Prices start at : 14.99 USD / package
The Astilbe and Hosta are true perennials that not only come back year after year, but they will also live a very long time. Astilbe bear showy pink, plume-like flowers on tall, stiff stalks above fern-like, glossy foliage.
- Hardiness Zone: 3 (-40 to -30 F),4 (-30 to -20 F),5 (-20 to -10 F),6 (-10 to 0 F),7 (0 to 10 F),8 (10 to 20 F)
- Annual / Perennial: Perennial
- Recommended Space Between Plantings (in.): 30
- Mature Width (in.): 30
- Both hostas and astilbe love plenty of water, so be sure the containers receive adequate rainfall or water and among the easiest to grow of all perennials: Yes
- Botanical Name: Astilbe and Hosta