Common orchid problems include environmental issues, a few pests and diseases.Environmental issues with orchid plants are the most common complaint of first-time growers. Even a tiny bit of damage may be enough to allow bacteria to penetrate leaves when...
Useand dilute it to one-quarter strength. Its bright, open bloom resembles a face, just like the pansies it was named after. The medium breaks down and begins to compost very soon, so repot your plant once a year right after they've bloomed.Watering in...
When it's time to water, don't just moisten the top of the potting medium. It will be a bit more frequent for outdoor plants.Knowing how to water orchids is important, too. Despite the fact that they're tropical and like humidity, orchid water requirements...
Chemical cleaners, smoke from cigarettes or cigars, fumes from painting, fireplaces and engine exhaust can lead to orchid bud drop. Both conditions are the orchid's natural defense to something going wrong in their present growing environment.
Wash your hands before you proceed.Gently pull the pot away from the plant and wash off the roots. Orchids grow in a very chunky medium, and when it breaks down into smaller bits, it won't drain as well.
On Phalaenopsis, this will be on a node along the flower stem. When root growth is just beginning, you can remove the keiki. For instance, on Dendrobiums you'll find the keiki growing along the length of the cane or at the end.
The method is actually quite easy and fairly foolproof, requiring only an appropriate container, water, sterile tools and a little patience. A better route is using rainwater, or distilled.
These plants do produce white or pale yellow flowers, mostly during the winter or very early spring months.Ludisia developed on the rain forest floors, so they don't like a lot of natural light.
The ideal amount of light is about 5 hours per day.If you place them in a south-facing window, you may have to hang a screen or a curtain to scatter some of the light. If your hand casts a clearly defined shadow, the light is too bright.
If the plant seems a little too snug,because overcrowded roots may escape and look for space to grow above the surface of the soil. Be sure to sanitize your cutting tool by wiping the blades with rubbing alcohol or a solution of water and bleach before...
If you live in a particularly warm environment, give the flowers shade during the heat of the day. Make sure they are planted where they get full sun during the entire day. Their thick, waxy petals open in the spring and often remain on their stems for...
Certainly, they are one, if not the, largest plant family in the world. I simply enter the genus name into the common name field.Now to hybrids. And being so large, they have been extensively hybridized for well over 100 years.
(18 C.) during the day and bright high light.Repot the plants every two to three years, although they do enjoy being pot bound. In addition to proper growing media, they require well draining containers, medium to high humidity, temperatures of at least...
This is why it's a good idea to think twice before growing native orchids. Not surprisingly, more than 120 species of native orchids have been identified in Florida alone. Look for orchids that are available to the public throughOrchids depend on complex,...
Feel the leaves of your plant to determine its light needs—plants with thicker, fleshier leaves need more sunlight, and those with thinner leaves can get by with less.One thing you learn when finding out how to care for Oncidium orchids is that they...
Since it's rather difficult to successfully transplant wild lady slipper orchids, it's better to obtain them from commercial growers instead.That being said, lady slippers prefer to grow in areas that mimic their natural environments — shady woodlands.
Be careful not to overwater to the point of sogginess, but never allow the soil to become bone dry.Once the plant is mature, it's easy to propagate by dividing offsets or rhizomes.
The grass pink orchid blooms in spring and into early summer.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Growing Calopogon orchids can be tricky unless you have the right habitat for them.
They like to live in the high 80s during the day and no cooler than 50 F. This plant needs its moisture, but can't stand to have its roots constantly wet. Spathoglottis is very forgiving, with the only crucial element they have being the air temperature...
Like watering, application of fertilizer should be reduced when blooming stops and resumed with new growth appears.into fresh potting mix every couple of years. Start with an “easy” orchid, then learn the basics of growing orchids.
(21-27 C.) during the day and 50-60 F. After all, if an orchid won't flower, then it is missing the element that makes these plants so desirable. Most houseplant orchids are either Cattleya, Oncidium, Paphiopedilum and Phalaenopsi.
Your comments are welcome, but please be aware that authors of previously published articles may not be able to promptly respond to new questions or comments.)Orchids as a foliage houseplant...seems a strange idea.
Due to its diminutive size and small flowers, it may be difficult to spot in summer. But in damp locations it may take up residence on the occasional mossy rock or well-rotted log, in the realm of the epiphytes.It wasn't until fairly recently I even knew...
The leaves are slender and pleated with chubby conicalfreestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });genus live in forested areas where there are pronounced wet and dry seasons.
Check your variety's specific temperature requirements and make sure you keep their temperature consistent.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Orchid buds dropping from harsh chemicals in the air is fairly...
It has a purplish stem and five whorled leaves. Most plants produce 1 or 2 flowers with three yellowish-green petals and purple-brown sepals. Soils must be moist and humus rich with a thick layer of composting leaves.While the large whorled pogonia is...
Provide temperatures of 86 F. The plant still needs special conditions to thrive. The glossy green vine will still add an attractive accent to your home.Good orchid growers know that planting vanilla orchid properly is the first step to a healthy plant.