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Why You Need a Post-Hole Digger
You could fire up an auger to dig the needed holes, but for simple tasks like these, post-hole diggers can be more convenient and help you complete the job without much effort on your part.
Peanut Storing: Learn About Post Harvest Peanut Curing
They should be planted after the danger of frost has passed, as they call for a soil temperature of 65 F. Hang the plant for one to two weeks in that location. Virginia peanuts are the type found at baseball parks around the country with one or two large...
How to Replace Old Fence Posts by Hand
Depending on how long the post has been in the ground and how well it was set in to begin with, removing the old post can take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour—even longer, if concrete was used to secure it.
Use A Tractor To Remove Stubborn Fence Posts
On one fall afternoon, after it had been raining for days, my brother and I were replacing a damaged fence post that had been set in the ground using concrete. Over the years, it's become a bit of an art form; with the right equipment on hand, some posts...
Indoor Hyacinth Care: Caring For Hyacinth Houseplants Post Flowering
Don't over water, though. First the flowers will die, and eventually the leaves will wither. This isn't your fault – it's just the plant's natural cycle. Keep reading to learn more about hyacinth care indoors after blooming.After 8 to 12 weeks of blooming,...
Tips For Harvesting Apples And Post Harvest Apple Storing
Can't give them away? However, if you have a sudden freeze and have not yet picked the apples, as they didn't seem ready, you may still be able to do so.Apples freeze at 27-28 degrees F.
Walk Like an Egyptian
They are very winter hardy, and by either replanting a few of the bulbs or by letting them walk, you'll always have a crop of fresh onions. Egyptian walking onions don't produce a flower on top of their scape (flowering stalk) like other members of the...
Post Harvest Pumpkin Storage: Learn How How To Store Pumpkins
Wait until the pumpkin rind loses its shine and it's hard enough that you can't scratch it with your fingernail. Storing pumpkins on concrete leads to rot. Is fun for the entire family.
Metal T-Posts Can Serve Many Purposes On Your Farm
What are some of the ways that you use T-posts on your farm? Case in point—I built a simple T-post trellis for some old grape vines earlier this year, and they've been thriving all summer.
Amaryllis Care After Flowering: Learn About Post Bloom Care Of Amaryllis
Once the flowers fade, you are still left with a spectacular plant. This will gradually cause leaves to wilt and die back. Are popular gifts that are easy to grow and provide breathtaking flower displays.
Phal Orchid Care After Flowering – Caring For Phalaenopsis Orchids Post Bloom
You can expect flowers in 8 to 12 weeks if forcing is successful.Phal orchid care after blooming is mostly reduced to correct watering procedures and providing adequate light and temperatures.
Allium Post Bloom Care: Caring For Allium Bulbs Once Flowering Is Over
The leaves may look a little straggly, so it's a good idea to plant alliums in a bed with later blooming flowers that can hide and distract from them.Allium post bloom care is very easy.
Gopher Apple
Fruits start out white and ripen from slightly purplish to red in color. It can be mowed, stepped on, and otherwise abused, and it bounds back with continued strong growth.Propagate gopher apple by collecting the fruits and then removing and planting...
El Segundo
Worldwide Peat Shortage: Soaring Prices, Dwindling Supplies
This year, however, is very different: an extreme shortage is following several lean harvest years.Growers and garden retailers should brace themselves for significant price increases for peat-based mixes.
El Segundo
4 Steps To Build A Simple, Effective Garden Fence
They should be set at least two feet into the ground, leaving about eight feet of post above the ground. Since building this new garden fence, deer issues have been reduced to zero, and squirrel troubles have been significantly reduced as well.
She ... Is a He!
I have since moved on to asking friends of friends with hens, telling them how cute little baby chicks are and how much fun it is to breed your own chickens. Or maybe I should just wait for a car with an open window to stop on our corner.
A Frigid Track-vehicle Repair
“When you get to your units, you'll be lucky to have an adjustable wrench and a screwdriver.” Luckily, the kit we had available for this repair consisted of an adjustable wrench, a screwdriver, a single socket with ratchet, and a few spare nuts and...
18 Halloween Costumes Inspired By The Farm
#halloween #halloweencostume #couplecostume #diycostume #chickencostume #eggcostume A photo posted by Dani (@dani.neubauer) on Oct 29, 2016 at 9:22am PDT I hope everybody has an eggcellent Halloween! I was really eggcited about this costume so I hope...
Is Your Furniture Being Reduced to a Pile of Dust by The Powder Post Beetle?
She was advised beetles were living in the wood and that they would simply "eat it all from the inside out". I suggest that you search the web and do your own research before calling your local pest control company.During my research, I concluded that...
El Segundo
19 Farm Animals Having A Better Spring Break Than You
#surfgoat #SandysLifeguardTower #goatpro3 @haaheo A photo posted by Michele Judy (@michelejudy) on Mar 19, 2013 at 8:28pm PDT iStock/Thinkstock Norm Lanier/Flickr ?✨? #naptime #snugglefest #squad A photo posted by @miss_heather_feather on Mar 16, 2016...
Holy Goat—That\'s a Big Praying Mantis!
They have five eyes: two huge compound eyes with multiple lenses and three simple eyes, so they can see really well up to 40 feet away. I'm glad I'm a studly boy goat instead of a male praying mantis! After mating, the female lays between 12 to 400 eggs...
Farm Fence Styles
Electric Wire Fencing Electric wire fencing is most effective when it's high-tensile fencing that has been electrified. Another negative to invisible fence is the need for power: If your power goes out, so does the fence; plus, you have to be sure the...
The Pumpkin Vandal
I just lean on my rake and watch him zip up his own leaves while mine taunt me from below. Lots and lots of daffodil bulbs are still waiting in the garage (a handful of Allium ‘Globemaster' have already found their way into the garden), and the leaf...
Trellis Designs for Berry Bushes
Once the primocanes (first-year fruit producing canes) develop, they are tied in among the other canes. A length of 16 gauge wire is threaded from each end of the cross bar to the ends of the other cross bar at the other end of the row.
Santa Monica
Use Facebook To The Fullest To Promote Your Farm
Post Frequency When posting content about your farm, or sharing content that is relevant to what you do, don't overdo it. Facebook, for its part, is not unaware of its utility for small businesses.
Supporting A Grapevine – How To Make A Grapevine Support
Tie the vine to the center post with landscape ties or twine at 12 inches high. If your poles are more than 3 inches across, this is where a hole digger comes in handy. Leave 2 inches of space between the pole and the vine.
England Farm Gets A Big Dose Of Cuteness
The farm also hosts educational and interactive days during which schoolchildren will get the opportunity to bottle-feed the lambs and goat kids. “ They're so beautiful and so friendly—visitors love them, and so do we .