The Everbilt 1-3/4 in. Wide steel anchor plate to stabilize the post in the ground. To help support the fence and includes a 7 in. Fence T-Post is perfect for supporting varying height and weight fences in farm or residential applications.
Made of rail steel with 2 layers of protective enamel and a prime coat finish, the post provides durability and rust protection in both residential and industrial uses. Green steel fence T-post is an essential piece of equipment when completing any fencing...
✓ To ensure the post is secured upright, place T-posts into ground so that the spade is completely buried (depth may vary by T-post height)
✓ Exceptionally durable with 2 enamel coats and a prime coat finish
I will apply another rope or twine around the same branches later, only not tied all the way around each branch.INSTALL BOLT/NUT -- I have to admit now, after several weeks the glue did not hold.
Use simple materials that you can purchase for just a few dollars and you can craft a pecan picker that will save you from bending over again and again during pecan season.Thread an 8-inch length of florist wire through the Slinky.
You can get lots of variety, whether you choose a single spruce as a focal point or add several spruce trees throughout your property.Windbreaks can be a very important part of the landscape, especially in large, open, flat areas.
Although a greenhouse offers an enclosed environment in which to grow a variety of seasonal plants, if you live in an area with wide temperature swings, you must still control the temperature inside the greenhouse.
Installation instructions are printed on the back of the package. Wedge-Lock Horizontal Brace Set for T-Post set includes parts for one horizontal brace.
It is horse safe and requires no tools. Fence building has never been easier - even if you're doing it alone or have no experience. Build corner or end braces for any type of livestock fence including all woven wire.
Installation instructions are printed on the back of the package. Wedge-Loc Heavy Corner/In Line Brace Set for T-Post set includes parts for one complete corner or inline brace.
An animal as large as a deer can quickly eat an entire plant. When these animals take a nibble out of your beloved plants, it can really damage the health and beauty of your garden.Hibiscus flowers are popular with humans and animals.Several types of...
Tropical pillow moss is a common ground cover for tropical amphibian and reptile enclosures. Pillow moss generally comes in compacted clumps, and you may need to pry the moss apart after it has soaked in order to cover the base of the terrarium.Mist the...
Avoid planting corn in overly moist soil because it can damage and stunt the crop. Plants in overly watered soil can also exhibit development and growth issues and appear stunted. The type of hybrid planted plays a large role in growth rate and stalk...
Alternatively, spray a commercially available contact repellent over the plantings to make them unpalatable and prevent the animals from returning to your garden. Cayenne pepper sauce in 1 gallon of water and pour in a spray bottle.
My busniness offers irrigation design, installation, repair, backflow testing, chemical application, landscape istallation, landscape construction including night lighting ponds and arbors.
Of fertilizer for every inch of trunk diameter. Growing to 30 feet in height, the best way to get your plumeria to bloom is by applying fertilizer.The best fertilizer for plumeria trees is one that is high in phosphorous, such as 10-30-10.
Not all potting soils are alike: Some are dense and wet, while others are fluffy but low in nutrients. As the plant grows, attach it loosely to the stake with gardening twine or tomato clips.
Round and oval slabs are easy, but a rectangular slab requires more experience in working with a chain saw.A chainsaw quickly converts a tree trunk into useful wood.Decide if you want round, oval or rectangular slabs.
45" long x 1 7/16" diameter. To be used in conjunction with the Gallagher Insulated Line Post Driver to prevent flex when driving Gallagher Insulated Line Posts into hard ground.
Highly visible, won't rust and weigh much less than wood or steel posts. The perfect insulating post for electric fencing. Smoother "China" finish reduces slivers.
47" post is 63" overall. Pre-formed wire attachment locations enable many different fence configurations. The multi-flanged foot design ensures strong ground anchoring, reducing the likelihood of post heave or post misalignment over time.
Designed for use with all wire, polywire, polytape and rope electric fences. Extended step-in fin provides additional ground stability. Reinforced crimped foot step for increased strength.
Choose and use wood carefully to minimize sparks.Woods such as red cedar and poplar are resinous, containing tree saps that are highly flammable. Wood, however, sometimes pops and sparks in the fireplace, throwing pieces of hot wood called embers into...
They tend to have a spread of as much as 50 feet from branch to branch. The white oak is the tallest, reaching as high as 100 feet with a spread of 80 feet.The life expectancy differs depending on the type of oak tree.