Vitronic Uv Clarifier Vitronic Uv Clarifier comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! Suitable for ponds up to 2500 gallons.. Clear tubing adapters show the clarifier working.. Safe and easy monitoring of the uvc light: visual function check of the...
It has a Foam Pre Filter and includes an 18' Grounded Power Cord. It has a 1800 Gph Max Flow with 21' Shut off Ceramic Shaft. Pond Pumps The Pond Mag Pump operates submerged or inline.
Oase Pond Pump Oase Pond Pump. Quiet operation. Built-in flow regulator. Durable construction. Ideal for large ponds. Pumps up to 13 feet. Non-toxic and safe for pond plants and fish.
Danner Aquarium Uv Sleeve For Clearguard 2700 Pressure Filter For Use With Clearguard Pond Filter Model 2700 Provides Protection and Enhanced Performance By Isolating The Uv Bulb, The Quartz Sleeve Acts To Increase The Bulb S Uv Output and Provide Better...
The float is completely enclosed within a rugged plastic housing. 1000 watts, 120 volts, patented. The cord exits from the top of the unit to give added stability. Floating Pond Deicer This item floats in the water tank and is thermostatically controlled...
525 gallons per hour. Ideal for large fountains. Oase Fountain Pump Oase Fountain Pump is an excellent product we know our customers will love. Fits 1/2 and 3/4 inch id tubing. 7 foot pumping height.
Stress Coat Pond Care Stress Coat Pond Care comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! Replaces the natural slime coating on the skin of pond fish when it has been damaged by handling, netting, or other forms of stress.
Safe for use with fish. Pondtabbs Formulated to feed all pond plants while minimizing the releasing of chemicals into water that encourages algae growth.
Debris collection bag for discharge.. Maximum suction depth of 6 feet.. Compact design and built-in handle allow for easy movement and transportation.. Inc: 4 suction tubes 4 suction nozzles filter bag coarse debris collection sack 13ft suction hose and...
Is a protective netting for gardens and shrubs, chicken wire applications and pool or pond cover. Applications include window screening and vent covers, gutter guards, temporary fencing, composting bin.
Partial water changes can improve water quality which will help reduce foaming. Persistent foaming can indicate a heavy concentration of undissolved organics. Microbe-Lift Defoamer MICROBE-LIFT/Defoamer gets rid of unsightly foam fast, leaving pond water...
Eliminates ammonia stress and promotes healthy gill function of pond fish. Pond Care Ammo-Lock 2 Removes chlorine & chloramines from tap water & detoxifies ammonia, which is continually produced in the pond by waste matter.
Instantly removes chlorine and neutralizes chloramines, replaces fish s natural slime coating. Contains aloe vera to help heal torn fins and skin wounds. Pondcare Stress Coat Pondcare Stress Coat is an excellent product we know our customers will love.
Easy to clean basket that easily mounts to any liner. Removes debris from pond surface. Oase Filtoskim 3000 Pond Skimmer Oase Filtoskim 3000 Pond Skimmer, if you are not 100% satisfied our excellent customer service is standing by to help.
Soluble packets. Keep out of reach of children. This product can not be shipped to the following US States: DC Size: 7. Aqua Shadow Pond Water Treatment Aqua Shadow Beautifies murky, cloudy or off-colored water with a pleasing, natural aqua-blue tint.
Spring/Fall Formula Contains Stabilized Vitamin C Will Not Cloud Water Ethoxyquin Added As Preservative At 150 Ppm Made With Lesser Amounts Of Protein and Wheat Germ Ecological Laboratories Microbe-Lift Wheat Germ Pond Food Ecological Laboratories Microbe-Lift...
Depending upon rainfall or runoff, treat every 30-90 days. It clears up muddy ponds, and helps settle out dissolved solids. Read/download our Pond Care Guide to identify the most common types of algae and submerged weeds, and to see our handy 4-step program...
Treat year round for optimum color every 60 days march to october and every 45 days November to April Size: 4 Pack/8 oz. 100% safe for all uses immediately after treatment. Allow additional time for delivery.
It has a double, water-tight seal, a thermostatic control to reduce heating time and save electricity. Color: red Size: 11" x 11" x 4" To use, Place In Your Pond During Winter Months.
100% natural product is safe for pond fish, plants and wildlife in and around your pond. Pond-Zyme Plus is safe and easy to use and solves your pond problems naturally! Contains a super-concentrated blend of beneficial bacteria that break down organic...
Danner Aquarium Uv Sleeve For Clearguard 5500/8000 Filter For Use With Clearguard Pond Filter Model 2700 Uv Light Kills Bacteria and Provides Clarification Power To Keep Pond Water Clean and Clear
This product can not be shipped to the following US States: NH Harvester Landscape And Aquatic Herbicide Controls submersed, floating and emergent aquatic weeds including grassy and broadleaf weeds.
Helps to create a healthy pond environment, reduce ammonia nitrogen levels, seeds and maintains biological levels. Ingredients: Photosynthetic Bacterial Which Reduces Cloudy Water, Nitrifiers Including Both Nitrosomonas And Nitrobacter Species.
Size: 3.8" x 1.6" x 3.8" Pond Care Pond pH Test Kit Measures the pH of pond water, reading pH levels from 5.0 to 9.0. Prevents the harmful effects of too alkaline/too acidic pond water resulting from minerals found in tap water, high ammonia levels inthe...