Hello,I have a big coffee farm here in cameroon and is looking for someone who can buy the coffee.The coffee will be ready by mid to ending month of september. Cameroon coffee is one of the best coffee consumed in the world.Please get back if you are...
I am located in the northwest. I need enough coffee hulls to cover about 1/2 acre, probably 3 inches deep. Looking for coffee hulls at reasonable price for landscaping ground cover.
I'm looking to buy un-roasted coffee Robusta or Arbisca beans , 40,000 KG , to Romania I'm looking to buy un-roasted coffee beans , 40,000 KG , to Romania .
Details: Qantity:5kg Transportation: by Air Dear Sirs, We are the coffee planter in Hainan,China and we are searching for the seed Dear Sirs, We are the coffee planter in Hainan,China and we are searching for the seeds of two year growing coffee.
The de-pulped cherries are then fermented for 24 to 36 hours,rinsed and sun-dried on woven mats. Rich volcanic black soil, high altitude, adequate rainfall?ll of these things make Cameroon an ideal place for growing great coffee.
Any possibilities? The coffee shop will be based in Ulaanbaatar city, Mongolia. Could you please send me what kind of coffees you sell and what would be the terms and conditions. I would like to make an agreement and purchase good coffee with reasonable...
Please provide detailed map of the land as well as legal title. Registration with the Jamaican Coffee Board required. Working coffee farm wanted in the Blue Mountain region: St.Thomas, Portland, St.Andrew.
I am not sure the actual product but there are few enviornmental laws there. I donate this so I need the best price possible. I help poor African Coffee farmers. I want to send a container of effective fertilizer to them.
Seek supply of sterilized kiln dried coffee hulls for growing medium, please quote price for 20' container Also quote price on unsterilized hulls but must be dry and able to import into canada, shipping cost is a concern , closer to canada is good
Between 5 to 15 thousand metric/tons to sell high quality (international standard) Between 5 to 15 thousand metric/tons to sell high quality (international standard) better price/quality impossible interested (serious business only) product delivered...
I have land in mountain suitable for tea garden from all side any body can guide me for best tea gardening. Please guide me for the best results can i start it from seeds for nursery or use tea plants directly.
If male and female trees are needed to produce, would want both. Wanting to buy a few young cocoa trees or seeds if they are legal and will grow in Florida, USA. Will ask for growing instructions if you may.
Need to buy glyphosate for farmer use to control weeds in crops of coffee and cocoa. Requirements are for small amount only 50 litres maximum Local suppliers preferred as shipping costs would not be practical or efficient for my needs.
Want: cotton seeds (Gossypium hirsutum) not for crop planting want to buy smaller quantity from usa supplier only Want: herb seeds flower seeds annual or perennials fruit rare exotic other organic or not i am a small retailer
In addition to said products we are also involved in the business of coffee, cocoa, suage,nuts kernels, soybeans, soymeal, coconuts, corn, etc... Kindly contact us for more information and supply.
With regatrds to the above we are looking for a genuine company;a supplier of agro chemicals be it fungicide,pesticide,insecticide and fertilizer.please do not hesitate to contact us if you are position to supply us with any of the above mentioned product.
With regards to the above we are looking for a genuine company;a supplier of agro chemicals be it fungicide,pesticide,insecticide and fertilizer.please do not hesitate to contact us if you are position to supply us with any of the above mentioned product.
You can also advise on the suitability for the purpose. I need them for irrigating my garden of corn(Maize), coffee and tomatoes. My name is Wolumeli Simon Peter, am a Ugandan and am interested in acquiring the Nelsonirrigation product referenced above...
Willing to purchase all working farm equipment and healthy livestock if desired. Preferably an organic or chemical free property with mature fruit trees under 200 acres. We are mechanically able and adept at building maintenance and fencing.