There are about 140Because shipping is the only part of the chain they cannot control, GC takes great pains to pack their shipments to withstand whatever ‘travel adventures' they may encounter.
If it is a second-rate company, and your plantdies before it has a chance to thrive, your bargain is suddenly not such a bargain after all!feature here at Dave's Garden. January is here, with all its accompanying ice and wind and dreary days.
They start to show up in mid-December, mixed in with Christmas cards and holiday circulars. Then I go through the catalogs and have columns for which companies carry the seeds (I rarely order plants I'm looking for.) At the same time, I may take this...
Last year, for the first time in a long time, my grown up daughter took a two month break and came home to stay with me for the summer. The MP dries quickly, and this will keep it from drying on the brush.5. Continue layering your flowers or any other...
The Top 5 spotlights vendors that have chosen to specialize in specific plants or garden products. As the Watchdog grew, the list expanded to 20, and then to 30 top companies.A few years ago, a suggestion was made to recognize the top companies within...
As the tip of my nail made contact with the outermost cell of the twig, the entire branch snapped off. More arrive each day. This is where sadist met masochist. ‘You didn't get more plants, did you?' ‘No, no, I swear!', you respond.
And my favorite feature of eBay is Buy It Now. We know people who are nearly addicted to the bidding process, for whom the chase is more important than the actual item. Luckily we were having our typical cold, wet spring/summer when early spring plants...
After poring over all these websites, I might have to order some myself. And the frontier settlements which stretched across the West. Likewise, cotton, sugarcane, and most vegetables other than squashes are introductions to the New World.
Mail order gardening can be a pleasurable experience and gardeners have access to thousands of plants and seeds via mail order, that they would never be able to purchase locally. Merchants doing so will be removed from this group.The Top 30 list is posted...
I realized I had so many that were starting to look the same. Being a Diploid and evergreen you know this will be a champion in your garden for years to come. This compass always points to your hearts desire – itself!Starman's Quest – Looking for...
I found the quote on the symbolism amusing. It was founded by Karen Platt in the UK for people who love black plants. The quest goes on with the rose breeders. I suppose it would be a novelty.
(Note: perlite works about as well as pumice, but I prefer pumice.Rarely do I kill something by underwatering it although I have done that, too.Mostly, I kill things by watering them too much or too soon.If I were really doing the right thing, I would...
I can help you! Be sure also to purchase ring protectors that glue onto each little hole of your loose-leaf paper so you don't have ripped holes and papers coming loose.Plan on a thousand boxes of them; each hole at 3 holes per page will have to be glued...
The PLUS product sells for $20 less ($79.95). If you have put a lot of time into your plans this could be a huge loss.This is the top-of-the-line in the landscape series from Punch! Software.
In my previous years of coming to the sale, there have been some clumps of Siberian irises offered, but I've never seen anything like this! There are pots of Louisiana irises and trays crammed with huge, healthy clumps of "Sibs." A volunteer with a binder...
This is the final article in this series. I had a small kitchen herb garden at my last house...some mint, chives, oregano and sage. Annual herbs, such as basil, went in the veggie garden.
The image at left illustrates the drop-off at the end of my lot as you approach the water and also the raised bed of the Heather/Dwarf Conifer garden.Do you have plans to build a deck or pool that you will want to landscape around?
There will be some kind of drawing tool and a way of measuring the area so you can build it to scale. Most of you can just draw an area that is roughly the size/shape of your lot. It's really quite amazing! Then try the walk- or!! Whatever...
In describing these greens, days to maturity are not given, as most of them will be picked for salads while immature.There are generally two types of spinach grown: one with heavier, savoyed leaves used more often for cooking, and the smooth-leaved kinds...
Also resistance to downy mildew races 1-18.Johnny's Selected Seeds offers this one in a pelleted version as well as plain seeds.A very dark, totally wine-red leaf lettuce with moderately ruffled leaves.Also available from Johnny's Selected Seeds in an...
Seeds are most viable for collection and storage when ripe. 26, 2008, and is located on the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen near the town of Longyearbyen.On that date it also received its first shipment of 100 million seeds, originating from more than...
If you wish to purchase a tree suitable for planting, these Garden Watchdog vendors specialize inThe Garden Watchdog also helps with other seasonal purchases. Since I grew up on a farm, where a portion of it was wooded, it simply meant bundling up and...
Plant breeders maximize this potential by manipulating growing conditions, and selecting the best plants for further cultivation. I am confident you'll be satisfied when dealing with any of those vendors.Huge thanks to the Dave's Garden subscribers listed...
I resolve to consider bloom times of every bulb I purchase.Much as they look adorable on the cover of bulb-sellers catalogs, it's not realistic for me to make the commitment to. No, they had a plan and a budget.
This can be a great source of aggravation for the average do-it-your selfer, so check to make sure the garden design software covers the basics and doesn't go into details that you don't want or require.
“We offer a lot more management perspective, such as productivity analysis.” One of the advantages to a commercial system versus designing your own is available support. “The program has parameters for different categories that are well-adapted...
Or so I thought. The owner, Suzy Verrier, is a noted rosarian and the author ofOne of the first gardens I built in 2005 was a heather garden with dwarf conifers for accents. I planned an area of about five hundred square feet.