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Grease Power
The organization is reminding San Francisco residents to collect their used cooking oil and grease in a container, rather than pouring it down the drain. It costs San Francisco more than $3.5 million each year to unclog its sewer pipes, and in 2006, approximately...
Names of Farm Equipment
Expected Price: A simple soaker hose is probably $20. The University of Missouri has good information about no-till drill options . Expected Price: Hand transplanters cost around $100.
How To Farm With Horses
Appearing like large Clydesdales, their feathering make them good for transport and carting, but not as good for field work. For Making Hay Mower: There are many types of mowers, but a good sickle-bar mower will serve you well.
Angora Goats: Equipment and Shearing
Most Angora goats are sweet and easygoing. They're extra sensitive, especially right after shearing, and kids are delicate. Kids grow soft, cushy mohair, and their fiber gets coarser as they age.
5 Human-Powered Garden Tools for More Sustainable Farming
While implements can be added onto tractors to make these raised rows, a simple, low-cost way to build them up without the need for fossil-fuel power is using a raised-bed builder.
6 Permaculture Power Plants
Most permaculture gardeners begin with a few of these plants in a small guild and expand over time, tucking more types in here and there as space and money allows. In fact, many permaculture gardeners make friends by sharing runners with the community.
Broken Hydraulic-powered Loader
The override kicks in to protect the pump from overheating. Hydraulic power is one of the greatest of on-farm labor savers. Meanwhile, I'm reminded of the importance of incidental conversations at trade shows and elsewhere.
Growing Power\'s Vertical Farm
Growing Power's Vertical Farms – Urban Farm Onlinegrowing power,vertical farm,will allen,Milwaukee,green buildingWill Allen's Growing Power is even closer to realizing the dream of building a community vertical garden.Growing Power, the nonprofit urban-farm...
Power to the People
Wind turbines use kinetic energy to create electricity. In all states, utility providers purchase the excess energy if you make more than you use, but in only a handful of states are the utility companies required to buy electricity from you at the same...
Infographic: Equipment Selections for Spring Farm Maintenance
Use the infographic below to figure out what piece of farm machinery will help you complete your springtime chores. Maybe you need a tractor to repair fencing, a UTV to check on livestock or a chainsaw to remove brush and fell trees.
Essential Tools & Equipment for the Small Farm
The tractor-driven units carry more manure in one trip and are probably the best way to go if you have a significant number of animals you keep in the barn regularly. Heavy-duty flashlights are a must when the lights go out during a heavy storm, or when...
Remember Your Farm Equipment When Spring Cleaning!
For many people, classic “spring cleaning” might involve tidying up their houses, cleaning out their closets and similar tasks, but on farms, spring cleaning comprises primarily outdoor work.
Small-Farm Tillage And No-Till Equipment
The reason was simple: Without modern plows to turn and mix the soil, it was the most efficient way of planting crops. John Deere's Frontier No-Till Grain Drill BD1307 is a perfect size for hobby-farm agricultural applications.
Kentucky\'s First Solar-Powered Hospital
On November 30, 2011, the hospital went live […] Science classes and local students will be invited to tour the solar array. The first hospital in Kentucky to lower its reliance on the power grid in a big way is Rockcastle Regional Hospital in Mt. Vernon.
Growing Power Creates 150 Jobs
Courtesy Growing Power Will Allen's Growing Power, an urban farm in Milwaukee, Wis., created 150 jobs to be implemented in the next three years through the Growing Capacity for the Green Economy Project.
Trees Beneath Power Lines: Should You Be Planting Trees Around Power Lines
It can be pretty upsetting when you go to work in the morning with a beautiful full tree canopy on your terrace, only to come home in the evening to find it hacked into an unnatural form.
Why You Need an Air Compressor on Your Farm
They're better suited to small tires such as those found on lawn mowers and yard carts. Air compressors of various sizes and strengths can refill small and large tires as well as power other equipment.
Less Pruning, More Power, with Electophobic Cultivars
Miller provides the photos of some April 2013 versions of familiar plants.Thomas Edison is well known for his brilliant invention the light bulb. There has been great interest in these species by electrical companies all over the United States and Canada...
El Segundo
Water Garden Supplies: Tips On Backyard Pond Equipment And Plants
It's not necessary, but it makes the pond look more natural and protects the lining from UV damage.If you want to add fish, be careful about the species you get. Luckily, if you have any space at all, you canwith some pretty basic pond construction supplies.
Getting Attached To Your Equipment: A Primer On Tractor Attachments
You can also use a backhoe to add water lines or troughs for power expansion and even carrying small trees or shrubs to harvest or plant. Because these aren't overly common chores, you may want to consider renting these implements on an as-needed basis...
Use Online Classified Sites to Stay Within Your Farm Equipment Budget
If you're new to the farm and garden section, you might be surprised by the amount of livestock for sale on there, but you'll soon find yourself fawning over spring lambs and aching to raise show chickens.
Go Greener By Using A Pedal-Powered Tractor
It doesn't make sense to have a big tractor that uses fuel and just way too much power for the space provided for the season's vegetables. The Bicitractor is ideal for small to medium-sized veggie farms.
Lawn Mowing Equipment: What Are The Different Kinds Of Lawn Mowers
The fan-like action creates a vacuum which sucks up grass into the blade's cut. They also are available with mulching and bagging systems for clippings. Rotary mowers are the most common mowers used by homeowners.
Must Have Gardening Tools – Learn About Common Garden Tools And Equipment
You can always expand your tool collection with more specialized tools later, especially as your garden grows. Those with large lots may want to look into the time-saving benefits of a riding mower, while those with smaller areas to maintain may be just...
Farm Storehouse: 7 Products to Help You & Your Operation
The Mini Mill is a compact milling attachment for your chainsaw that lets you cut logs into lumber or beams. Traveller Power Inverter With four AC outlets, a USB port and heavy-duty DC cables, the Traveller 3,000-Watt Digital Power Inverter ensures that...
Beginner Beekeeper Q-and-A: What Equipment Do I Need to Get Started?
What's a smoker? But some equipment makes beekeeping a lot easier, much safer and more fun. A smoker is a cylindrical metal can with a handle and a spout at the top, used to create a smoke to calm the bees during an inspection.
Use a Solar-Powered Portable Electric Fence to Pasture Your Pigs
For the solar panel itself, I've found that my family's central-Kentucky farm receives enough light to keep the battery charged on a 20-watt panel (purchased with a 10-amp regulator), even during the winter.