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Sinking Deicer
Prices start at : 47.70 USD / each

Allow additional time for delivery. 1500w sinking tank de-icier to be used to deice tanks. Sinking Deicer Sinking Deicer in stock and ready to ship. Color: White Size: 1500 Watt Comes with guard attached for use in plastic tanks.
Tradux Bulk Head Fitting
Prices start at : 29.00 USD / each

Easy installation due to handy screw connections. Tradux Bulk Head Fitting Suitable for pond liner or preformed ponds. Safe and clean use for cable or tubing transition but not both at the same time sealing..
Pond Filtration
Prices start at : 66.99 USD / each

Color: black Size: 5.5" x 3" x 2.25" This Impellar is for use with the Pond Master 24 or Magnetic Drive 24 Utility pump. Pond Filtration Always Disconnect power before servicing impellar assembly.
Biorb Air Terrarium
Prices start at : 379.00 USD / each

Automatic misting is triggered when the humidity drops below 75%. Water level indicator. Biorb Air Terrarium Biorb Air Terrarium comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! Led lighting automatic day and night cycle providing all the light your plants...
Oase Fountain Pump
Prices start at : 38.00 USD / each

Ideal for large fountains. Fits 1/2 and 3/4 inch id tubing. Oase Fountain Pump Oase Fountain Pump is an excellent product we know our customers will love. 7 foot pumping height. 525 gallons per hour.
Danner Aquarium Uv Sleeve For Clearguard 5500/8000 Filter
Prices start at : 34.99 USD / each

Danner Aquarium Uv Sleeve For Clearguard 5500/8000 Filter For Use With Clearguard Pond Filter Model 2700 Uv Light Kills Bacteria and Provides Clarification Power To Keep Pond Water Clean and Clear
Floating Pond Deicer De-icer
Prices start at : 60.99 USD / each

This item is designed to float in the water tank of the pond and it is thermostatically controlled with an automatic shut-off. This item is for use in ponds. 1500 watts, 120 volts w/15'cord.
Microbe-Lift Pl
Prices start at : 63.96 USD / each

Ingredients: Photosynthetic Bacterial Which Reduces Cloudy Water, Nitrifiers Including Both Nitrosomonas And Nitrobacter Species. Microbe-Lift Pl Microbe-Lift Pl. Helps to create a healthy pond environment, reduce ammonia nitrogen levels, seeds and maintains...
Pond Care Ammo-Lock 2
Prices start at : 10.69 USD / each

Eliminates ammonia stress and promotes healthy gill function of pond fish. Pond Care Ammo-Lock 2 Removes chlorine & chloramines from tap water & detoxifies ammonia, which is continually produced in the pond by waste matter.
Step 2: Natural Pond Cleaner
Prices start at : 47.99 USD / each

This cleaner consists of safe and natural bacteria that safely breaks down pond muck, dead leaves, odors and other organic material that can hurt the healthy balance of your pond or lake.

Product Features

    • Safely breaks down muck and dead vegetation: Product Features
    • 100% safe for humans, fish, livestock, pets, birds, swimming, consumption and irrigation: Product Features
    • 1 gallon treats 1 surface acre, 4 to 6 feet deep: Application Rates
    • Active ingredients.Viable Bacterial Cultures: Specs
    Landon Aquatics Fertilizer 12-20-8
    Prices start at : 16.10 USD / each

    Reduces the amount of fertilizer needed to get plants off to a rapid start. Landon Aquatics Fertilizer 12-20-8 Landon Aquatics Fertilizer 12-20-8. Enhances the ability of aquatic plants to take up available nutrients..
    Pond Care Pond pH Test Kit
    Prices start at : 6.79 USD / each

    Size: 3.8" x 1.6" x 3.8" Pond Care Pond pH Test Kit Measures the pH of pond water, reading pH levels from 5.0 to 9.0. Prevents the harmful effects of too alkaline/too acidic pond water resulting from minerals found in tap water, high ammonia levels inthe...
    Impeller Assembly For PowerJet Pumps
    Prices start at : 10.49 USD / each

    Impeller Assembly For PowerJet Pumps This device is a complete impellar assembly for the PowerJet 500 Pump.
    Pond Water Treatment
    Prices start at : 179.99 USD / each

