4 box Seed Tender 6″ Auger with 5″ Poly Cup Flighting 5.5 HP Honda Engine (Optional Electric Start) Wireless Remote Control Infinitely Variable Electronic Speed Control Direct Drive (No Belts!) 3 Stage Telescoping Spout Delivers up to 8 bushels per...
It is very fruity with mild to medium heat. But regardless the Peachadew is much sweeter! The Sugar Rush Red has the most heat of all three but produces larger peppers. One of the tastiest Aji types on the planet!.
Super durable in all weather conditions! Reflective strips offer 360 degree visibility to stand out day and night. Yellow stick with red band. Tapered on one end for easy installation with protective cap on opposite end.
Heavy copper stock that can be engraved with a pen, pencil or sharp object! Permanent, all-weather labeling will last for years. Pre-wired with reinforced eyelet for quick tying. Sold in packs of 250.
Choose from either sun, part sun, or shade tags below. Help your customers help themselves! Should I plant this in full or partial sun? The styrene material resists weather and tolerates dry soils.
Constructed of the highest quality galvanized wire and 99.6% zinc! This combination provides you with a weatherproof garden label that retains presentation and legibility year after year.
New design keeps the tags on the plant, tree or shrubs. 1,000 tags per roll. New and improved design! New improved .022" thermal printable clip-on hangtag in 1"x3" or 1"x6" sizes and colors of white or yellow.
It spreads like mint, so put in a container or closed space or where it can spread naturally. I am available by e-mail or phone to answer any growing questions as well. It was used in colonial times as a scouring rush to polish silver and pewter.
I am available by e-mail or phone to answer any growing questions as well. It will take drought after it is established . I use it for a nights when I have insomnia. Instructions for growing are not on the packs but are on the listing under the seed template.
Priced per bundle. Choose your color and size below! Natural wood, smooth-sanded markers are thicker and stronger than others! In three finishes: plain (natural wood); coated (whitewashed); orange (painted for high visibility).
All are Cold hardy to -10 degrees. OUR GUARANTEE: Please respond within 48 hours of receiving order in case of problems by PHONE ONLY! We do not refund shipping charges. WE USE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE AND SHIP TWICE WEEKLY.
These white french lilacs came down from my mom and took a few years to establish and bear flowers but they are well worth the wait. I am available by e-mail or phone to answer any growing questions as well.
Durable, easy-to-see and long-lasting! Bold, bright red letters on all-weather, .015 rigid vinyl. 1000 per roll, 5 labels side by side on roll. 7/8" x 10" label, 1/2" "SOLD" lettering.
Weed control is critical in young plantings, though once established American elder can generally shade out most weeds. Elderberry prefers a heavy soil high in organic material and can be observed growing in light sandy soils too.
Growing instructions will come with your plants. I am also including two others Chocolate Moruga and BBG7 X SRTSL plants.BBG7 X SRTSL is a Cross between 7 Pot Bubblegum and Trinidad Scorpion Long.
I do not use chemical pesticides and prefer organic pest control and the use of predatory insects. In Spain they fry the chiles in olive oil with sea salt and seasonings then eat with an ice cold beer as an appetizer.
2 Fertilizer Pumps. Nationwide Delivery Available. Liquid Fertilizer With N/T Fertilizer Cutters. This Planter Is Very Nice And Ready To Go. Please Call With Any Questions. Agco 3000 Monitor And Fold Control Box.
We spend thousands to isolate and net our plants so your seed grows true and is not crossed. You are getting 3 Devil's Tongue and 3 Devil's Tongue Red Hot pepper plants! Great flavor and heat and productive! $17.99 The Devil's Tongue Yellow is as hot...
The planter has about 4500 acres on it. This planter has been through the shop and is in fantastic shape and ready to roll! Call today!! This immaculate white 6238 has yetter row cleaners, comes with corn and bean disc's, and SM 3000.