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Pamper Your Mom With DIY Herbal Facials
Breathe deeply and relax. Cover your head with a towel and lean over bowl for 5 minutes or until steam dissipates. Gently pat face dry. In high-end spas, facial steams are often used as a first step in conjunction with other facial treatments.
An introduction to Aloe Flowers, part 3 of 5: Aloes M-R
Few aloe flowers are this spectacularThe flowers are spectacular with their brilliant bicolored, compact corn-cob-like racemes of red and yellow, or red and white, or orange and whiteClose-up of the flowers themselves on this slightly abnormally wide,...
El Segundo
Let\'s Do Laundry!
The counter installers cut a hole for the cables to fit a standard desk cable cover, as well as emergency access to the shut-off valves—we could just pull the appliances out and crawl under the countertop, but I was more concerned with quick access...
Attract More Butterflies To Your Garden With Eight Gorgeous Flowers
Before you know it, swallowtails, monarchs, and fritillaries will be lining up to get to your flower garden. Some trees, likeand oaks, also happen to be preferred caterpillar host habitats.
Caring Of Belamcanda Blackberry Lilies: How To Grow A Blackberry Lily Plant
Keep the soil moist. Their background is a pale orange or a yellow color on the ‘flabellata.' Petals are mottled with spots, giving them the sometimes common name of leopard flower or leopard lily.The blackberry lily plant is also commonly named, not...
Ever Run Through a Field of Wild Daisies? Here\'s the best hybrid, Shasta!
The Shasta Daisy is one of the backbones of a perennial border, with long lasting 3 inch wide sparkling white blooms and yellow centers on sturdy stems that grow up to 40? Tall, flowering in June through September.
El Segundo
What\'s That Bug? The Regal Moth; Citheronia regalis
When the mature moths emerge, the female immediately starts emitting pheromones which males can smell for several miles. And what a caterpillar stage it is! Imagine coming face to face with a bright green caterpillar covered with black spines and sporting...
El Segundo
Made In America
Certainly we have lost plenty of business to low-cost, offshore factories; however, there are plenty of factories here that are going strong. What started out in a small shop with a few workers has morphed into more than 200,000 square feet of facilities...
How to Prevent Parasites in Your Flock
Instead of focusing on what might bring pests to your flock, focus on what will keep them away. A mite infestation, especially, can cause crippling of the legs and even death. The best dust bath ingredients are sand, fine dirt and wood ashes.
The Differences in a Black-Eyed Susan & a Sunflower
Hirta grow to be about 3 feet tall, with a similar spread. Sunflowers also have wide, large leaves that are rough to the touch and triangular, while black-eyed Susans have narrow, oblong or lance-shaped leaves.Though there are perennial sunflowers, most...
Santa Monica
Turnip Mosaic Virus – Learn About Mosaic Virus Of Turnips
On a turnip with mosaic virus, these lesions become necrotic and generally occur near the leaf veins.The entire plant may become stunted and distorted and yields are reduced. Heat resistant cultivars are most susceptible to mosaic virus of turnips.freestar.queue.push(function()...
Growing Strawberry Bushes – Learn How To Grow A Strawberry Bush
Growing strawberry bushes are referred to by several other names including: hearts-a-busting, hearts filled with love, and brooke euonymus, with the former two a reference to its unique blossoms resembling tiny breaking hearts.with a thicket-like habit...
Tropical Deciduous Forest Animals & Plants
It is one of the smallest sifaka species and was not discovered until 1974. In addition to southern beeches, tree species such as thatch screwpine (Pandanus tectorius) and queen sago (Cycas circinalis) are found along the mountain slopes and valleys of...
Santa Monica
Say \
Include your name and address in the body of the email. Send us via email the best images of your brood to­, with “Say Cheese!” in the subject line.
Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus: Treating Tomatoes With Spotted Wilt Virus
Spotted wilt in tomato was first discovered in Australia more than a century ago and was eventually determined to be a viral disease transmitted by. Read on to learn about tomato spotted wilt treatment.Tomato spotted wilt virus affects hundreds of plant...
Lucky Goat Gets Serenaded By Anthony Hamilton
And the lucky recipient of the serenade: a goat. “Who's billy goat it's this?” Those were the improv lyrics sung by Grammy Award-winning R&B singer-song writer Anthony Hamilton and his crew “The Hamiltones” at the Indiana State Fair this summer.
What Is The Meaning of a Yellow Rose?
Victorian women found the gift of a yellow rose reinforced friendship and offered good cheer.As new hybrids of yellow roses appeared, new meanings did as well. It also can mean you already are in love with the recipient.
Santa Monica
UF Hack: Speed Up Composting With A Mow-Over
Another trick for grinding up compost can happen in your kitchen. Remove anything with the potential to resist grinding in the mower. In addition to time, composting requires the right amount of aeration, a balance of carbon and nitrogen, and exposure...
Avast! Insulation is Complete!
The higher the value, the better the thermal performance. I was curious to see how the insulation could be contained, knowing that spray foam expanded once sprayed. As we gutted the structure, we found not only multiple types of insulation (original plaster,...
Gettin\' a Goat Fix
Check this video out . The rambunctious little kid bounced off the side of another goat, sending it sprawling into the grass. But that doesn't mean I don't want them. I don't really have room or time for goats.
Euonymus Spindle Bush Info: What Is A Spindle Bush
What is a spindle bush? Read on and learn how to grow spindle bushes.Propagate spindle bush by taking semi-ripe cuttings from a mature plant in late summer or early fall. Place the pot in bright, indirect light and water often enough to keep the mixture...
Lachenalia Soldiers On
I originally became interested in lachenalia -- also known as soldiers, soldier boys, or cape cowslip -- after seeing a photo of the viridiflora type. Cape cowslip is an odd nickname for this plant, since it in no way resembles a primrose.It is, in fact,...
El Segundo
What Is Common Teasel: Tips For Controlling Teasel Weeds
The plants have stout, 2-foot taproots that anchor them firmly into the soil. An exotic plant native to Europe, common teasel was introduced to North America by the earliest settlers.
Milkweed: The Main Meal
I go out to my garden every few days and shoot these little yellow aphids off my milkweed plants with a sharp stream of water. And still another insect that finds my milkweed particularly welcoming is the oleander aphid.
Colorful Copperleaf: Acalypha Brings Bold Foliage to the Garden
Copperleaf, which I'm focusing on here, has only small uninteresting flowers which you'll hardly notice beneath the gorgeous foliage. I placed a copperleaf between a paleand some creamy variegated Liriope.
El Segundo
Downy Mildew On Watermelons : How To Control Watermelons With Downy Mildew
Who can picture a picnic without these juicy, sweet fruits? The spore growth is only visible when the leaf is wet and disappear when it dries.Over time, the lesions turn brown and the leaf becomes almost entirely black and falls off.
Can Frogs & Exotic Fish Share Your Backyard Pond?
These solutions will do a lot more for amphibian populations than boycotting fish! Exotic fish have been linked to the transmission of ranaviruses to native amphibians, so think twice before adding them to your backyard pond.