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Petlinks Hypernip Silvervine/Catnip Blend
Prices start at : 5.49 USD / each

Petlinks Hypernip Silvervine/Catnip Blend More Potent Than Catnip and Pure As Can Be An Alternative For Those Finicky Felines That Might Not Respond To Catnip Or Need A Little Something Extra To Get Them Going
Oase Filtral 1200 Filter 9W Uv With Pump
Prices start at : 199.00 USD / each

Cuts down on energy cost & guarantees that you have all the components necessary to achieve clean & clear water. Oase Filtral 1200 Filter 9W Uv With Pump Oase Filtral 1200 Filter 9W Uv With Pump, if you are not 100% satisfied our excellent customer service...
Barley Pond Flakes for Clearing Pond Water
Prices start at : 18.49 USD / each

To conceal may be placed in skimmer. Barley Pond Flakes for Clearing Pond Water Barley straw flakes pond treatment for 5,000 gallons, lasts 3 months. Barley straw flakes work 2 to 3 times faster than barley straw to clear your pond water.
Floating Pond Deicer
Prices start at : 36.00 USD / each

For use in ponds. 1000 watts, 120 volts, patented. The float is completely enclosed within a rugged plastic housing. The cord exits from the top of the unit to give added stability.
Pond Filtration
Prices start at : 4.50 USD / each

For the coarse/black pad only. Pond Filtration This is a Replacement Pad For the Pondmaster 1000, Pondmaster 2000 Carbon Single Pack. Color: multicolor Size: 12" x 12"
Landon Aquatics Fertilizer 10-14-8
Prices start at : 6.20 USD / each

Enhances the ability of aquatic plants to take up available nutrients.. Will produce most vibrantly colored water lilies and lotus blooms. Allow additional time for delivery. Reduces the amount of fertilizer needed to get plants off to a rapid start.
Pond & Waterfall Pumpshield
Prices start at : 10.00 USD / each

Pond & Waterfall Pumpshield Extend the service life of your pump and ensure lasting high performance by keeping out large debris.
Corrugate Tubing
Prices start at : 35.00 USD / each

Corrugate Tubing Corrugate Tubing comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! Kink-free and uv-resistant. Many of our products ship out the same business day! All products are backed by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.
Pond Filtration
Prices start at : 4.69 USD / each

Product is Plactic with a Rubber O Ring. Pond Filtration This is a Replacement Pump Cover for the Mag-Drive Pump, Models 5 and 7 (500GPH and 700GPH).
Pond Care Aquatic Plant Food
Prices start at : 5.79 USD / each

Tablets contain iron for lush, green growth and boron to promote flower formation. Provides essential nutrients and trace elements needed by pond plants to ensure non-stop blooming.
Flex Pond Slip-Fit Tubing
Prices start at : 68.99 USD / each

Blends easily with pond liners. Flex Pond Slip-Fit Tubing Flex Pond Slip-Fit Tubing is an excellent product we know our customers will love. Size and flow arrows printed on all tubing.
Y Zinc Shut-Off Connector
Prices start at : 6.79 USD / each

Full ball and retainer rings reduce leakage, even at low pressure. Cap type valve handles resist breakage. Leak proof, reusable. Withstands hot water temperatures to 160 fahrenheit.
Copper Sulfate Granular
Prices start at : 85.99 USD / each

Use 2.5 to 4 lb granuales per acre mixed with 10 gallons of water. Allow additional time for delivery. Do not treat more than 1/4 to 1/3 of the surface area of a pond at one time to avoid oxygen depletion due to vegetation death.
Pond Filtration
Prices start at : 11.20 USD / each

Pond Filtration The Aquabelle Foam Filter is an Extra Large Pre-Filter For All Mid-Range Pumps, 250 Gph Through 700 Gph Foam. Color: black and chrome Size: 7.5" x 1.0" x 6.75"
Danner Aquarium Uv Sleeve For Clearguard 5500/8000 Filter
Prices start at : 34.99 USD / each

Danner Aquarium Uv Sleeve For Clearguard 5500/8000 Filter For Use With Clearguard Pond Filter Model 2700 Uv Light Kills Bacteria and Provides Clarification Power To Keep Pond Water Clean and Clear
Danner Aquarium Uv Bulb For Clearguard 2700 Pressure Filter
Prices start at : 26.30 USD / each

Danner Aquarium Uv Bulb For Clearguard 2700 Pressure Filter Danner Aquarium Uv Bulb For Clearguard 2700 Pressure Filter comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! For Use With Clearguard Pond Filter Model 2700 Uv Light Kills Bacteria and Provides Clarification...
Mosquito Dunks For Stagnant Water
Prices start at : 6.20 USD / each

It is even Safe for fish ponds and animal troughs. Use in flower pots, tree holes, bird baths, water gardens, rain barrels, roof gutters, unused swimming pools. They can be used whole or broken into portions and applied to containerized standing water...
Rockwood Ornament Spire
Prices start at : 32.20 USD / each

Rockwood Ornament Spire Suitable for biorbair Color: Natural
Laguna Water Prep
Prices start at : 11.95 USD / each

It also neutralizes toxic metal ions found in tap water before it can harm fish. Laguna Water Prep eliminates harmful chlorine or chloramine from newly added tap water, immediately making it safe for pond inhabitants.
Microbe-Lift Pl
Prices start at : 63.96 USD / each

Effective Over A Wide Range Of Ph Conditions. Ingredients: Photosynthetic Bacterial Which Reduces Cloudy Water, Nitrifiers Including Both Nitrosomonas And Nitrobacter Species. Microbe-Lift Pl Microbe-Lift Pl. Helps to create a healthy pond environment,...
Multi-Use Netting
Prices start at : 27.99 USD / each

Can be used for insulation support, trellis for climbing plants, deer and bird protection. Great solution for all netting and lightweight fencing needs. Applications include window screening and vent covers, gutter guards, temporary fencing, composting...
Floating Pond Deicer De-icer
Prices start at : 60.99 USD / each

The cord exits unit from the top for added stability. Floating Pond Deicer De-icer Floating Pond Deicer De-icer, if you are not 100% satisfied our excellent customer service is standing by to help.
Seachem One Year Alerts Combo Pack
Prices start at : 14.29 USD / each

Seachem One Year Alerts Combo Pack Seachem One Year Alerts Combo Pack comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! Seachem Sensor Technology Continuously Monitors Ammonia and Freshwater Ph No Tests, No Strips, Just Constant Readings Ammonia Alert Lasts...
Aquaactiv Pond Blue
Prices start at : 14.00 USD / each

Shades water from harmful uv rays.. Perfect for anybody wanting to offer extra protection to their fish while enhancing the appearance of their pond.. Hides fish from predators. Safe and non-toxic to fish pets and wildlife..
Mosquito Dunks For Stagnant Water
Prices start at : 10.00 USD / each

It prevents mosquitoes from growing in stagnant waters. Mosquito Dunks For Stagnant Water The Mosquito Dunks are Safe for fish ponds and animal troughs.
Pond Pumps
Prices start at : 69.99 USD / each

It pumps 190 Gph and has a deluxe filter system, bell fountain head, mechanical and biological filtration. Pond Pumps The PMK Pump is ideal for Small to Medium Ponds and Containers.
Pro2000 Waterfall Box
Prices start at : 31.99 USD / each

Straight waterfall box or a biological filter and falls. Extra wide spillway for greater water aeration. Size: 15 x 9 x 12 Clean once a year under normal use. Pro 2000 waterfall box, no media 11.25 opening.