Corrugate Tubing Corrugate Tubing comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! Kink-free and uv-resistant. Many of our products ship out the same business day! All products are backed by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.
The Ponder Underliner can be used to protect the liner wall from punctures from stones and cushion the pond wall for fish. The product is non-woven needle punched fabric. Pond Liners Pond Liners.
Keeps leaves and harmful debris out of pond. Made of durable uv treated polypropylene. Bird And Pond Netting Protects fish and water life from predators. Allows sunlight moisture and ventilation.
Easy installation due to handy screw connections. Safe and clean use for cable or tubing transition but not both at the same time sealing.. Tradux Bulk Head Fitting Suitable for pond liner or preformed ponds.
Helps to jump start your pond to a healthier environment in the spring and helps fish maintain healthy immune systems. Ingredients: Contains A Blend Of Cellulase Enzymes, Cellulase-Producing Bacteria And A Cold Weather Bacteria.
This Impellar is for use with the Pond Master 24 or Magnetic Drive 24 Utility pump. Replace Old with New. Pond Filtration Always Disconnect power before servicing impellar assembly.
This product can not be shipped to the following US States: NH Harvester Landscape And Aquatic Herbicide Controls submersed, floating and emergent aquatic weeds including grassy and broadleaf weeds.
Allow additional time for delivery. Barley Straw Extract Barley Straw Extract in stock and ready to ship. It is a Microbe-Lift Barley Straw Concentrate and the decomposition process starts immediately and can be used all year round.
Allow additional time for delivery. Oase Waterfall Spillway Oase Waterfall Spillway in stock and ready to ship. Made of durable uv resistant high impact plastic. Fits pumps pw800uv pw1300uv pw1250 and pw2300.
For every 25 U.S. gallons. PimaFix uses the antifungal power of Pimenta Racemosa for the treatment of fungal infections in pond fish. Rapidly treats fungal infections on body & fins.
Size: 1500 Watt It operates at bottom of tank & is less likely to be disturbed by livestock. 1500 watt sinking pond de-icer with 15 cord. Sinking Pond De-Icer Sinking de-icer will sink to the bottom of tank & is thermostatically controlled with an automatic...
It pumps 190 Gph and has a deluxe filter system, bell fountain head, mechanical and biological filtration. Pond Pumps The PMK Pump is ideal for Small to Medium Ponds and Containers.
Straight waterfall box or a biological filter and falls. Clean once a year under normal use. Ingredients: High Density Polyethylene. Size: 15 x 9 x 12 Pro2000 Waterfall Box Pro2000 Waterfall Box is an excellent product we know our customers will love.
Danner Aquarium Uv Sleeve For Clearguard 5500/8000 Filter For Use With Clearguard Pond Filter Model 2700 Uv Light Kills Bacteria and Provides Clarification Power To Keep Pond Water Clean and Clear
Controls many types of algae including green water" blooms and filamentous algae. Pond Care AlgaeFix Liquid algae-control product for use in ornamental fish ponds, water gardens, fountains, and freshwater aquariums.
Allow additional time for delivery. Will not float. Perfect for transplanting and planting bare-root plants. Use with Pond Care aquatic plant food tablets. Pond Care Aquatic Planting Media Pond Care Aquatic Planting Media in stock and ready to ship.
The direct placement in a pond enhances substrates and the decomposition process starts immediately. Treats 500 Gallon Pond Up To 7 Months And An 800 Gallon Pond For Up To 5 Months.
Features suspend technology. One gallon treats 1 acre 6 feet deep. 100% safe for all uses immediately after treatment. Natural mirror like look that is aesthetically pleasing. Treat year round for optimum color every 60 days march to october and every...
When replacing old with new one, always disconnect power before servicing . Pond Filtration This Impellar is for the Mag Drive 1.9 (190Gallons). Color: black Size: .25" x 0.25" x 0.5"
It has a 1800 Gph Max Flow with 21' Shut off Ceramic Shaft. It has a Foam Pre Filter and includes an 18' Grounded Power Cord. Pond Pumps The Pond Mag Pump operates submerged or inline.
Allow additional time for delivery. Landon Aquatics Fertilizer 10-14-8 Landon Aquatics Fertilizer 10-14-8 in stock and ready to ship. Reduces the amount of fertilizer needed to get plants off to a rapid start.
Retreatment during season will be needed. Treat algea in early stages. Allow additional time for delivery. Copper Sulfate Granular Copper Sulfate Granular in stock and ready to ship.