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Polled Hereford Livestock For Sale In Ohio

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For Sale: 1 Polled Hereford Bulls
Price : CALL

15 month old registered bull for sale! He is sired by the popular Reuben James and his dam was gran champion at the Ohio state fair in 2016! He is ready to go to work! He will and style and function to your calves! $2,400
  • Number of Head: 1
United States
For Sale: 1 Polled Hereford Bulls
Price : CALL

Asking Price: $1,300.00 For Sale: Non-Registered Miniature Polled Hereford Bull Birthdate: April 18, 2016 Is halter broke and has been shown at the county fair.
  • Number of Head: 1
United States
For Sale: 1 Polled Hereford Bulls
Price : CALL

$1600.00 Please call: 419 895 1996 Son of Boyd Ft Knox 17Y XZ5 4040 Registration #43472233 and Gerber T047 Holly 108Z Registration #43287162. Born 8-7-2017 Some of his great bloodlines include: Boyd Worldwide, Lambeau, Tundra, Feltons Domino and Schular.
  • Number of Head: 1
United States
For Sale: 2 Angus, Hereford, Hereford Cross Bred Heifers
Price : CALL

2 angus/hereford cross heifers. They have been exposed to hereford bull.
  • Number of Head: 2
United States
For Sale: 1 Hereford Bulls
Price : CALL

$2800.00 obo Arnett Registered Herefords Grafton, Ohio 440-935-9144 For Sale: American Hereford Association Registered Hereford Bull LBK JMK B12 HOMETOWN COMET 25 E Born:4/14/2017 Halter Broke, Very Docile, Great Markings, Pigmented around eyes, Great...
  • Number of Head: 1
United States
For Sale: 1 Hereford Bulls
Price : CALL

Son of MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R Registration #42593689 and NS 143 RITA 412 Registration #43480039. $1800.00 Please call: 419 895 1996 Some of his great bloodlines include Feltons Legend, Remitall Online, Feltons Domino, KCF Bennit and SHF Rib Eye.
  • Number of Head: 1
United States
For Sale: 1 Hereford Cow/Calf Pairs
Price : CALL

This Miniature cow has calfed twice.
  • Number of Head: 1
United States
For Sale: 1 Hereford Bulls
Price : CALL

Registered Miniature Hereford Bull. Born October 19,2015.
  • Number of Head: 1
United States
For Sale: 1 Hereford Bulls
Price : CALL

Very good bloodlines. For sale I have a 5 month old purebred Hereford Bull, he is not registered. His Sire is not registered. His Dam is registered and is on our farm. Very nice looking, would make someone a nice herd Bull or show Bull.
  • Number of Head: 1
United States
For Sale: 3 Hereford Feeders
Price : CALL

I have 3 Herefords heifers at approximately 535 pounds as a group average with delivery being available.
  • Number of Head: 3
United States
For Sale: 1 Hereford Bulls
Price : CALL

His Dam is registered and is on our farm. Very nice looking, would make someone a nice herd Bull or show Bull. His Sire is not registered. He is related to all our cows, so he has to go.
  • Number of Head: 1
United States
For Sale: 1 Hereford Bulls
Price : CALL

Makes a wonderful bull for first calf heifers including 15 month old commercial cows. Mini's will be around mid 30's (35-39 lbs). Registered Miniature Hereford (mini-Hereford) Bull Calm, dehorned, has nose ring, easy on fences, no vet work needed, he...
  • Number of Head: 1
United States
For Sale: 3 Hereford Open Heifers
Price : CALL

Polled Hereford Heifers for sale. Horned Hereford Heifer for sale $1500 DOB 01-26-16 and I also have Some Reg. Call 740-682-7362 and leave a message.
  • Number of Head: 3
United States
For Sale: 1 Hereford Bulls
Price : CALL

Miniature Hereford will be two years in August.
  • Number of Head: 1
United States
For Sale: 8 Hereford Bulls
Price : CALL

More pictures and videos can be sent upon request. All bulls have very good epds and most can be used on heifers. Bulls are all in great condition and ready to cover a lot of cows.
  • Number of Head: 8
United States
For Sale: 8 Hereford Cows
Price : CALL

Registration numbers on request. We are a small farm and we raise Registered Herefords. The price starts at $700. We have weenlings, yearlings, cow/calf pairs.
  • Number of Head: 8
United States
For Sale: 2 Hereford, Simmental Bulls
Price : CALL

Mama is a Crossbred red Angus/Hereford... Excalibur commander $ 65, in ½ interest at the sale.. Must see to appreciate New price From Worr Owen Tankeray Y79D ET Polled Hereford Show Bull of the year.
  • Number of Head: 2
United States
For Sale: 6 Angus, Charolais, Hereford Feeders
Price : CALL

I have a group of 6 beef feeders all from a farm for sale. Delivery is available. I'm asking $5,800 for the group. Two heifers and four steers I would like to keep them all together.
  • Number of Head: 6
United States
Red Poll Bull
Price : CALL

Will deliver to buyer if necessary. Must sell to outbreed his calves with another bull. Will sell for $1,500. Four-year-old Red Poll bull in great breeding condition. Bought bull for $3,500 in 2001 for 2002 calves.
United States
For Sale: 10 Hereford Cross, Holstein, Lowline Feeders
Price : CALL

No sickness, no antibiotics, no hormones or implants given. We deliver or ship directly to your processor. Healthy cattle on round bale hay and small amount of grain. We are a cow calf ranch specializing in mini-Hereford sired steers for premium grass...
  • Number of Head: 10
United States
For Sale: 7 Angus, Angus Cross, Hereford Feeders
Price : CALL

Asking 7,500 for the entire group. I have 7 steer beef feeders for sale. Most of them are all black some are black with white face and one Hereford. The average group weight is Approximately 675 pounds.
  • Number of Head: 7
United States
For Sale: 45 Black Angus, Hereford, Red Angus Cow/Calf Pairs
Price : CALL

2 years to 6 Years of age 17 Grass Fed Feeders Red angus , Black Angus, & Hereford Last years and this years born Jan & Feb 2018 2 Grass Fed Black Angus Bulls 18 Months 26 Grass Fed Bred Black Angus Cows Bred in March & April 2018.
  • Number of Head: 45
United States
Price : CALL

Beef prices are high, and by selling your feeders out,, you lose substantial profits for your farm and family. A commercial feeders sells for an average of 400-500 dollars. Let us do the hard work.
United States
Registered Herefords
Price : CALL

Have not recently preg checked them. Have several more that are not registered but can be in a matter of days. 8 Hereford calves. If interested please email me the sooner the better.
United States
Miniature herefords
Price : CALL

Heifers 1yr $ me ken Healthy cattle reducing herd size some polled some horned, ages 4mo. Priced to sell many bred for spring calves . Exposed to mini bull, 7 reg mini hereford cows 2-7yrs.
United States
Cross Bred Cattle
Price : CALL

1 yearling hereford/angus heifer, 1 yearling crossbred heifer,1 yearling hereford/angus steer,1 2yr old crossbred bull. $1.00 lb on the hoof. Will not deliver. YEARLING CROSSBRED HEIFERS,STEER AND TWO YEAR OLD BULL PASTURE RAISED ON SOUTHEASTERN OHIO...
United States