These feisty, intelligent, opportunistic and destructive creatures relish acorns, as well as other tree nuts. One of the most striking-looking – and a species with its food preference encoded in its common name – is the acorn woodpecker of the West...
Virginia live oak isn't like most oaks we imagine; it is semi-evergreen and has long, shiny leaves that have no lobes. Red oak grows to about 90 feet and has great fall color. The Ponderosa, red, white and Hispaniolan pines (Pinus spp.) are a part of...
For homeowners, a preventative fungicide spray program is not a very feasible means of controlling scab.Given the size of the mature trees and the need for thorough, canopy-covering sprays, you probably can't do this yourself.
Comparing the features helps you choose the type that meets your preferences.European plums, hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 to 8, are more likely to be self-fertile than Japanese plums.
Install a drip-irrigation system and test it before planting.Plant the your herbs in their designated sections. Keep the soil in the herb garden moist, but not wet. Install the garden edging for each section, followed by the garden paths.
Any seeds I receive in trades after that go in my sow file for the following year, unless they are types which need to be planted while fresh.You should have a list of what's in the trade file somewhere too, but you can keep that list online, at whatever...
Twist the ends of the wires together to hold them secure. Drill a 1/2-inch hole in the end of the bamboo pole, 1 inch from the end of the pole.Thread the ends of the florist wire through the hole in the bamboo pole.
Apple trees are a beneficial addition to any landscape, providing shade, a delicious harvest and an aesthetic beauty while flowering. Apple tree wood chips can be used as a mulch as well.
But the leaves also provide telling evidence. The rapid plant-cell growth creates wood that can break in wind or ice-storms, although many of these glorious trees stand straight, tall and fully branched for decades.When someone mentions hard maple, think...
Waco, TX 76710 254-753-5353 easygardener.comMilorganite fertilizer is an all-purpose organic fertilizer that comes in a granulated form rated 5-2-0. Also, unlike many other fertilizers, it does it need to be watered in to work.Milorganite 260 W.
Those flowers containing only a working stamen are called male, or staminate flowers.Among imperfect flowers, both pistillate and staminate flowers may grow on the same plant, or the staminate flower may be on one plant and the pistillate flower on another.
The U.S. National Arboretum suggests transplanting in the early spring or fall to reduce shock. Azaleas vary greatly in their size depending upon the specific type. According to the Azalea Society of America, there are several thousand varieties of azaleas.
Lucky bamboo has "luck" in its name for a reason but that reason has nothing to do with purifying air. Lucky bamboo is a low-maintenance houseplant that has been considered a symbol of good fortune by the Chinese for over 4,000 years.
The ingredients should list 100 percent cold-pressed rose hip oil. The label may provide contact information such as a phone number or website for consumers. If you smell roses, the manufacturer added fragrance, and the oil probably is not genuine rose...
The Golden Spice pear is a hardy variety that produces a small, medium yellow fruit that is tart and better-suited for canning and spicing than for eating raw. The Underwood plum provides gardeners in the northern parts of the state with a hardy and vigorously...
Pomegranate grows in USDA zones 8 through 11. The Japanese rose grows in USDA zones 2 through 7. Its flowers are creamy white with a shape similar to a carnation, although they're larger -- up to 6 inches across.
If you cut the stem open, it will look like a ring of spots.Telling the difference between monocots and dicots.Tulip, iris, crocus and daffodil are members of the monocots. Even though lilies are included in this group, not all of them are monocots.
The hibiscus draws humming birds and butterflies to its nectar through its long stamen. The fragrances come from oils in the flower petals. Pollinators for the sunflower are attracted to the seeds and the bright yellow petals instead of a strong aroma.
Therefore, placing the plant out of reach is important. It has lots of green leaves and tube-like flowers that hang off of it. The lipstick plant is often thought to be poisonous to animals.Despite what people may think, the lipstick plant is non-toxic...
Using too much aspirin too often will burn plants. Cut flowers react as if sliced stems are a wound. Shake or stir to mix well and apply with a standard spray bottle. Grind well using a mortar and pestle or the back of a spoon.
Even plastic "foliage" can be eaten by squirrels.These garden experts recommend using fences and thorny barriers and surrounding plant delicacies like tulips with poisonous plants like daffodils.
According to Oregon State's Department of Horticulture, leaves are a common way of identifying plants. The point of the heart may originate at the top or bottom of the leaf. Leaves may be broad or narrow, simple or compound, and lobed or toothed.
It is not native to Asia, and is closely related to the lily. This high-humidity houseplant can grow to heights of nearly five feet.Dracaena sanderiana is considered non-toxic to humans.The ASPCA's Poison Control Center lists lucky bamboo as a toxic substance...
If the dog has ingested products with a strong concentration of citrus, take it to the veterinarian as soon as possible. It is used to treat psoriasis and other skin disorders. This suggests that while some types of citrus are toxic to dogs, other types...
The acidity of these fruits is increased by the addition of 2 tablespoons of lemon juice or 1/2 teaspoon of citric acid to each 1-quart-size jar. It is important to provide tomatillo plants at least eight hours of full, direct sunlight daily as well as...
Black locust tree leaves grow up to 2 inches long and 1/2 inch wide. It appears vibrant along roadsides and landscapes, especially when they stand next to other trees that have pink or red flowers.
Fish emulsion provides nitrogen and several micronutrients and generally costs less than other animal-based fertilizers, such as blood meal and bone meal. Fish powders and fish meal are more expensive than fish emulsion, but they also provide more nutrients.Kelp...