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Plant For Screen Or Windbreak Heat Tolerant For Sale In Massachusetts

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Rocky Mt. Juniper, Rocky Mountain Juniper Juniperus scopulorum
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

It grows at altitudes of 500-2,700 m on dry soils, often together with other juniper species. * A narrow tree with several trunks; foliage dark, bluish, or light green; doesn't mind drought; native to western North America, often from high altitudes;...
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 37
  • Seeds Per Pound: 37,682
  • Germination Test Type: cut
  • Germination: 91%
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 4
  • Height: 15-45 feet
United States
Red Pine, Norway Pine Pinus resinosa
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

* Red pine is a coniferous evergreen tree characterized by tall, straight growth in a variety of habitats. It is a long-lived tree, reaching a maximum age of about 500 years. * This species is intolerant of shade, but does well in windy sites; it grows...
  • Genus: Pinus
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 21
  • Germination Test Type: cut
  • Germination: 98%
  • Quantity: 9.88 lb
  • Seeds Per Pound: 50,214
United States
Chickasaw Plum, Sand Plum, Sandhill Plum Prunus angustifolia
Price : CALL

* The fruit is eaten by various animals. * Chickasaw plums tend to bloom early in the spring. * Chickasaw plum grows 12 to 20 feet tall and 15 to 20 feet wide in an irregular shape.
  • Species: angustifolia
  • Genus: Prunus
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 6
  • Height: 12-36 feet
United States
Heartleaf Hornbeam Carpinus cordata
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

Doubly-serrate, heart-shaped, prominently-veined, dark green leaves to 5.5” long are attractive throughout the growing season. * Uncommonly cultivated, but nonetheless handsome, this 30-45' Asian hornbeam has relatively broad, deeply-veined leaves with...
  • Botanical Name: Carpinus cordata
  • Purity: 99%
  • Seeds Per Pound: 58,112
  • Family: BETULACEAE
  • Crop Year: 2006
  • Lot#: 060751
United States
Grand Fir, Giant Fir, Clearwater Grand Fir Abies grandis    Inland Ecotype
Price : CALL

In the North American logging industry, the grand fir is often referred to as "hem fir", with hem fir being a blanket term that can be applied to a number of species with interchangeable types of wood (specifically the California red fir, noble fir, Pacific...
  • Species: grandis
  • Height: 200 feet
  • Genus: Abies
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 6
  • Location: Inland Ecotype
United States
Algerian Fir Abies numidica
Price : CALL

* Algerian Fir is grown as an ornamental tree in parks and large gardens. * It is valued among firs for its drought tolerance. * Abies numidica is a medium-sized to large evergreen tree growing to 20–35 m tall, with a trunk up to 1 m diameter.
  • Height: 60-110 feet
  • Species: numidica
  • Botanical Name: Abies numidica
  • Genus: Abies
United States
European Hornbeam, Hornbeam Carpinus betulus     - Carpinus caucasica
Prices start at : 3.95 USD / 1 packet

* Carpinus betulus is a shade-loving tree, which prefers moderate soil fertility and moisture. * The hornbeam is a prolific seeder and is marked by vigorous natural regeneration. * "One of the very finest small landscape trees" (Dirr) * This species should...
  • Common Name: European Hornbeam, Hornbeam
  • Germination Test Type: cut
  • Collection Locale: New Jersey
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 22
  • Genus: Carpinus
  • Germination: 63%
United States
Rocky Mt. Juniper, Rocky Mountain Juniper Juniperus scopulorum
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

It grows at altitudes of 500-2,700 m on dry soils, often together with other juniper species. * A narrow tree with several trunks; foliage dark, bluish, or light green; doesn't mind drought; native to western North America, often from high altitudes;...
  • Quantity: 287.86 lb
  • Collection Locale: South Dakota
  • Purity: 99%
  • Seeds Per Pound: 37,682
  • Family: Cupressaceae
  • Germination Test Type: cut
United States
Abele, Silver Poplar, Silverleaf Poplar, White Poplar Populus canescens     - Populus alba  canescens
Prices start at : 6.95 USD / 1 packet

It is native from Spain and Morocco through central Europe (north to Germany and Poland ) to central Asia . It grows in moist sites, often by watersides, in regions with hot summers and cold to mild winters.
  • Germination Test Type: estimate
  • Height: 50-70 feet
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 182
  • Common Name: Abele, Silver Poplar, Silverleaf Poplar, White Poplar
  • Collection Locale: Hungary
  • Botanical Name: Populus canescens
United States
Common Ninebark, Eastern Ninebark, Atlantic Ninebark Physocarpus opulifolius     - Opulaster opulifolius
Prices start at : 1.95 USD / 1 packet

