Stocked 1 acre pond w/ beautiful arched bridge/gazebo. 5 fenced off seperate pastures. This property has a 5 bedroom main house and a 3 bedroom Guesthouse. 5 stall barn, 100x200 riding arena w/ jumps.
This property will be available to rent July 1, 2011. Contact James for further information. The newly renovated three-bedroom home boasts new stone countertops, a fresh coat of paint, tile and hardwood flooring throughout, and new lighting and fixtures.
Small barn with room for 8 horses. House has 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom, kitchen, and livingroom. 4.56 acre hobby farm for rent located in whiterock of BC. On quiet road with lots of privacy.
1500 sf 3 bedroom, two bath house with full basement. Zoning is limited agricultural use, meaning you have the right to raise and sell crops and livestock from the property. Wood pellet stove and natural gas heat.
2013 with room for horses. The cabin is near our home and we sit on a beautiful creek surrounded by woods. For retired person or someone who doesn't have to worry about a drive to work as it is in the country.
The farm we're renting now is going to be sold in the spring. If we cannot find something soon, we are going to be forced to sell all of our livestock and rehome several of our pets in order to move into a townhouse.
Amenities include huge sand riding arena with lights, trailer parking, round pen, turnouts with sheds, oversized stalls with mats and lights. We are approximately 45 minutes to the State Fairgrounds in Raleigh, 4-1/2 hours from Lexington, VA, 1-1/2 hours...
I would like to have a mature couple whom would take good care of the property and enjoy planting some landscaping around the house and doing some handy work. This is a very relaxing environment and just right for a writer/artist, nature lover, or hunter.
Available for $800 per month with a $800 deposit. Property bordered by the Chippewa River. Use it as a vacation getaway or live here. Absolutely beautiful scenery and very private.
I offer the 45 acres for cattle breeding, it's close to Fayetteville, NC. More photos available. I have to rent 45 acres with grass for cattle close to Fayetteville, NC. I have 210 acres, 45 +- open, the rest wooded.
Private...3 Bdrm/2 Bath/2 Car Garage..9 Stall Show Barn...Environmental Park Within Riding Distance! Call for more information or email for pictures.. The home features 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, wood burning fireplace and fresh paint.
Rent the entire facility - run your own show on 40 acres building state-of-the-art horse ranch - 100 stables, full services, indoor and outdoor track - will lease whole facility talk to me if you're interested - we can incorporate some of your needs -...
I will respond to every contact . Needed as soon as possible. Or if you have farm and are looking to put some horses in your barn. Barn and pasture to keep my horses. If you are a farm owner and have a barn and pasture that you are not using i am interested...
We are looking for a house for rent for two people with land for at least 2 horses, a cat, bird, and potentially a dog. We are looking for a house with land enough for 2 horses to rent.
Legality required, all hunting rights exclusive, wild fowl and game existing Very low population density, private properties around. 800 hectares on one piece, woods+culture, river.
I am a carpenter with 38 yrs experience and can remodel your home for you. Have daughter heavy into 4H with animals. Wi, 3-4 bedrooms, 1-2 baths,garage,out building/s, 10+ acres pasture.
Some out buildings like a barn with hay loft a chicken coop a well I am interested in eventualy living off the grid, and would very much like to help any one who is wanting to get out.
The ranch must include a 4 bedroom and 3 bath house. Must also have a stall barn and regular barn. Family of 4 looking for a small ranch to restart and to raise family. Looking for any ranch to rent with ooption to by in a couple of years.
Reasonable rent please. Must have at least 1 bedroom and bath on the first floor. Must accept 2 well-mannered, small, house-broke dogs. Wanted in the Mt. Airy, North Carolina area~within 30 miles/45 minute drive radius of Mt. Airy.
In desprate need.NEED ASAP We would prefer 2 bed rooms with 2 and 1/2 or just two bathrooms. Me and my family are looking for a house with horse stalls or barn and dogs must be ok.
Only in South of Texas, reasonable price. Looking for grazing land for 200-400 steers with lake or river (autorization to pump) with sufficient land to hunt. Intention to organize a society of hunting and develop an area to breed cattle with necessary...
Along with land and a barn for the horses hopfully rent price can be reduced if we work on keeping the property in good shape 2 bedrooms if possible a bathroom. We have horses and would like a place where we can see them every day.
We have an excellent credit history and are very responsable. We are looking for a 1-2 yr lease. Within 100miles of Denver. My wife and I would like to move to Colorado within 100miles of Denver.
I am interested in keeping goats and sheep. I am looking for a ranch or farm to rent or lease. I am Andrew and i live in Round Rock Texas. I am looking for a place to rent so i can keep goats and sheep.
State-of-the-art barn on 15 acres with 20 12x12 stalls. Horse ranch located on 15 acres with 3 seperate fields and new 3 bedroom apartment Each stall has a 12x12 coveres paddock with Dutch doors.
We are looking to rent/lease long term. We have 4 well mannered dogs, and 9+/- chickens. We have a small, miniature, goat herd, (25+/-) 14"-32" tall. We are looking to rent/lease a farm/ranch in Virginia, or eastern West Virginia preferably in Shenandoah...