Hides fish from predators. Color: Gray Size: 18 oz Perfect for anybody wanting to offer extra protection to their fish while enhancing the appearance of their pond.. Safe and non-toxic to fish pets and wildlife..
This product can not be shipped to the following US States: CT,DC,MA,ME,NJ,NY, & VT Do not use in waters containing koi, hybrid goldfish, or trout (if hardness of the water is <50ppm).
Call us at 1-800-8-SADDLE. Water Preps coating agents bond to fish skin and scales where natural coating has been breached, offering time for the natural production of the protective slime coat.
Allow additional time for delivery. Color: White Size: 1500 Watt Ingredients: One De-Icer Consiting Of Stainless Steel, Plastic And Electronic Componets. Comes with guard attached for use in plastic tanks.
Danner Aquarium Uv Sleeve For Clearguard 5500/8000 Filter For Use With Clearguard Pond Filter Model 2700 Uv Light Kills Bacteria and Provides Clarification Power To Keep Pond Water Clean and Clear
Many of our products ship out the same business day! All products are backed by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Corrugate Tubing Corrugate Tubing comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! Kink-free and uv-resistant.
Fits 1 1/2 in and 2 in id tubing (not included). Energy efficient with whisper quiet operation an easy to clean pre-filter and easy maintenance allowing quick and easy. Access to all moving parts.
Kit includes: 1 ap-20 airpump 1-6port manifold 6 4inch air stones 3 16ft section of air line tubes. Aerates ponds up to 2000 gallons. Provides vital oxygen to fish and plants. Pondmaster Aeration Kit Pondmaster Aeration Kit.
Allow additional time for delivery. 100% natural aquatic potting media blended with zeolite. Cover top of pot with decorative stones or gravel. Perfect for transplanting and planting bare-root plants.
It is Natural, non-toxic, and non-caustic. It also helps to jump start your pond to a healther environment in the spring. Spring/summer cleaner accelerates the breakdown of leaves, twigs and other accumlated dead organic waste.
Ingredients: Photosynthetic Bacterial Which Reduces Cloudy Water, Nitrifiers Including Both Nitrosomonas And Nitrobacter Species. Microbe-Lift Pl Microbe-Lift Pl is an excellent product we know our customers will love.
End of season dose: add 2 oz per 250 US Gallons twice a week for 2 weeks. Product contains Nonpathogenic bacterial cultures. Through natural bacterial action this triple Action formula acts fast to clear pond water and Break down sludge.
Allow additional time for delivery. 16Oz. Size: 16Oz To use, Apply According to Pond Size From Label Instructions. It is a Microbe-Lift Barley Straw Concentrate and the decomposition process starts immediately and can be used all year round.
Ideal for large ponds. Quiet operation. Durable construction. Oase Pond Pump Oase Pond Pump. Non-toxic and safe for pond plants and fish. Pumps up to 13 feet. Built-in flow regulator.
Color: black Size: 5.5" x 3" x 2.25" This Impellar is for use with the Pond Master 24 or Magnetic Drive 24 Utility pump. Replace Old with New. Pond Filtration Always Disconnect power before servicing impellar assembly.
Non-toxic and safe for fish and water plants. Can be used in and out of water. Size: 10 Watt/3 Pack Oase Lunaled Pond & Landscape Light Set Includes 3 lights and 4 color lenses. Use for parties and celebrations.
Easy to apply, just pour around the edges of the lake or pond. This product can not be shipped to the following US States: DC Size: Gallon Blue Springs Pond and Lake Beautifier Blue Springs Pond and Lake Beautifier is an excellent product we know our...
This item is designed to float in the water tank of the pond and it is thermostatically controlled with an automatic shut-off. The float is completely enclosed within a rugged plastic housing.
This product can not be shipped to the following US States: NH Harvester Landscape And Aquatic Herbicide Controls submersed, floating and emergent aquatic weeds including grassy and broadleaf weeds.
Thermo-Pond Floating De-Icer Thermo-Pond Floating De-Icer comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! Pond de-icer, Maintains a hole in backyard pond ice for just pennies a day, Floats on top of the water, Thermostatically controlled never to get hot,...
Product Comes Complete with 9000 Hour, Long Life 40 Watt Lamp and Water Tight Quartz Sleeve. The Black Color Is Unobtrusive Whether Used In Or Out of the Water. Color: black Size: 3.5" x 3.5" x 4"