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Worldwide Peat Shortage: Soaring Prices, Dwindling Supplies
It will keep in your shed or garage. After a lengthy discussion with the store employees, I discovered there is a worldwide peat moss shortage.The majority of peat moss comes from eastern Canada and to a lesser extent Western Canada and the Scandinavian...
El Segundo
How to Grow an Endless Supply of Onions
It forms sections, much like garlic cloves, that can be dug up, seperated and replanted each Spring. You can plant the seeds in the fall to grow new onions. Becareful not to damage the seeds while doing this.
Santa Monica
Organic Gardening Supplies: Basic Tools For Organic Gardens
Any weeds pulled are added to thetheir gardens heavily to keep the weed population down. Oftentimes, the answer is within your reach and is simple to make. You can make this barrier by cutting out the top and bottom of individual-sized soft drink or water...
Limited Time to Compete for School-garden Supplies
To date, the “I Can Grow” program has provided more than 8,000 vegetable and herb plants to help create 16 gardens nationwide. Tags community gardens , school gardens Educators and community-garden leaders can visit the Burpee Home Gardens website...
Urban Gardening Supplies – Tools For Starting A Community Garden
If so, add topsoil to your list, or at least include, your supplies for urban gardens must include the materials toInclude hand tools for urban gardens to your community garden supply list.
The Effects of Radiation on Plants
Experiments have been conducted that show that radiation is really only a problem when a plant is in the stage of a seed. Plants do not have to worry much about radiation. Still, large amounts of radiation can destroy any material, including plant material.High...
Santa Monica
Flea Markets as a Source for Plants and Garden Supplies
I have a moderately large collection of rare tropical and succulent plants, at least by most standards.My collection is far less impressive to true aficionados with specialty collections, but most others might marvel at a collection such as mine and wonder...
El Segundo
Water Garden Supplies: Tips On Backyard Pond Equipment And Plants
It's not necessary, but it makes the pond look more natural and protects the lining from UV damage.If you want to add fish, be careful about the species you get. This can be done with bricks, rocks, wood, or even a row of low plants.Another useful piece...
The Effects of Nuclear Radiation on the Environment
One of the largest damaging effects over the next few weeks were the reproductive tissues of the plants. Since the water is much warmer than the fish are used to, it may kill some of the fish that require colder water.
Santa Monica
Container Gardening Supply List: What Do I Need For A Container Garden
Keep reading for more information about container gardening products.The most important item on your container gardening supply list is, obviously, containers! You can buy a hugeat any garden center, but really anything that can hold soil and drain water...
Growing Craft Supplies: How To Create An Arts And Crafts Garden For Kids
You don't have to do exact copies of craft store projects; simply look for themes in the kinds of crafts they enjoy.Craft garden ideas come from everywhere. Use your imagination and discover additional craft garden themes.
Gardening During Radiation Therapy – Can I Garden While Doing Chemo
Call your doctor right away if you have a fever of 100.4 degrees F. Ask your doctor whether you need to cook fresh veggies before eating them.Don't over-exert yourself. And spending time outdoors while you garden can lift your spirits.
Weather for Gardeners - Greenhouse gases and the Greenhouse Effect
Infrared radiation is then emitted from the surface, and this radiation heads for space. A selected portion of the result looks like the picture to the left.Now, subtract 1 from one of the "zs" in the basic equation as follows, z x (z-1) + c = z, and...
El Segundo
The Magic Of Snow Sleds
When farm chores require you to head outside every day, multiple times per day, like clockwork—even when it's minus 20 degrees F outside and the snow is 2 feet deep—the concept of “winter wonderland” seems more and more farfetched every minute.
5 Tools You Need As A Beekeeper
The truth of the matter is that every beekeeper is different in his or her style and physical needs, be it a bad back, arthritis or poor eyesight, so what might not work for me might be a lifesaver for you, or vice versa.
Livestock First-aid Kit
Keep them in a waterproof container in an obvious area. Also, keep emergency contact numbers inside the container, such as your primary veterinarian's phone number and a back-up veterinarian's phone number.
6 Ways to Diversify Your CSA Income
In this case, customers order directly from Dreamfarm's website and the deliveries are made in conjunction with Vermont Valley's drop-off sites. “Diversification of share options has been a real win-win for us, as we can both provide our members with...
Home Depot Plans To Phase Out Insecticides
So when a bee comes to visit the flowers on such a plant, the dose of pesticide it is exposed to can, if high enough, kill it immediately or cause nonlethal problems that can be devastating to the hive as a whole.
3 Reasons To Shop Local Nurseries
Local Economy Finally, purchasing plants from local garden centers also helps support the economic health of your town or region. While overall selection is a great boon, buying local also means that you're purchasing plants that have the greatest chance...
Online Tool Identifies Pests, Diseases
The free Pest and Disease Detective tool identifies 47 pests and 41 plant diseases through photos and detailed text descriptions to aid gardeners in the sometimes maddening task of identifying and taking action against what's destroying their plants.
3 Must-Have Tools For Small-Batch Sauerkraut
Kraut For The Home Kitchen Making sauerkraut can seem daunting to some. We know that cabbage has a multitude of health benefits , but incorporating cabbage into your daily life can be a challenge—there are only so many versions of slaw and fried cabbage...
Time to Eat Broccoli!
We did plant a few other cole crops, like Brussels sprouts, cabbage , cauliflower and broccoli Romana, but it's the green broccoli that are really doing the best at this moment. But I can't really keep spraying the Bacillus because it's raining so often.
UF Hack: Put Cardboard To Use
Cardboard was the answer! Every few days, I put a fresh cardboard box into each rabbit cage. Cardboard is more valuable than gold to any urban farmer. Tags hacks , Lists Our very first step when creating our urban farm was laying down a row of cardboard...
Crop Diversity Is Dwindling In U.S., Study Shows
Keep it up! The full, peer-reviewed study is available online if you'd like to dig deeper into what's happening in your area and around the country. Formulating a diet? “At the very simplistic level, crop diversity is a measure of how many crops in...
How To Grow Shallots
Do not wash the bulbs before curing them. If you'd rather pick your shallots a few at a time, rather than harvesting them all at once, just dig up the edge of the plant and tug off a large bulb from the side whenever you need it.
California Is Parched—and Why You Should Care
I can't wrap my mind around it, really, other than to give thanks for having an abundance of water here as we prepare for our growing season to begin. If you've ever wondered just how much water it takes to produce your food—whether you grow it yourself...
How To Make Grassfed Cattle Gain Weight
“That's a lot of grass,” he admits. Buchanan says he always thought their grassfed cattle couldn't compete with the “grain-fed behemoths that are 15 or 16 months old and weighing 1,500 pounds.” Wanting to give Will's animals the best shot at the...