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Plant With Fast Growth Flowering Shrub For Sale In Atlanta

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Orange Eye Butterflybush, Summer Lilac, Butterfly Bush Buddleja davidii     - Buddleia davidii
Prices start at : 7.95 USD / 1 packet

* It is widely used as an ornamental plant. * Buddleja davidii , (old spelling Buddleia davidii ); also called summer lilac , butterfly-bush or orange eye ) is a shrub in the Buddlejaceae family .
  • Seeds Per Pound: 3,400,000
  • Germination Test Type: estimate
  • Species: davidii
  • Collection Locale: France
  • Crop Year: 2012
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 5
Paracress, Toothache Plant, Electric Daisy, Electric Buttons, Buzz Buttons, Peek-A-Boo, Eyeball Plant Acmella oleracea     - Spilanthes oleracea    , Spilanthes acmella
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

* The leaves and flower heads contain an analgesic agent spilanthol used to numb toothache. * I just watched a You Tube video of a woman eating 1/4 of a flower. * These curiosities are well worth growing, if only for the conversation factor! * The buds...
  • Height: 12-15 inches
  • Quantity: 1.94 lb
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 796
  • Seeds Per Pound: 1,861,400
  • Collection Locale: Holland
  • Germination: 98%
Milky Bellflower Campanula lactiflora     - Gadellia lactiflora
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

* A very tolerant plant, thriving even when growing in unkempt grassy areas. * Members of this genus are rarely if ever troubled by browsing deer or rabbits. * Bell-shaped flowers are pale lavender-blue and bloom for an unusually long time (4-5 weeks)...
  • Height: 3 feet
  • Collection Locale: Germany
  • Species: lactiflora
  • Germination Test Type: cut
  • Germination: 83%
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 62
Milky Bellflower Campanula lactiflora     - Gadellia lactiflora
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

* A very tolerant plant, thriving even when growing in unkempt grassy areas. * Members of this genus are rarely if ever troubled by browsing deer or rabbits. * Bell-shaped flowers are pale lavender-blue and bloom for an unusually long time (4-5 weeks)...
  • Lot#: 020279
  • Purity: 98%
  • Crop Year: 2002
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 62
  • Genus: Campanula
Kashmir Mallow, Lavatera, Cashmir Mallow, Tree Mallow Lavatera cachemiriana
Prices start at : 15.95 USD / 1 packet

* A strong fibre is obtained from the stems, it is used for making string, bags, paper etc. * A very easily grown plant, succeeding in any ordinary garden soil in sun or partial shade.
  • Species: cachemiriana
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 94
  • Collection Locale: Iowa
  • Germination Test Type: cut
  • Botanical Name: Lavatera cachemiriana
  • Genus: Lavatera
Bride\'s Feathers, Goatsbeard Aruncus vulgaris     - Aruncus dioicus
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

* In Italy the young shoots are eaten, usually boiled briefly in herb infused water, and then cooked with eggs and cheese. * Plants with male flowers (numerous stamens per flower) produce a showier bloom than plants with female flowers (three pistils...
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 6
  • Common Name: Bride's Feathers, Goatsbeard
  • Lot#: 9801
  • Botanical Name: Aruncus vulgaris
  • Purity: 98%
  • Genus: Aruncus
Paracress, Toothache Plant, Electric Daisy, Electric Buttons, Buzz Buttons, Peek-A-Boo, Eyeball Plant Acmella oleracea     - Spilanthes oleracea    , Spilanthes acmella
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

* The leaves and flower heads contain an analgesic agent spilanthol used to numb toothache. * I just watched a You Tube video of a woman eating 1/4 of a flower. * These curiosities are well worth growing, if only for the conversation factor! * The buds...
  • Collection Locale: Holland
  • Botanical Name: Acmella oleracea
  • Germination Test Type: cut
  • Species: oleracea
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: annual
  • Common Name: Paracress, Toothache Plant, Electric Daisy, Electric Buttons, Buzz Buttons, Peek-A-Boo, Eyeball Plant
Pin Cherry Prunus pensylvanica     - Prunus pennsylvanica
Price : CALL

Fall foliage is colorful. Small tree or shrub with horizontal branches; narrow, rounded, open crown; shiny red twigs; bitter, aromatic bark and foliage; and tiny red cherries. * Fire cherry or pin cherry is a slender, sometimes shrubby, tree, 35-50 ft.
  • Botanical Name: Prunus pensylvanica
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 3
  • Common Name: Pin Cherry
  • Species: pensylvanica
Sweet Autumn Clematis Clematis paniculata
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

