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Rare Roses

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Roses ~ In the Pink
This is a lovely single with between four and eleven petals on it's pink blooms with yellow eyes. But at other times the flush of lipstick pink covers about 90% of the petal. I don't have photographs of my own to share yet, so I'm borrowing some wonderful...
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Orange You Lovely? Orange You Beautiful? A look at orange roses
It is somewhat disease resistant, hardy in zones 6b-9b and has little to no fragrance. The last one in the group is one oforange lovelies as she was the one who started the discussion on orange roses.
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Rose Rustling: Rounding Up Old Roses
Years ago my mother took cuttings from a couple bushes on an old farm my uncle had purchased. Often their names have gotten lost somewhere along the way. Its blooms sometimes have lighter-colored edges, and it proves that own-root roses can be vigorous...
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The Yellow Rose of... Wheatfield
It's my hope that a yellow rugosa will be less disease prone. Pictures can say it better than I. Both those that I planted last year when the garden was new and those that I have ordered for this year.
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Purple Roses Majesty
This rose gets to a height of 3' to 4' and blooms in flushes all season long in sprays of 3" blossoms. Another of the purples with that spicy clove fragrance, this one is a season-long rebloomer.
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Harvesting and Using Rose Hips for Tea
It was pretty labor intensive, but there isn't any mystery as to what I'm actually making into tea.I have a huge patch of chocolate mint and since I was running the dehydrator anyway, I thought it might be tasty to make a combo tea.
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Skyscape Roses
Links and further explanation of these classes can be found on many websites including theHere is a list of one of the main classes of roses that climb into trees--the ramblers.Noisettes are a class of tender short climbers adapted to the American South.
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Love Across the Miles
Like many others, an overwhelming sense of wanting to help and become involved came over me. It just seems to be the way humans "work" for the most part.Fast forward a year or two.
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Minnie and the Rose Cuttings
Minnie has been of great help since she came to us and she has been trying to teach me new ways of planting rose cuttings, totally different from what I knew. The only two left were those from the small fence I have around the garden, in a partially shadowed...
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Ralph Moore ~ Father of the Modern Miniature Rose
Ralph Moore celebrated his 101st birthday on January 14, 2008, the same day he retired from 70 years of hybridizing roses, most notably miniatures. Mr. Moore has a memory from when he was younger than three years old of his mother's roses just down the...
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I Never Promised You a Rose Garden
Do you specialize in old garden roses (OGR)? The thumbnail image of the 'Dawn Garden' and the graphic representation of the entire garden were both done on my software which, unfortunately, is no longer available.
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Natural Security
When someone gets too close to this particular beauty, moving against it, it will dig into the skin. It will grow quickly and fill out nicely. When utilizing what nature has given us, we are able to enjoy not only the beauty but also tasty treats.
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All-America Rose Selections for 2008
Every year when the new rose catalogs begin to hit my mailbox one of the first things that I look for is the AARS symbol. Those of you who like pastel roses will be very happy with the choices.
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A rose garden in Baleyssagues
You can first have a stroll using just your eyes and enjoy all the different colours and subtle shades that roses petals are able to display, then close your eyes and have a ‘nose stroll' enjoying all the various perfumes and smells available, just...
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A Gift from the Heart, Across the Miles
My birthday is November 20, and I did my annual birthday walk around in my yard. It looked pretty good, lush and full. And I would like that too. My late husband grew up in the Beaumont, Texas area, and during the hurricane, we had 9 members of his Texas...
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Dish Flower Patterns: Part I
One of the most popular patterns is Desert Rose created inby Frederick and Mary Grant in 1941 for the Gladding McBean pottery. In the next article we will take a look at some of the other popular floral designs such as the Blue Onion, Blue Willow and...
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Growing Rugosa Roses
This is good to eat when you have a sore throat.(This is from an old 16th century recipe used to make ose hip tart)Simmer the prepared rose hips in water until soft -- about 10-15 minutes.
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Quest for the Black Rose
Black clothing, black nail polish, black lipstick and hair. She has written a book titled "," which is available on her web site. The others are pictured below; 'Barkarole', aka 'Taboo', and 'Baccara'.
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Sean McCann: A Rosarian
I was quite tongue-tied and I have no memory of what we ate. A beautiful rose is named 'The Magic Man' for him.I think Sean is very soft-hearted. In the mid-'60s he and his family returned to Ireland.
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Helen Hayes: the woman and the rose
Hybrid Teas commonly bear one rose per stem. But since a rose garden is generally a formal affair, it must be planned to perfection. This step will help you visualize the garden before actual work has begun.
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My Favorite Climbing Rose, \
But since it doesn't have thorns, I can just push my way through. As it turned out, I could smell its sweet scent from halfway across the deck! Heavenly.I'm not much of a rosarian.
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My Rose Article
I became, gasp, a rose person!Having admitted that, I need to back up and tell you that my knowledge of roses is very specifically limited to those that I have. At last count, I had in the vicinity of 260 plants of 40 different varieties, a rather insane...
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Plant Profiles for New Gardeners: The Alba Rose
I've made tea from my rose hips and it was quite nice. Artists have depicted roses in a number of famous works that resemble albas too. It is especially fragrant in the evenings and nice for sitting outside nearby just to enjoy it.Albas produce large,...
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Mini Rose Rescue
I make the little moat around them and fill it with water, let it soak in and then repeat. I make the same moat around all of my newly planted seedlings as well). Every year, come Valentine's Day, millions of miniature roses can be found in the big box...
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Growing Roses from A-Z (Part III)
I add compost and a handful of bone meal or super phosphate to the planting hole.After the first bloom cycle is complete you can start your fertilization program.The best indicator that I can give you as to when to begin fertilizing in the spring is;...
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Wild Roses: The Native Roses and Naturalized Roses of North America
The plants grow to 7 ft with 1 1/2 inch pink blooms from May to November. But, it may be a practice worth cultivating.I would not advocate bullying young girls by dumping "itch powder" down their dresses, but the cultivation of wild roses could enrich...
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A Child\'s Christmas Tree
The proliferation of geraniums were next to go. Her dad started to explain they were planning to take it to some people who will recycle it and turn it into something else. I thought a good pair of gloves and I would be fine.
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