    Product Comes Complete with 9000 Hour, Long Life 20 Watt Lamp and Water Tight Quartz Sleeve. Color: black Size: 3.5" x 3.5" x 4" It has a Glowing Monitor Halo Ring Visible From Any Angle Immediately Shows It's Working.
    Pond Filtration
    Prices start at : 20.99 USD / each

    Model B Steel,Plastic Color: black Size: 5.5" x 3" x 2.25" This Impellar is for use with the Pond Master 12 or Magnetic Drive 12 Utility pump. Pond Filtration Pond Filtration comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! Always Disconnect power before servicing...
    Danner Aquarium Uv Sleeve For Clearguard 2700 Pressure Filter
    Prices start at : 25.99 USD / each

    Danner Aquarium Uv Sleeve For Clearguard 2700 Pressure Filter For Use With Clearguard Pond Filter Model 2700 Provides Protection and Enhanced Performance By Isolating The Uv Bulb, The Quartz Sleeve Acts To Increase The Bulb S Uv Output and Provide Better...
    Cutrine-Plus pond algaecide
    Prices start at : 36.99 USD / each

    Contains chelated copper which stays in solution to continue controlling a broad range of algae well after application. Waters treated with this product may be used immediately for fishing, swimming, livestock, or irrigating or drinking.
    Pond Care PimaFix
    Prices start at : 51.29 USD / each

    For every 25 U.S. gallons. PimaFix uses the antifungal power of Pimenta Racemosa for the treatment of fungal infections in pond fish. Inhibits the development of resistant strains of disease-causing organisms.
    Danner Aquarium Uv Bulb For Clearguard 2700 Pressure Filter
    Prices start at : 26.30 USD / each

    Danner Aquarium Uv Bulb For Clearguard 2700 Pressure Filter Danner Aquarium Uv Bulb For Clearguard 2700 Pressure Filter comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! For Use With Clearguard Pond Filter Model 2700 Uv Light Kills Bacteria and Provides Clarification...
    Blue Pond Dye
    Prices start at : 60.99 USD / each

    One gallon treats 1 acre 6 feet deep. Treat year round for optimum color every 60 days march to october and every 45 days November to April Size: 4 Pack/8 oz. Natural mirror like look that is aesthetically pleasing.
    Bio Pond Cleaner
    Prices start at : 49.99 USD / each

    Features biostart complex. 1 gallon will treat 1 surface acre 4 to 6 feet deep. 100% safe for fish, waterfowl, livestock, pets and swimming immediately after treatment. Natural muck and sludge removal in water with heavy organic debris loads.
    Oase Pond And Stone Sealant
    Prices start at : 15.00 USD / each

    Expandable black foam. Oase Pond And Stone Sealant Oase Pond And Stone Sealant is an excellent product we know our customers will love. Fills gap and ensures efficient water flow over rocks.
    Perfect Climate Dx Pond De-Icer
    Prices start at : 41.86 USD / each

    Available in 3 wattages, refer to our convenient zone chart for the proper choice. 2 year warranty. Safe in all ponds and will not harm pond liners. Easy to maintain and clean. Perfect Climate Dx Pond De-Icer Floating or submersible in one convenient...
    Blue Pond Dye
    Prices start at : 45.99 USD / each

    One gallon treats 1 acre 6 feet deep. Treat year round for optimum color every 60 days march to october and every 45 days November to April Size: Gallon Natural mirror like look that is aesthetically pleasing.
    Micropump 104 For Terrarium Waterfalls/Small Ponds/Desktop Fountains
    Prices start at : 15.99 USD / each

    The Micropump 104 is a Multi-Function Submersible Pump. It has an Adjustable Flow Rate. Color: Black Size: 37" x 7" x 4" Product is black in color. It works For Internal Or External Filter Applications, Terrarium Waterfalls, small Ponds, Or Desktop Fountains.
    Pond Care Aquatic Plant Food
    Prices start at : 5.79 USD / each

    Keeps water lilies blooming all season long. Provides essential nutrients and trace elements needed by pond plants to ensure non-stop blooming. Pond Care Aquatic Plant Food Stimulates lush foliage and beautiful blooms of all aquatic pond plants (hardy...
    Vitronic Uv Clarifier
    Prices start at : 109.00 USD / each

    Cleans the green out of water.. Color: Black Size: 9W Easily integrates into an existing or new pond system.. Quick release for easy bulb change and cleaning of the quartz glass.. Clear tubing adapters show the clarifier working..