* This vining plant is fast growing and has very fragrant flowers. As with all Clematis species it is somewhat poisonous so shouldn't be grown where people or animals may be tempted to eat it.
  • Germination Test Type: cut
  • Quantity: 0.52 lb
  • Seeds Per Pound: 112,592
  • Height: 30 feet
  • Common Name: Sweet Autumn Clematis
Dwarf Fairy Candytuft Iberis umbellata   Dwarf Fairy
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

* Succeeds in poor soils and on dry walls. * Easily grown in a good, well-drained ordinary garden soil in a sunny position. Prefers a calcareous soil but tolerates mildly acid soils.
  • Collection Locale: US
  • Germination: 94%
  • Purity: 99%
  • Genus: Iberis
  • Cultivar: Dwarf Fairy
  • Botanical Name: Iberis umbellata Dwarf Fairy
Maackii Amur Honeysuckle, Amur Honeysuckle Lonicera maackii
Price : CALL

* Lonicera maackii ( Amur Honeysuckle or Bush Honeysuckle ) is a species of honeysuckle in the family Caprifoliaceae , native to temperate Asia in northern and western China (south to Yunnan ), Mongolia , Japan (central and northern Honsh?
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 3
  • Genus: Lonicera
  • Species: maackii
  • Height: 12-15 feet
Happy Tree, Camptotheca, Cancer Tree, Tree Of Life Camptotheca acuminata
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

Camptotheca is used to make Irinotecan , Topotecan , 9-Aminocamptothecin , and camptothecin -1 (CPT-1). * The Happy Tree , Cancer Tree , or Tree of Life ( Camptotheca ) is a genus of medium-sized deciduous trees growing to 20 m tall, native to central...
  • Height: 60-75 feet
  • Crop Year: 1998
  • Germination: 63%
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 43
  • Species: acuminata
  • Quantity: 13.88 lb
Blue Passion Flower, Bluecrown Passionflower, Common Passion Flower Passiflora caerulea
Prices start at : 6.95 USD / 1 packet

* A vine with 3-4" flowers, blue to white, of remarkable complex form, incorporating sepals, rings of filaments, and elaborate stamens; fruit about the size and shape of an egg, yellow to orange, often grown in greenhouses in cold areas; climbs via tendrils,...
  • Quantity: 2.25 lb
  • Botanical Name: Passiflora caerulea
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 41
  • Collection Locale: Netherlands
  • Species: caerulea
  • Common Name: Blue Passion Flower, Bluecrown Passionflower, Common Passion Flower
Japanese Snowbell, Pink Japanese Snowbell Styrax japonicus   Rosea
Prices start at : 5.95 USD / 1 packet

Features small pendulous clusters of bell-shaped, mildly fragrant, pale pink, long-stalked flowers (3/4" long) with showy yellow stamens. Elliptic-oblong, glossy, dark green leaves (to 3" long).
  • Purity: 99%
  • Family: Styracaceae
  • Seeds Per Pound: 1,906
  • Crop Year: 2015
  • Common Name: Japanese Snowbell, Pink Japanese Snowbell
  • Genus: Styrax
Rem Red Amur Honeysuckle Lonicera maackii   Rem Red
Price : CALL

Therefore, it was heavily planted in the midwest and eastern US. * Rem Red Amur Honeysuckle was developed by the USDA Soil Conservation Service in the 1960's. It was touted as a great plant for wildlife and erosion control.
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 3
  • Cultivar: Rem Red
  • Common Name: Rem Red Amur Honeysuckle
  • Botanical Name: Lonicera maackii Rem Red
Empress Tree, Princesstree Paulownia tomentosa
Prices start at : 5.95 USD / 1 packet

Used for making boxes, clogs, furniture, musical instruments etc. On young growth, the leaves may be in whorls of three and be much bigger than the leaves on more mature growth. * Paulownia tomentosa (also known as the Empress Tree, Princess Tree or Foxglove...
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 7
  • Botanical Name: Paulownia tomentosa
  • Common Name: Empress Tree, Princesstree
  • Species: tomentosa
  • Height: 50 feet
  • Quantity: 7.69 lb
Beautyberry, Purple Beautyberry Callicarpa dichotoma
Prices start at : 7.95 USD / 1 packet

* Callicarpa dichotoma (common names, Purple Beautyberry or Early Amethyst ) is species of beautyberry . * The flowers are pink to white. * Lavender flowers from June until August, followed by violet fruits in October; extremely attractive, smaller than...
  • Germination Test Type: cut
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 6
  • Crop Year: 2018
  • Botanical Name: Callicarpa dichotoma
  • Height: 4 feet
  • Family: Verbenaceae
Sweet Azalea, Smooth Azalea Rhododendron arborescens
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

