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Recipe for CSA Success
“We develop closer relationships with the farmers who supply us with produce,” says Satterfield. Moore Farms drops off 10 to 12 boxes of produce every Wednesday, and members are allowed to pick up their shares between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. According to...
Tools of the Trade: Choosing a Hay Baler
Top Meanwhile, in 1936, a “man named Innes,” of Davenport , Iowa , pioneered an automatic, self-tying baler using knotters from a John Deere grain binder. Each design has its advocates, but most agree straight-line balers are easier to maneuver through...
Low-tech Leaf Mover
At our place, leaves are raw product. When the leaves are falling in 70- and 80-degree weather like they are this year, we have to store the leaves for a week or two or three. Of them all, I like the tarp the best.
Seven Year Itch
The Seven Year Plan includes planning two beds, tilling the hard clay, adding compost, tilling again, laying wet newspaper down, and mulching the whole thing. The shape of the bigger bed looked odd from the street, so it was enlarged toward the east.
El Segundo
Q&A With Cycle Farm
We also use our cargo bike to haul things back and forth from the field. It's got a flatbed for hauling fencing, straw bales, boxes of potatoes and special racks adapted for carry buckets or unwinding rolls of drip tape.
A Simple Guide to Yard Carts
Another thing to consider is whether the container or flat bed is solid all the way through. Some carts offer the best of both worlds, with hinged sides that flip up or raise down, making them more adaptable to whatever items you need to transport.
Let It Tow: Choose the Correct Vehicle for Towing Your Loads
Adjustable rear air shocks also serve to keep your vehicle level. The load might be as small as a few 50-pound sacks of feed or as large as a 5-ton tractor. Your vehicle's suspension should be able to handle a tongue weight of about 10 percent of the...
Old Patio, New Patios
I feel better about them not taking up space at the landfill, and it's going to save us a couple of hundred bucks in demolition costs. Spring is coming on quickly here, though the backyard is still a muddy mess.
Buyer\'s Guide To Small Farm Utility Vehicles
The rubber nubbed fingers “comb” the grass to uniform perfection. This article first appeared in the October/November 2003 issue of Hobby Farms magazine. Four-wheel-drive units must have stronger engines with a lower gear ratio to engage all four...
How to Deadhead Knockout Roses
Open and close the blades several times while submerged. The cut should angle away (meaning the short end should be closest to the bud or branch) from the bud or branch.A girl drags two full garbage bags across the lawn.Either burn deadheaded blooms or...
Santa Monica
Italian Farm Trucks
My blog is off to a bad start. That honor would go to the little three wheeled scooter trucks called Ape (Ah-Pee). She also collects and sells flowers and the mixture of wild greens called Preboggin.
Christmas Tree Disposal: How To Recycle A Christmas Tree
Can you reuse a Christmas tree? Be aware that when composting Christmas trees, if you leave them in large pieces, the tree will take ages to break down. Some state parks sink the trees in lakes to become fish habitats, providing shelter and food.
How Does a Combine Harvester Work?
These horse or steam powered machines were fed cut stalks of grain by hand, and automated the process of separating grain from chaff. Before agricultural equipment to harvest large crops was invented, harvesting a crop of grain was labor-intensive and...
Santa Monica
Essential Tools & Equipment for the Small Farm
Livestock Trailer iStock/Thinkstock If you aim to have large livestock (horses, cows, llamas, yaks), you need a stock trailer . (Fall is a great time to find really good buys on garden hoses.) The good ones come with long-term guarantees (often 25 years...
Farmers Markets Food, Fun and Family
They come in all shapes and sizes. They're up at 4 am checking the truck making sure they haven't forgotten anything. A way for farmers to sell their goods and a place for city folks to purchase fresh produce and other staples.Since that time markets...
El Segundo
Scoring Grow Lights
Never have I felt so strongly that one man's trash is another man's treasure. Each of the three lights plug in separately so there is no wasted electricity if you only have one or two flats in place.
Star Hollow Farm
“We're now up to 300 CSA members, and our biggest challenge at this point is figuring out how much bigger we can get and remain a small, family operation.” The Star Hollow Farm and CSA is located at 22620 Doyle Road, Three Springs, PA.
Star Light, Star Bright
I don't do field work anymore, but I still savor the night sky. That's when something primeval would grab at my soul and remind me that what I was struggling with was only a passing fancy.
Hydraulic Hoses: What You Need to Know
Switching cylinders will be a great time to check my hoses for wear points and abrasions. If I have convinced you to give more thought to how you treat your hoses, even better: Make sure they never bind, kink or stretch.
Water: The Fuel Frontier?
But for Grandma to go out and take the garden hose to fill up her car and go to the store is a long way off. In the experiments, Lutz and Anderson use the hydrogen and oxygen produced from the electrolysis process in addition to the normal combustion...
15 Reasons You Need A Tractor
Use it to dig foundations, electric and water lines, or move sand and gravel. Cultivating Plows, disks, seed drills and cultivators are available for every size tractor, so you can work a plot of land as intensively as you want and maybe expand your hobby...
Making Do
When I asked if I could buy a load to compost for our gardens, he insisted that I help myself, but I needed to hurry as he was starting to spread it on the fields. I just needed to “make do.” An hour of banging old timbers and scrap plywood together...
3 New Uses For Your Spent Christmas Tree
The remaining tree trunk can be then be set aside for mulching. If having your old tree in the yard for a few months doesn't sound appealing, there are a few dedicated regional programs where trees are collected for use in larger wildlife preserves.
Why You Need a Post-Hole Digger
You could fire up an auger to dig the needed holes, but for simple tasks like these, post-hole diggers can be more convenient and help you complete the job without much effort on your part.
Portable Garden Ideas: Types Of Portable Gardens
Let's learn more about them.Portable gardens are really nothing more than small container plantings that are relatively easy to relocate. If you are using a container that doesn't have any drainage holes, drill or cut a few small holes in the bottom..
How to Transplant Spanish Moss
Spanish moss also takes a significant amount of its moisture directly from the air around it. This unusual, decorative epiphyte is adaptable, durable, undemanding and care- and maintenance-free once established.
Santa Monica
Gardening With Compost: How Compost Helps Plants And Soil
In what way is garden compost beneficial?There are a slew of ways in which gardening with compost is valuable. Decreasing water runoff helps to protect our waters by thwarting pollution from fertilizer, pesticides and general soil runoff..