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My Waterfall and My Truck
During the rainy season, like now, the creek swells and the waterfall gets nice and big. He changed the clutch cable and charged me 5 euros. His truck isn't so big, but the angle to turn into my driveway is so sharp that he can't make the turn.
Why Every Hobby Farmer Needs a Farm Truck
A farm truck doesn't have to be a truck, but any automobile you use in a wide variety of ways to help with farm tasks. So how do you put a farm truck to proper use? Although tractors (and lately, ATVs and UTVs ) tend to take the spotlight when discussing...
Highway Bill\'s Farm-truck Exemption Awaits House Approval
“Hauling livestock to market two times a year is hardly the same as hauling goods across the country on a daily basis,” Bacus says. The amendment, introduced by Sen. The amendment would allow all states to exempt farm trucks from federal regulations,...
Let It Tow: Choose the Correct Vehicle for Towing Your Loads
Lynn Friedman/Flickr Towing Packages If possible, get a truck with a towing package. This is a group of factory-installed options that includes the following. Most farm trucks have receiver hitches, so you can lend your trailer to a neighbor—or rent...
Local CSAs
South Bronx CSA P.O. Box 540189 Bronx, NY 10454 212-729-6384 Arrangements: Pickup Southside CSA Arrangements: Pickup at The Woods 48 South 4th St. Brooklyn, NY Sunset Park 980 Fourth Ave., Box 143 Brooklyn,...
Traveling with Livestock
That's because trailers are designed with their safety in mind, truck beds and vans aren't. Sheep must be wearing USDA-approved scrapie ear tags, or if they're micro-chipped, you must have your own micro-chip reader along on the trip.
A few days of unseasonably warm weather and they can spring up, becoming too far gone almost overnight it seems. There is a small window of opportunity when it comes to these little delicacies.
El Segundo
The Numbers of Leaves
How many leaves are actually in a ton? How many of those plastic bags will it take to collect them all? How much compost will they produce if they're piled up? Simple math, using the dimensions of the yard and the total depth of seasonal leaves, would...
El Segundo
Old Patio, New Patios
Turns out, there's a small market for used pavers! Who knew? I feel better about them not taking up space at the landfill, and it's going to save us a couple of hundred bucks in demolition costs.
Oh, I love banana pudding with its creamy vanilla filling, wafers and chunks of banana. Tear up bread in bite size pieces in baking dish (about 1 and 1/2 quart size). I could feel the snowflakes on my face and the excitement of Santa who was on his way.
El Segundo
A Moveable Feast - Urban Farm Online
Gorge Grown : The Columbia Gorge might be an agricultural area but most of the towns in the region, which spans five counties in Oregon and Washington, are too small to support farmers markets.
The tete-a-tete daffodil - enjoy it twice, once in a pot and forever in your garden!
I bought one pot of tete-a-tetes for my father, who lives at an assisted living center where they seem to have only artificial plants, and one for myself. It wasn't! But that's okay, becausewill naturalize in nearly any part of the country.
El Segundo
Recipe for CSA Success
Of course, the restaurants benefit, too. The CSA subscriptions are still organized by farmers; chefs merely offer their restaurants as pickup locations, storing CSA boxes in their kitchens and inviting members to drop by for their weekly allotments of...
Recycled Building Projects, How to build a deck for $150
After you have a spot for all that free wood, you need to log on to your local or go in and sign up for "yahoo groups freecycle". Then figure out where your main beams will go, ideally you want a beam to support the joists every 8'...
El Segundo
Tools of the Trade: Choosing a Hay Baler
Workers forked loose hay into one end of these horse-powered units, while others hand-tied compressed bales as they exited the other end. Most offer an optional quarter-turn bale chute that drops bales on their sides in the perfect position to be retrieved...
Water: The Fuel Frontier?
… The technology is out there. Lutz is referring to the age-old science of splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen molecules through electrolysis and using hydrogen as fuel. “These gases, in our case, are fed directly into the intake manifold of...
Making Do
Last week I brought home a load of cow manure from my neighbor Roger. I realized that what I needed was a sledge or sled, what my father used to call a “stone boat.” The goal was something I could pile high with manure and tow behind my ATV.
Low-tech Leaf Mover
Of them all, I like the tarp the best. At our place, leaves are raw product. That's how I discovered that simply pulling from one end is just as effective. When the corners are pulled together, the sides curl up around the leaves and every leaf stays...
Seven Year Itch
With over 17,000 square feet left, perhaps a Fourteen Year Plan is in order. I tried to mentally fill the space with dainty dianthus and frilly delphinium, but had to resort to envisioning mighty hibiscus clumps and daunting masses of 15-foot.
El Segundo
Farmers Markets Food, Fun and Family
A way for farmers to sell their goods and a place for city folks to purchase fresh produce and other staples.Since that time markets have evolved into something of a “happening”.
El Segundo
Scoring Grow Lights
I haven't decided where to put it yet but I may move it upstairs into the family room. And, I'm so very lucky to have a friend who is willing to share the good stuff. There was even a timer with it! The fluorescent shop lights I've got on chains in the...
How do I Calculate Transport Costs?
Include the number and cost of containers to be transported (if paying a set fee per container or paying per weight), driver fees (along with fees associated with maintaining his truck) and fuel costs (single or round trip).
Santa Monica
Essential Tools & Equipment for the Small Farm
The tractor can do heavy work, such as baling hay, but the utility vehicle can haul supplies—or get you across the farm quickly to move a paddock fence or check on the stock and crops.
Trailers: To Hitch or to Haul
“Mats, which should be thick rubber, are particularly important—especially if you are transporting horses any distance—because it reduces fatigue on the animals' legs, causing them to be calmer and more rested when they arrive,” Hall says.
How to Sell Pine Straw
If you have access to a truck, cart the pine straw to the truck and dump it out.Drive to the pine straw producer you've chosen. Pine needles, sometimes called pine straw, are sold to landscapers, garden centers and nurseries for use as mulch.
Santa Monica
What The Microloans Program Can Do For You
Matt and Peg Sheaffer, of Sandhill Family Farms in Brodhead, Wis., tapped into the FSA microloans program to purchase a refrigerated box-delivery truck to help support their growing community-supported-agriculture business.
The Secret To Free Firewood
Hold the magnet up and swipe off the nails so they fall into a bucket. Because most stoves don't have a catalytic converter and the vast majority of nails in pallets aren't galvanized, this likely won't be an issue, but it's something to be aware of.