Picture is with my 5 month old mini jersey bull calf Registered MINI HEREFORD for sale. Asking $2300.00 She was a year old in June 2018 so she is ready for your bull. 43" high at the hip.
Heifer calf was born 6/26/17, ~300 pounds, registered. Should have good growth rate, very calm disposition cattle. Two Hereford calves for sale. Steer calf was born 3/17/17, ~500-600 pounds.
This bull would be perfect for first time heifers or even for a full heard! He is halter broke and is very mild mannered. We would like to get $3000.00 for him. I have an 8 year old that leads him around.
Buy all or take you pick from herd, mix of mostly black & red angus, black baldies, & some Herefords bred to black angus bulls, bred heifers & cows not yet calved as well, price neg
40+Head Angus, Black Baldy and Herford Cow/Calf Pairs to sell this season. Prices will range from $1850-$2200/pair Will sell small lots. 29 of the 40 on the ground as of today April 21st.
Call anytime 267 767 0160 Cows with calves by there side, cows are also bred back for April-May. 3 Hereford, 2 baldi's, 6 angus, 1 Simmental, 1 red angus, cows are from first calves to 4th calves.