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WVO needed in Arizona flexible
Price : CALL

If i could hear back from you with a quote, i would appreciate it. Looking forward to making business with you hopefully. I would like to get a quote from you on the price per gallon, also keeping in mind that i am looking for a long term supplier.
United States
Wanted Natamycin
Price : CALL

Bacteriology test date 14/3/2007 the report says KOH for Fungi: presence of mycelium Bacteriology test date 14/3/2007 the report says KOH for Fungi: presence of mycelium . Culture: Fusarium Solani
Wanted methyl bromide fumigant
Price : CALL

Please send quotations by 2 May 2009. Raj Kumar, Kumar Trading. I want quotations for 5 tons of methyl bromide (agricultural pesticide) suitable for postharvest fumigation of date fruits, to be delivered in Amman Jordan by September 30, 2009.
Wanted angus livestock
Price : CALL

Im interested in purchasing approximately 15-20 weened black angus feeder calves around the date i have set above Im interested in purchasing approximately 15-20 black angus feeder calves around the date set above.
United States
Horse makerel/bebac enterprises
Price : CALL

I will be glad if the above request is given urgent attention. I want horse makerel 30kg ten thousand cartons to supplied on the stupilated date.
Wanted Dried Gourds
Price : CALL

Interested in several dozen gourds to be sent to central Texas. I am available most anytime. Also approximate delivery date. Please contact me by email or give me information for a different format.
United States
Buy corn oil and wheat
Price : CALL

Corn oil ,wheat fob price please avaible date and imformation about prudocts marbtex inc newyork usa I am looking to fob mt corn oil price also wheat price please tell me avaible date to
United States
New York
Wanted Dehydrated Tomato
Price : CALL

Two 20 feet containers, please list details of your offer (product specifications, delivery date, payment conditions)
Wanted angus calves
Price : CALL

I am interested in purchasing approximately 10 weened black angus feeder calves around the date I have set above
United States
Baled rice hulls
Price : CALL

Need a price, including shipping for baled rice hulls used to bed horse stalls. Need a price including shipping for baled rice hulls to bed horse stalls to Warrenton,MO. Any date will work.
United States
Fresh Morel Mushroom
Price : CALL

Fresh Morel Mushrooms Want To Buy. Please leave message with your information also the shipping cost . Want To Buy Fresh Morel Mushrooms please let me know the dates you will have them.
United States
Wanted Poultry farm
Price : CALL

Must have Home - Must have Four chicken houses - Room to expand 120,000 Bird Cap. Min cap of birds 120,000 or more ... Or more Clean up to date Farm ... Clean poultry farm wanted .
United States
Big juicy sweet watermelons
Price : CALL

I want to buy 250 big juicy sweet watermelons, as soon as they r ready,PLEASE , let me know when the melons will b ready, and my brother would like to come, with his truck also, i also would like to buy some cantalopes, mangos,etc.
United States
Sunflower oil, jatropha, edible oils and
Price : CALL

We wish to establish very good relationships with are partners. Date, rasin, vegetable, palm oil, kenel oil, kenel shell, palm Interested clients should get in touch ASAP. We are supplyers of crude and refined palm oil, jotrapha, sunflower oil, Vegetable...
Wanted Poultry Farm
Price : CALL

We are looking for an up to date broiler farm in the West Cullman County / East Winston County area . Looking for three or more 500 ft Tunnell ventilated houses with or without dwelling.
United States
Wanted Guayule Seeds
Price : CALL

Please send me an email with the offer sale price, including quantity, date when this seeds were picked, availability, delivery date, etc. Please provide me with the information prior to this date.
United States
Jacobin Pigeons
Price : CALL

I would like to get more information on what do you have as far as quality for Jacobins and how would you like to send more than two dazins in every shibment, thank you Information abut Quality and shipping Jacobin Pigeons to Saudi Arabia with pictures...
Looking for Black Merinos
Price : CALL

Looking for Rams only must be between 3 and 7 yrs old, up to date on shots and with well trimmed hoofs I am interested in finding three to ten rams with horns ranging from 27 to 40 inches in length.
United States
Fresh Straberries
Price : CALL

We need fresh strawberries by air to Moscow, Russia. Packing in plastic boxes and then in a master carton. CIF Moscow, russia Starting date: December 2010 We need fresh strawberries, packed in 250 and 500 gram plastic boxes in a master carton.
United States
Wanted Holstein steers
Price : CALL

I am looking for holstein steers that weigh from 250lbs to 700lbs. I can take any number of holstiens preferably groups of 25hd or more. I can handle small groups and big groups. I am looking for Holstein steers that weigh from 250lbs-700lbs.
United States
Wanted Guernsey Cow or Heifer
Price : CALL

Must be healthy and up to date on vacinations Would like a young gentle milk cow or young heifer to raise. Must be gentle and healthy. Located in northern California. I would also be interested in a Jersey/ Guernsey cross or a beef Guernsey cross.
United States
Wanted Suffolk Sheep
Price : CALL

Thanks for your help. The ewes have to be RR NN and if you have checked Codon 136 then I would prefer Genotype AA. The date deadline is the latest that I can pick them up. I am not a professional breeder and only became involved when the kids joined 4-H.
United States
Winter hard red wheat wanted
Price : CALL

Also interested in 5000 tons more same grade two or three hard red wheat if price accomodate our time is an asset. I am looking for 5000 tons of hard red wheat grade two or three.pls let me know of your price c/f Iran and delivery...
Drill mounted poultry picker
Price : CALL

Any time is good. New or used picker,with extra rubber tits that will fix ant 1/2\\" or 3/8\\" drill. Date requested is not important. New or used picker,with extra rubber tits that will fix ant 1/2\" or 3/8\" drill.
Mozzola corn oil
Price : CALL

Need 1 trailer of gallon's and 1 trailer of 48 oz. Containers must be mazzola corn oil only for shipping over seas short date is fine Containers must be mazzola short dates ok will be shipping over seas
United States
New York
Registered Nubians for Sale
Price : CALL

She is bred to a purebred buck, so her doe kids can be registered. Asking $150 Nettle is a 3 month old black Nubian buck kid. She is registered 50% and is beautiful. Tony is a 4 year old cream colored Nubian buck.
United States
Poultry Farm
Price : CALL

I am looking for a 20 acres poultry farms W/Pilgrim's Pride Contract. I need a property approximate 20 acres W/6 Poultry House. Price run between 300K - 500K max with up to date requirements.
United States