Concrete blocks are less costly, though heavy to handle. Drainage is never an issue, though I've noticed that some soil moves downhill along with rainwater. This is one of the little quirks you learn from gardening on a slope.
It gets better: The cut corn stalks made handy weights for securing the edges of the cover. The corn plants may not use up all the fertilizer applied to the row middles, so it's a cushy planting niche for heavy-feeding fall crops like collards and spinach.
Remove the cover during the day or leave it in place if it is forecast to remain cold. Ripening Tree Fruits Indoors Most tree fruits will naturally ripen up on the tree. Within a few days their unmistakable fragrance will serve as your cue to tuck in...
Leave those zucchinis to swell into marrows and you'll inadvertently slow the initiation of new flowers and fruits. It's naturally full of potassium, which fruit and pod-bearing plants love.
When it comes to dealing with pests, a two-pronged organic approach is the most effective in the long term: protection and making the garden less appealing to pests. Compost any remaining plant debris from the beds once the crop is cleared to prevent...
Either way is totally delicious! Cabbages you've grown yourself are undeniably sweeter and crunchier than anything you can buy. And they go a long way in the kitchen too, more than earning them the space they need to grow.
Consider the look and feel of the bench, which will become a feature in its own right. This has the effect of reducing the air temperature inside to cool your drinks. Wind chimes give an immediate impact but consider the neighbors; wood or bamboo wind...
To prolong storage life, it's also important to trim off the leaves as the radishes are harvested. Popular varieties include ‘Red Meat', ‘Mantanghong', ‘Misato Rose' and ‘Stargazer'.
Dry off the produce before storing in freezer bags or Tupperware in portion-sized batches. Frozen produce will keep for a year and beyond, turning seasonal treats into year-round staples.
I like to sidestep hot summer sun by starting the seedlings indoors and setting them out when it's cloudy, but the seeds are such willing germinators that they also can be direct-sown into a prepared row and thinned to proper spacing.
Save only the best clean seeds. See our video and article How to Prepare and Store Seeds from Your Tomato Plants for more on this. These plants cross-pollinate, so you'll need to overwinter more than one plant of the same variety to flower the following...
Branches can quickly die of this disease. They often tend towards what's known as biennial or alternate bearing, where trees produce a bumper crop one year, only to take the following year off.
Lay them out onto your trays and set them to dry. Begin by tying a knot into one end of the line. Thread the other end of the line through a darning needle then begin threading on your chillies.
Mulching can keep soil cooler and reduce evaporation How to Apply a Mulch Thoroughly soak the ground before adding your mulch. If it's exceptionally dry, water again a few hours later to recharge all that valuable soil moisture.
Whether or not you choose to leave potatoes in the ground depends on how cold early winter is in your part of the world. Protecting Potatoes from the Cold Containers have the obvious advantage of being portable, so when cold weather threatens it's easy...
I'm using a sharp pair of pruners for the job, but if the fruits are really close to each other you may find it easier to use scissors to get in between them. The main benefit of thinning to the gardener is to give those fruits that remain the space they...
Sticky traps help monitor greenhouse whitefly populations, and are easy to make at home 4. The first frost will put paid to their plans for crop-wide domination but, be warned, in mild areas or in warm greenhouses they can happily remain active throughout...
Notes Used in place of onions for concentrated flavor. They will root during the winter, and multiply into a cluster in late spring or early summer. Companions Beet, Chamomile, Carrot, Strawberry, Lettuce, Chinese Cabbage and Cabbage.
On cool mornings, place a piece of cardboard beneath plants to catch beetles you knock to the ground. Delaying spring planting by two weeks can often help with cucumber beetles management.
Crop Rotation Group Miscellaneous ● Soil Any average, well drained soil. Our Garden Planner can produce a personalized calendar of when to sow, plant and harvest for your area. Troubleshooting Beware of sleepy bees when pruning or otherwise working...
Beneficial nematodes are the only effective treatment for this pest. Damage: When young onion plants wilt for no apparent reason, pull up a sample plant to check for legless worms (maggots) feeding on it roots.
They are also much loved by cats and dogs. Planting and Harvesting Calendar < Back to All Plants Pests which Affect Valerian Aphids (General) Slug Snail Often planted with low, mound-forming herbs and flowers.
Notes Lemon balm is very easy to grow. You also can start seeds in late winter, and set out the seedlings in spring. Spacing Single Plants: 1' 11" (60cm) each way (minimum) Rows: 1' 11" (60cm) with 1' 11" (60cm) row gap (minimum) Sow and Plant Start with...
Companions Daylily, Catnip, Bells of Ireland and Salvia. Planting tulips behind daylilies or other summer-blooming perennials hides the fading foliage from view. Perennial candytuft makes an ideal companion plant.
Tall varieties make great cut flowers. Planting and Harvesting Calendar < Back to All Plants Pests which Affect Ageratum Aphids (General) Slug Snail Companions Thyme and Osteospermum.
Planting and Harvesting Calendar < Back to All Plants Pests which Affect Parsnip Aphids (General) Carrot Rust Fly Slug Snail Plant Diseases which Affect Parsnip Carrot Powdery Mildew