* Very hardy; white or pinkish flowers in small clusters; brown bark peels off in strips; tough, easy to grow, and adaptable, albeit rather coarse; becomes an upright spreading tangle of stems; would make a good refuge for small birds; native to eastern...
  • Germination Test Type: cut
  • Quantity: 1.5 lb
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 3
  • Family: ROSACEAE
  • Germination: 91%
  • Genus: Physocarpus
United States
Cilician Fir, Taurus Fir Abies cilicica
Price : CALL

It is found in Lebanon , Syria , and Turkey . Abies cilicica , or Cilicia Fir , is a species of conifer in the Pinaceae family. These forests occur between 800 and 2100 meters elevation.
  • Height: 80-100 feet
  • Genus: Abies
  • Family: PINACEAE
  • Species: cilicica
United States
Peking Cotoneaster Cotoneaster acutifolius
Price : CALL

* Peking cotoneaster is an upright, deciduous shrub with a rounded top that typically grows to 6-10' tall and as wide. * Leaves turn attractive shades of orange and red in fall. It is noted for its pubescent twigs, pinkish-white spring flowers, dull green...
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 5
  • Family: Rosaceae
  • Genus: Cotoneaster
  • Species: acutifolius
United States
Totoposte, Palo Colorada, Chaperon blanco, Aripin Caesalpinia velutina
Prices start at : 6.95 USD / 1 packet

It is most often grown as a living fence or interplanted with other species for use as timber. * It is quite drought tolerant as it will drop its leaves during dry periods for up to 8 months.
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 13
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 10
  • Collection Locale: Guatemala
  • Common Name: Totoposte, Palo Colorada, Chaperon blanco, Aripin
  • Family: Leguminosae
  • Crop Year: 2014
United States
Beefwood, River Sheoak, River Oak, Creek Oak, River Oak Casuarina, Kasa, Australian Pine Casuarina cunninghamiana
Prices start at : 3.95 USD / 1 packet

Used for flooring, axe handles, firewood, poles etc. * The River Oak is an attractive evergreen tree with fine greyish green needle-like foliage that grows to a height of 60 metres (200 ft) with a spread of about 10 metres.
  • Germination: 77%
  • Genus: Casuarina
  • Seeds Per Pound: 390,440
  • Germination Test Type: cut
  • Botanical Name: Casuarina cunninghamiana
  • Crop Year: 2017
United States
Red Velvet American Holly Ilex opaca   Red Velvet
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

In English poetry and English stories the holly is inseparably connected with the merry-making and greetings which gather around the Christmas time. * The Ilex opaca species typically grows as an understory tree in forests.
  • Common Name: Red Velvet American Holly
  • Collection Locale: Ohio
  • Cultivar: Red Velvet
  • Species: opaca
  • Botanical Name: Ilex opaca Red Velvet dried berries
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 13
United States
Russian Olive Elaeagnus angustifolia
Prices start at : 4.95 USD / 1 packet

* Because the plant fixes atmospheric nitrogen, it makes a hedge that enriches the soil rather than depriving it of nutrients. It is fairly fast-growing and very tolerant of pruning, but is rather open in habit and does not form a dense screen.
  • Height: 15-20 feet
  • Botanical Name: Elaeagnus angustifolia
  • Common Name: Russian Olive
  • Family: Elaeagnaceae
  • Germination: 91%
  • Purity: 99%
United States
Pipevine, Dutchman\'s Pipe Aristolochia durior     - Aristolochia macrophylla
Prices start at : 5.95 USD / 1 packet

* It is in flower from June to August. * The plant contains the antiseptic and antitumor compound aristolochic acid. * It attaches itself by means of twining around other plants, it has been recommended for covering pergolas.
  • Species: durior
  • Purity: 99%
  • Collection Locale: Kiev, Ukraine
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 22
  • Seeds Per Pound: 22,003
  • Quantity: 0.72 lb
United States
Jack Pine, Eastern Jack Pine, Gray Pine, Black Pine, Scrub Pine, Pin Gris Pinus banksiana
Prices start at : 3.95 USD / 1 packet

* The Jack Pine ( Pinus banksiana ) is a North American pine with its native range in Canada east of the Rocky Mountains from Northwest Territories to Nova Scotia , and the northeast of the United States from Minnesota to Maine , with the southernmost...
  • Genus: Pinus
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 2
  • Germination Test Type: Actual
  • Collection Locale: Bradstreet, ME
  • Height: 30-70 feet
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 100
United States
Japanese Evergreen Oak Quercus myrsinifolia
Price : CALL

