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Weather for Gardeners - Greenhouse gases and the Greenhouse Effect
The actions of humanity are making a change in the parameters inherent in the planetary climate. The equation is, where c is a fixed quantity and z changes with each iteration (recalculation) of the equation.
United States
Time to Eat Broccoli!
Of the 100 broccoli plants we put in the soil, only a very few are struggling, and the rest are big sprawling monsters. The really fresh stuff looked pretty good, but after being steamed for a few minutes it turned a ridiculously bright green that just...
United States
Effects of Ultraviolet Light on Plant Growth
The light we see is made up of photons of different wavelengths and, thus, different colors. UV light can alter the composition of materials and conditions needed for photosynthesis, the process plants used to grow.Scientists have been testing the effects...
United States
Chrysanthemum Varieties – What Are Some Different Types Of Mums
It is often grown as an– This type consists of short plants and big, showy blooms with several rows of full, curved petals. Examples include Tobago and Indian Summer. Examples include Chiffon, Valour and Ruby Mound.– Anemone mums display a raised...
United States
Space Violets
The purpose of the experiments was to determine the effect of space radiation on various substances. Due to schedule delays, they ended up in space for almost 6 years. The schedule slipped and the LDEF was to be retrieved in 1986.
United States
Guide to Leaf Identification
Putting all the data together can then permit you to identify the species to which the leaf belongs.Size, shape, color and assorted other factors go into leaf identification.Leaves are simple or compound.
United States
How Does Altitude Affect Vegetation?
Their findings indicate that even the slightest change in elevation can yield significant differences in the kinds and health of vegetation in the area.Climate plays a large role in what types of vegetation can grow in a certain area.
United States
How Do Microwaves Affect Plants?
Microwaves, which are electromagnetic waves, can also affect growth rates in plants, especially on how seeds sprout and survive. According to, water that was microwaved before being fed to seeds can cause the seeds to germinate very quickly...
United States
The Effect of Black Light on Plants
Chlorophyll is most strongly absorbent of light in the blue region, but also has a strong absorption in parts of the ultraviolet spectrum. For instance, carotenoids can be enriched or depleted depending on the species and wavelength of UV light that the...
United States
The Significance of the Peace Lily Plant
Feng Shui is used in siting, designing and decorating buildings. The peace lily is a striking indoor plant with elegant dark green leaves that are often more than a foot long and huge fragrant white flowers, called spaches, on an off-white stalk or stem...
United States
Save Time In Your Home Garden With Plasticulture
The results have been impressive. With black landscape fabric, you can easily control weed pressure and soil moisture even when your schedule is tight. This summer, I knew that between my two jobs I'd be clocking 60 working hours a week.
United States
Tan and Apricots
My freckles aren't more than usual, but I wouldn't mind getting more because I am used to them, as they are part of me. Actually I'm either breaking the hard shell immediately after eating the fruit, or save all of them for later.
United States
No Sludge Allowed in Organic Standards
Excerpt from Urban Farming by Thomas J. The reason is that much of our sewage combines residential and industrial waste, resulting in contamination by substances such as mercury, lead and dioxins.
United States
Are Geraniums Poisonous to Humans?
They are valued for their long-lasting blooms and variety of colors. Russell, geraniums may cause minor skin irritation due to the essential oils present in the plant. Geraniums are one of the most common container and garden plants in the United States.
United States
7 Daily Tractor Maintenance Tasks
In preparing this article, I consulted Craig Tammel, my neighbor and a mechanic at Preston Equipment Co., the local John Deere dealership in Preston, Minn. Repair for leaks, big or small, might simply entail tightening or replacing hoses or clamps or...
United States
How to Stop Production of Cotton in a Female Cottonwood Tree
The cotton is the wind-borne carrier for the small seeds. Plant other types of trees or poplar hybrids that do not produce cotton. Cottonwood trees are notorious for the huge amount of "cotton" produced in early summer.
United States
Ankole-Watusi Cattle
The large horns act as radiators; blood circulating through the horn area is cooled and then returned to the main body. Medium-sized, long-horned Ankole-Watusi, produced high-fat milk; breeders may add them to the herd to dairy herds to boost the butter-fat...
United States
How to Care for Miniature Potted Christmas Trees
The wrapping holds the water that drains from the pot. This may be sucked up by the tree's roots and cause root rot. Guard against sudden changes in temperature.Keep the soil slightly moist, unless the tree is rosemary.
United States
How to Grow Olive Trees at Home
Place them near a window where they can receive full sun for at least six hours. Keep the olive trees away from heating vents and radiators and slightly back from the window. Turn the pot on its side and tap the bottom and sides of the pot.
United States
Lesser Swinecress Control: Tips For Controlling Swinecress Plants
It is a persistent nuisance that spreads quickly and smells unpleasant. Swinecress weeds are annuals or biennials, depending upon climate. Blooming may take place in the summer, winter, or both, depending upon where you live.Swinecress identification...
United States
A Refreshing Walk on Upland Reunion Island
The look of such biotope is very different from what we see further down as climate and soil conditions are rather harsh. Make sure you have a light raincoat, weather is prone to rapid changes here and it may get pretty cold if clouds block the sun and...
United States
How to Root a Schefflera Cutting
The heat from the sun makes it too hot inside the plastic bag.Check the soil every day to make sure it is moist. Schefflera, also known as umbrella plant, is hardy in U.S. Department of Agricultural zone 11.
United States
What Is the Structure of Hibiscus Flowers?
However, it is the flower, not the plant's height, that appeals to most hibiscus admirers. At the top of its style, the hibiscus has five branches that curve outward from one another.
United States
Cold Hardiness and Palms- what does it mean and what can be done about it?
Wind associated with hot weather (like California Santa Anas), or onshore salty winds are also severely damaging, but that has nothing to do with cold.Sun exposure also has an effect, even though most frosts in marginal climates happen overnight.A palm...
United States
Preparing A Passion Flower Vine For Winter
These semi-tropical beauties are grown all over the world and are cherished for their marvelous flowers and their tasty fruit. In cooler climates, the whole vine will die back, but in warmer climates, this will be the time to do any pruning you think...
United States
What Are the White Spots on Rose Bushes?
Pruning of damaged branches is recommended by Plant Answers.The Leaf Hopper is a grey, green or yellow insect that measures 1/4 to 1/2 inch in length. White spots on roses are caused by fungal disease and insect activity.
United States
Chamomile Care Indoors – Learn How To Grow Chamomile Indoors
(20 C.), so if your house is cold, place them on a heating mat or near a radiator. You can start them in small seed starters and transplant them, or begin them in their ultimate pot.
United States