The severity will depend on the strength of the substance, the quantity and whether the dog ingested the substance or absorbed it through its skin. Combined with the acidity of the fruits, psoralens can make the ingestion of lemons and limes dangerous...
Certain foods, including some citrus fruits, are acidic. Tomatillos are not heavy-feeding plants and are adaptable to soils of different fertility; however, the correct soil pH is important for the plants to thrive.
The standard recipe is one aspirin per 1 gallon of water. If you like add two or three drops of liquid dishwashing soap to the water to help solution stick to your plants.Add a crushed aspirin to vase water before placing your display or bouquet in it.
They're after grubs, worms or other "tasty" critters eating the roots of your plants. Weigel suggests that most ferns and ornamental grasses are "varmint resistant."Sun-loving flowering perennials that Weigel suggests gardeners try include gaillardia,...
When plants evolved to live on land, several changes occurred that allowed them to survive. Plants need light, water, carbon dioxide, oxygen and minerals to conduct photosynthesis.
Tomatoes repel asparagus beetles, and plant marigold in between the plants also repels beetles.Grow oregano near your pumpkin patches, cucumbers, grapes, cauliflower, cabbage and broccoli.
The tree is big enough to have its own little ecosystem. The king protea flower is large when opened and can grow to about 12 inches in diameter. Conservation International says the Cape Floristic region alone holds five of the country's 12 native plant...
Species with staminate flowers on one plant and pistillate flowers on another include asparagus, spinach, willow and cottonwood. The stamen is the male reproductive part; the pistil is the female reproductive part.
Plants that are infected with bacterial leaf spot will develop dark-colored, water-soaked spots that are accompanied by encasing yellowing halos. Infected plants will develop smooth, light-colored galls on its roots and stems.
Other plants that improve air quality include English ivy, peace lily and weeping fig.Just because lucky bamboo has no impact on air quality does not mean you should throw away existing plants or choose not to purchase them.
Streams and rivers are home to a variety of plants. Instead of obtaining nutrients through roots, each bladderwort plant has several small bladders that catch and digest small water animals -- the Latin word utricularia means "little bag." Each bladderwort...
Taro is a hardy, wetland plant that can grow in water up to a foot deep and thrives in consistently wet soil. A full-grown plant is typically 1 1/2 feet tall and produces purple flowers during midsummer to late fall.
It grows in USDA zones 5 through 8 and, like the "Kwanzan" cherry tree, blooms in mid- to late-spring.Several trees with a shrubby growth habit also have flowers reminiscent of carnations.
Although the flower head is made of many separate flowers, in the center there are tiny five-petal disk flowers. They have strap-shaped leaves, stem vascular arrangement or vascular bundles, and look scattered when you cut the stem open.
The plant's seed is also used to kill insects. The wood is valued for building boats, staircases, furniture and house flooring and paneling.The wood has a coarse grain and is termite-resistant.
In terrariums, however, rich compost or soil should be avoided to prevent accelerated plant growth. Although no particular shape is required, the best container to use is a standard bottle that has a narrow neck and a large opening.
Aphids spread it, and they cause physical damage to the plant, which allows entry of the virus via wind, splashing or dripping sap. Aphids and sap spread the virus. These include tobacco, pepper, potato, tomato, eggplant, cucumber and petunia.
Ramie fabrics are also used in the manufacture of garments because the cloth does not readily shrink. Flax is still used to make fabrics for clothing, and it is commonly blended with synthetic materials and wool to add strength to fine yarns.Hemp comes...
In other areas it grows as scattered plants.Poppy mallow (Callirhoe papaver), often referred to as purple winecup, is on the list of protected plants in Florida. This has led to its removal from its natural habitats, contributing to its endangered status.
The brightest flowers are often fragrance-free because they attract birds, which have no sense of smell. The flowers range from 6 to 7 inches wide to just 1- or 2-inch wide blooms in a range of bright colors from purple to yellow to magenta.
The flowers bloom off and on throughout the year, and the plant requires a good amount of sunlight.Though the lipstick plant can be grown and maintained in a nurturing environment, as long as the temperatures are right, the plant is typically found in...
Fish powders and fish meal are more expensive than fish emulsion, but they also provide more nutrients.Kelp is available in liquid, powder or granular formulas. It is used primarily on lawns, but can also be used in vegetable gardens after desired plants...
In the early spring, plum trees have small, pinkish-white flowers that are very attractive. Many species of fruit trees originate around the world and each require little pruning. Some varieties of plum trees are not self-fertile and you will need more...
Some have large flowers, such as the magnolia tree, while others–like the weeping cherry tree–have clusters of small blooms. Most varieties provide flowers from spring until fall.The hibiscus is another popular flowering plant that can be grown either...
Growing to a height of about 50 feet, the weeping willow (Salix babylonica) is an imposing tree that is cultivated for the sweeping, cascading habit of its branches. Weeping willow trees have weak, brittle wood that is prone to breakage, especially during...
This tree's fruit is red or black. It is hardy in USDA zones 4 through 9, produces red berries used in jellies, and has slender, lobed leaves that grow alternately.Unlike true berries, drupes have one seed enclosed in a woody shell and surrounded by fruity...