It has several common names, including Bamboo-leaf Oak , Chinese Evergreen Oak , and Chinese Ring-cupped Oak . Its Chinese name is pinyin, which means little leaf ring-cupped Oak (literally translated as little leaf green ridge tree).
  • Genus: Quercus
  • Species: myrsinifolia
  • Common Name: Japanese Evergreen Oak
  • Family: FAGACEAE
United States
Dwarf Palmetto Sabal minor
Prices start at : 5.95 USD / 1 packet

Although it is mainly found in the southern states, it is one of the only palms that can stand somewhat cooler temperatures, and can be found as north as southcentral Pennsylvania .
  • Common Name: Dwarf Palmetto
  • Botanical Name: Sabal minor
  • Family: Arecaceae
  • Germination: 98%
  • Seeds Per Pound: 2,578
  • Species: minor
United States
Eastern Hemlock, Canadian Hemlock Tsuga canadensis    Northern
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

This is the parent of a large number of cultivars, it is native from coastal Canada to Minnesota and south to Georgia and Alabama. The tree generally reaches heights of about 31 metres (100 feet), but exceptional trees have been recorded up to 53 metres...
  • Location: Northern
  • Germination: 98%
  • Seeds Per Pound: 127,887
  • Family: PINACEAE
  • Height: 100-150 feet
  • Common Name: Eastern Hemlock, Canadian Hemlock
United States
Bottlebrush Buckeye Aesculus parviflora
Price : CALL

* It is grown as an ornamental plant in gardens, where its August flowering attracts butterflies. * Plants can be used as a tall ground cover for large areas of land. It is somewhat slow to establish, but if given space to fully develop becomes a magnificent...
  • Species: parviflora
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 5
  • Family: Hippocastanaceae
  • Height: 9-12 feet
United States
Eastern White Pine, White Pine, Weymouth Pine, Northern White Pine, Soft Pine Pinus strobus    Minnesota
Prices start at : 3.95 USD / 1 packet

* Some white pines live over 400 years. It occurs from Newfoundland west through the Great Lakes region to southeastern Manitoba and Minnesota, and south along the Mississippi Basin and Appalachian Mountains to northernmost Georgia and Mississippi.
  • Germination Test Type: Actual
  • Height: 50-80 feet
  • Botanical Name: Pinus strobus Minnesota
  • Germination: 97%
  • Quantity: 4.8 lb
  • Purity: 99%
United States
Spruce Pine Pinus glabra
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

This pine is a straight-growing, medium-sized species, attaining heights of 20-35 m. * Pinus glabra differs markedly from most other pines in that it does not occur in largely pure pine forests, but is typically found as scattered trees in moist woodland...
  • Family: Pinaceae
  • Lot#: 8703
  • Collection Locale: CP Southern US
  • Genus: Pinus
  • Seeds Per Pound: 38,500
  • Purity: 98%
United States
Abele, Silver Poplar, Silverleaf Poplar, White Poplar Populus canescens     - Populus alba  canescens
Prices start at : 6.95 USD / 1 packet

It is native from Spain and Morocco through central Europe (north to Germany and Poland ) to central Asia . It grows in moist sites, often by watersides, in regions with hot summers and cold to mild winters.
  • Germination: 30%
  • Minimum Hardiness Zone: 5
  • Family: Salicaceae
  • Seeds Per Pound: 998,000
  • Purity: 55%
  • Average Viable Seeds/Packet: 182
United States
Cilician Fir, Taurus Fir Abies cilicica
Price : CALL

It is found in Lebanon , Syria , and Turkey . Abies cilicica , or Cilicia Fir , is a species of conifer in the Pinaceae family. These forests occur between 800 and 2100 meters elevation.
  • Common Name: Cilician Fir, Taurus Fir
  • Height: 80-100 feet
  • Species: cilicica
  • Botanical Name: Abies cilicica
United States
Sweet Pitcherplant Sarracenia gronovii  rubra   - Sarracenia rubra
Prices start at : 8.95 USD / 1 packet

Its range extends from southern Mississippi , through southern Alabama , the Florida panhandle and Georgia , to the coastal plains of Virginia and South Carolina . Like all the Sarracenia , it is native to the New World .
  • Germination: 98%
  • Genus: Sarracenia
  • Family: Sarraceniaceae
  • Common Name: Sweet Pitcherplant
  • Height: 1-2 feet
  • Crop Year: 2013
United States