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Is Spruce a Hard or Soft Wood?
They range in height from 65 to 200 feet tall and are common in boreal forests. Most of the cells in softwood are longitudinal tracheids, which act as tubes to conduct water. Spruce are evergreen trees in the genus Picea.
Santa Monica
How to Make Pine-Sap Salve
Place the soft sap into a saucepan you don't mind ruining. Hit the cloth with a hammer until the sap pieces are broken into pea-sized pieces. Place hard sap pieces into an old cloth.Fold the cloth containing the hard sap.
Santa Monica
How to Extract Oil From Cedar
Cedarwood oil is the essential oil from cedar. Place the clean empty can in the center and then pack more cedar around the can almost to the top of the can. Store the hydrosol and the essential oil in the refrigerator.
Santa Monica
What Are the Characteristics of Mahogany Wood?
Mahogany grows mainly in parts of Central and South America, West Africa and the West Indies.Mahogany is typically red, pink, or salmon-colored when first cut. Irregularities in the grain are considered desirable, producing distinctive, visually appealing...
Santa Monica
African Hardwood Tree Types
It is also very dense, durable, and resistant to moisture.Also known as Gambeya, Longhi is a moderately dense wood with a distinct light-brown grain. It is indigenous to Madagascar and southern Africa.
Santa Monica
How to Germinate a Fig Seed
Pour the water in the bowl through a strainer and spread the seeds on a paper towel to allow them to dry slightly.Combine equal parts peat moss, perlite and finely ground volcanic rock to create a coarse, well-draining growing medium in which to germinate...
Santa Monica
How to Identify Juniper Trees
These berries are what identify juniper trees from other cedar trees. Juniper trees leak a sticky, resinous sap from the trunk and along the branches. Juniper trees are very resilient and can last through times of drought.
Santa Monica
The Red Spear-Tip Fungus Mushroom Found in Mulch
This coating has an extremely foul carrion-like odor. The flies pick up the spores and dispense them wherever they land next, completing the stinkhorn's life cycle in unique fashion.After a fly deposits the mycelium, or fungal cells, they penetrate soil...
Santa Monica
Wood Fern Care: Planting Wood Ferns In The Garden
Like most ferns, wood fern won't perform well in intense sunlight, dry soil or extreme temperatures.Wood fern care is uninvolved and, once established, these relatively slow-growing plants need very little attention.
Are Elm Trees Hardwood?
Therefore balsa would be classified as a "soft hardwood" while hickory is classified as a "hard hardwood."Elm trees are a type of deciduous tree. The wood of elm trees is softer than other hardwood trees.
Santa Monica
Do You Prune Plumbago?
Remove all tissue that is dead, diseased or injured. Like most flowering shrubs, Plumbago grows most vigorously and blooms most profusely with regular pruning.Plumbago shrubs produce clusters of five-petaled blooms.Prune Plumbagos regularly to maintain...
Santa Monica
Ebony Tree Facts
Ebony is the most expensive wood found in Africa. It is estimated that there are about 1.5 million ebony trees left in Mozambique and Tanzania, with only about 20 percent of a harvest-ready size.
Santa Monica
How to Trim a Japanese Maple Tree
Cut the lowest branches that touch the ground.Use a hacksaw to prune a Japanese maple tree. "Crown Raising" is a pruning technique that would expose more of the trunk by removing the lower branches.
Santa Monica
How to Plant Gardenia Veitchii
Gently pat down the soil around the stem to remove air pockets. Provide the plant with at least one inch of water per week for the first growing season.Apply a three-inch layer of mulch around the gardenia veitchii to reduce weed growth and help with...
Santa Monica
How to Care for a Dying Weeping Willow Tree
This enables the willow tree to absorb nutrients from the soil without competition. Don't build it up around the trunk, as this may lead to rot.Remedy root rot by increasing soil drainage.
Santa Monica
How Do Palm Trees Survive Hurricanes?
In addition, the study found that trees grown in groups of more than five, each tree within 10 feet of another, fared much better than those grown single-file.Sabal palms are often overlooked in favor of trees like the queen palm, which is generally considered...
Santa Monica
How to Fill Holes in Trees
This method is often used in holes that were drilled in a tree either to insert an insecticide or to hang an item like a hammock.Scrape the dead wood from inside a medium-sized hole and fill it with expandable polyurethane foam.
Santa Monica
The Parts of Trees and Their Functions
There are also wide variations in the type of leaves, from simple to scale-like to needles. Leaves vary widely, but they all perform photosynthesis to feed the tree. As the tree develops a number of central taproots grow and the root system becomes a...
Santa Monica
How Do Fungi Reproduce?
This process -- karyogamy -- combines and mixes up the DNA from the two individuals. This includes some yeasts that reproduce through cell division and other fungi that reproduce through fragmentation, where a piece of hyphae breaks off to form a new...
Santa Monica
Can You Burn Apple Wood in a Fireplace?
Season or dry wood for at least one year before burning it to prevent a heavy creosote accumulation in your chimney. Because it has a very pleasant smoky aroma, apple wood is also highly prized for smoking meats.
Santa Monica
Is a Juniper a Cedar Tree?
About 60 known species of juniper are scattered around the world. According to "Hortus Third," there are about 35 shrubs and trees with the word "cedar" in their common names. Junipers are members of the Juniperus genus and the Cupressaceae or cypress...
Santa Monica
How to Tell if It\'s a Morel Mushroom
Neophyte mushroom hunters sometimes mistake "false morels" for actual morels. False morels have a smooth, irregular shaped, wavy cap somewhat resembling brain matter. Both the stem and cap on morels are completely hollow.Inspect the cut stem of the mushroom.
Santa Monica
How to Mix Epsom Salt to Kill Stumps
Dig away any soil with a garden trowel to reveal as much of the base of the stump as possible. If you can see some of the stump's roots showing up from the ground, drill a few holes into the thickest part of each root.
Santa Monica
What Is a Lateral Tree Branch?
By the time the lateral branches appear and the seedling becomes taller, the seedling is now better called a sapling.The first lateral branches that arose from the sapling's thin trunk soon gain size and strength.
Santa Monica
What Is Okoume Wood?
Okoume peels and slices easily and evenly, and this combines with its good acceptance of glue to give it wide use as veneer and in plywood.Outside of its native range, most Okoume is sold as veneer or plywood.
Santa Monica
What Is the Strongest Type of Tree?
The added fiber, slower growth and increased density add physical strength and hardness to their wood. When injured, they seal off damaged areas so decay can't spread. As oaks suggest, strong branches form 45- to 90-degree angles with the trunk.
Santa Monica
What Is Palm Tree Wood Used For?
This fiber is also woven to make the carpet and wall coverings and the leftover is salvaged for forage, fertilizer and firewood.Of course, communities also require common constructions and, for many indigenous communities, palms are easiest and best material...
Santa Monica