* Sweet Azalea is tall and fast-growing for a native azalea. Glossy, bright-green, deciduous foliage lacks hairs beneath like other native azaleas. Foliage turns deep red to purple in fall.
  • Species: arborescens
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 66
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 6
  • Purity: 90%
  • Height: 10-18 feet
  • Quantity: 0.12 lb
Five-leaf Akebia, Chocolate Vine Akebia quinata
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

* The fruit has a delicate flavour and a soft, juicy texture. * The flowers have a spicy fragrance, reminiscent of vanilla. * A vine with curious fragrant purplish flowers, sometimes followed by equally curious 2-4" sausage-shaped violet fruits; handsome...
  • Family: Lardizabalaceae
  • Purity: 98%
  • Botanical Name: Akebia quinata
  • Genus: Akebia
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 5
  • Germination: 91%
Japanese Camellia, Camellia Camellia japonica
Prices start at : 5.95 USD / 1 packet

It is a member of the Theaceae family or tea family. It is also called the “rose of winter.” * An edible oil is obtained from the seed. * The parent of many camellia cultivars; shiny leathery dark green leaves; flowers red, white, or pink, often produced...
  • Crop Year: 2015
  • Genus: Camellia
  • Common Name: Japanese Camellia, Camellia
  • Botanical Name: Camellia japonica
  • Germination: 98%
  • Collection Locale: Japan
Clustered Bellflower, Dane\'s Blood Campanula glomerata
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

In Europe it is present almost everywhere except the extreme north. In North America the plant is naturalized. It prefers calcareous soils, at an altitude up to 1,500 m (4,921 ft) above sea level.
  • Germination: 40%
  • Genus: Campanula
  • Crop Year: 1997
  • Species: glomerata
  • Botanical Name: Campanula glomerata
  • Lot#: 9701
Pipevine, Dutchman\'s Pipe Aristolochia durior     - Aristolochia macrophylla
Prices start at : 5.95 USD / 1 packet

* CLIMBER growing to 7 m (23ft) at a fast rate. * It is in flower from June to August. * It attaches itself by means of twining around other plants, it has been recommended for covering pergolas.
  • Germination: 91%
  • Common Name: Pipevine, Dutchman's Pipe
  • Purity: 99%
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 22
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 6
  • Germination Test Type: cut
Golden Clematis Clematis tangutica
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

* This Clematis is very fast growing and will cover an area quickly with beautiful yellow flowers that last most of the season.
  • Species: tangutica
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 80
  • Genus: Clematis
  • Crop Year: 2004
  • Quantity: 0.79 lb
  • Seeds Per Pound: 408,600
Parney Cotoneaster, Milkflower Cotoneaster Cotoneaster coriaceus     - Cotoneaster lacteus
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

They are very attractive to bees whilst the fruit is a good winter food source for many species of birds. Petiole 4–8 mm, initially densely yellow tomentose, subglabrous when old; stipules linear-lanceolate, 4–5 mm, sparsely tomentose or glabrescent...
  • Seeds Type: db
  • Purity: 99%
  • Crop Year: 1991
  • Genus: Cotoneaster
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 6
  • Germination: 91%
Vegetable Hummingbird, Agati Sesbania grandiflora
Price : CALL

The fruits look like flat, long and thin green beans. * Sesbania grandiflora (syn. In Sri Lanka, agati leaves, known as Katura murunga in Sinhala language, are sometimes added to sudhu hodhi or white curry, a widely eaten, thin coconut gravy and is believed...
  • Common Name: Vegetable Hummingbird, Agati
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 10
  • Genus: Sesbania
  • Family: Fabaceae
Sierra Currant, Pink Mountain Currant, Sierran Currant Ribes nevadaense
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

The inflorescence is a dense raceme of up to 20 flowers hanging pendent or held erect on the branches. It is somewhat waxy in texture and studded with glandular hairs. The glandular leaves are up to 8 centimeters long and are divided shallowly into a...
  • Crop Year: 2010
  • Collection Locale: Amador Co., CA
  • Family: Grossulariaceae
  • Botanical Name: Ribes nevadaense
  • Species: nevadaense
  • Quantity: 0.11 lb
Happy Tree, Camptotheca, Cancer Tree, Tree Of Life Camptotheca acuminata
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

Camptotheca is used to make Irinotecan , Topotecan , 9-Aminocamptothecin , and camptothecin -1 (CPT-1). * The Happy Tree , Cancer Tree , or Tree of Life ( Camptotheca ) is a genus of medium-sized deciduous trees growing to 20 m tall, native to central...
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 10
  • Crop Year: 1998
  • Lot#: 980049
  • Purity: 98%
  • Collection Locale: China
  • Germination Test Type: Cut