can also see more pictures and pictures of Dams & Sire on our Facebook page 'Spurring Star...
If needed for more information and details Text at (513) 657-0229 thanks for your interest Cows are broke to a feed truck and are easy to view as we drive you through the herd(s) you are interested in.