2 years old Only reason we are getting rid of him is because it's time to change out bulls $1,200.00 Very ACTIVE, and throws beautiful calf's he's had 8 already this year! Very gentle and easy to load.
1350.00 delivery anywhere All off one farm. Wormed with ivomec long rang black leg triangle 10 and a multimin 90. Nice set of Hereford heifers avg 700 lbs great vac program.
Already tested. Great genetics, really puts the hybrid vigor in your calf crop. They stay looking great and healthy. We purchased these from a line 1 ranch in Nebraska. You get one is great for maternal and older is very low BW.
Has been used on first calf heifers with no problems. Picture is of him at 19 months. Raises fast growing nice straight calves. Four year old Registered Polled Hereford Bull. Text or call for resent pictures.
We focus on producing functional, balanced trait cattle that are managed with limited inputs. Functional traits impacting longevity, good dispositions, and eye pigmentation are also essential.
Good gentle young cows. Ready to go @ April 1. Black, black baldy, red, & red baldy calves. 40-45 head Hereford/Angus cross first calf pairs. 3000/pair buyer takes all, 3250 if you want to sort on them.
Black and black baldy cows , All are confirmed bred in they're 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy. They are gentle and up to date on vaccinations. All are solid mouthed cows weighing 1100-1300.