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Pet Reptile Supplies Horse Supplies For Sale In Durham

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Turtle Trunk Floating Platform
Prices start at : 27.10 USD / each

Turtle Trunk Floating Platform The Zilla Turtle Trunk Floating Platform is free standing which allows unlimited options for placement. Fits in 20g and larger tanks. Realistic and natural looking, able to hold multiple large turtles.
North Carolina
Adult Iguana Food
Prices start at : 3.19 USD / each

Adult Iguana Food Adult Iguana Food, if you are not 100% satisfied our excellent customer service is standing by to help. It Contains Apples and Carrots with Natural Flavoring agent.
North Carolina
Forest Floor BedDigMaterial For Reptiles/Rodents
Prices start at : 16.10 USD / each

It is a great alternative for rodents. Product is Made Entirely of Pure Red Cypress Mulch, No Filler! Forest Floor BedDigMaterial For Reptiles/Rodents Forest Floor BedDigMaterial For Reptiles/Rodents, if you are not 100% satisfied our excellent customer...
North Carolina
Zilla Durable Den
Prices start at : 3.39 USD / each

Rock Look and Texture Enables Pet To Climb Extended Bottom Lip and Wide Base Add Stability To Keep The Den From Being Knocked Over Strong Plastic Material Can Stand Up To Claws and Heat, Making The Dens A Great Basking Area Durable, Lightweight and Easy...
North Carolina
Stainless Steel FeeDig Tongs For Supplying Live Foods
Prices start at : 4.59 USD / each

They are Ideal For Feeding Small Reptiles, Birds, Small Animals, Or Aquarium Fish. Product is 10" long and made with durable stainless steel. Stainless Steel FeeDig Tongs For Supplying Live Foods The Stinless Steel Feeding Tongs allow you to Pick Up Critter...
North Carolina
Deluxe Dimmable Clamp heat Lamp for reptiles
Prices start at : 18.99 USD / each

The perfect all in one solution for controlling heat lamps and ceramic heat emitters. Turn heaters down on a hot day and back up in the evening, change temperatures without changing bulbs, or just improve lamp .
North Carolina
Zoo Med Repti Chips
Prices start at : 5.29 USD / each

Zoo Med Repti Chips Highly Absorbent Bedding That Clumps Making It Easy To Clean and Remove Waste Free Of Shavings, Silvers, Excesive Dust (99% Dust Free) Andforeign Material Excellent For Bearded Dragons, Uromastyx Lizards, Geckos, Desert Type Skinks,...
North Carolina
Zilla Day Blue Incandescent Bulb
Prices start at : 4.59 USD / each

Zilla Day Blue Incandescent Bulb Zilla Day Blue Incandescent Bulb. Emits full-spectrum light and uva rays needed for a healthy reptile environment. Provides a basking heat source for reptiles to regulate their body temperature.
North Carolina
Super Uv Coil Lamp
Prices start at : 19.40 USD / each

Product is Energy Efficient. To use, Screw Lamp Into Socket By Holding the Base of the Lamp. Do Not Tighten By Holding the Glass of the Lamp. Product simulates natural sunlight. Color: white Size: 6.5" x 5.5" x 7.5"
North Carolina
Flora Sun Plant Bulb For Aquariums/Terrariums
Prices start at : 9.49 USD / each

It is Ideal For Aquariums and Terariums. It is a Long-Lasting bulb, Up to 10,000 Hours. Flora Sun Plant Bulb For Aquariums/Terrariums The Flora Sun Plant Bulb is High Intensity with Peak Emissions In the Blue and Red Regions to Maximize the Photobiological...
North Carolina
CaribSea Coco Soft Reptile Chip Bedding
Prices start at : 9.10 USD / each

CaribSea Coco Soft Reptile Chip Bedding CaribSea Coco Soft Reptile Chip Bedding comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! Helps increase and maintain humidity. Great for crested geckos, corn snakes, ball pythons, tree frogs, box turtles, and other amphibians.
North Carolina
Zoo Med Dr. Turtle
Prices start at : 2.29 USD / each

Slow-release calcium block that conditions water while providing a calcium supplement to promote healthy shell growth. Zoo Med Dr. Turtle Zoo Med Dr. Turtle is an excellent product we know our customers will love.
North Carolina
Zoo Med Aquatic Newt Food
Prices start at : 3.59 USD / each

Zoo Med Aquatic Newt Food Zoo Med Aquatic Newt Food comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! A soft moist diet for all types of aquatic newts.
North Carolina
Coleman Cable Yellow Jacket 6 Slot Metal Power Strip
Prices start at : 20.60 USD / each

Call us at 1-800-8-SADDLE. Can't find exactly what you are looking for? Coleman Cable Yellow Jacket 6 Slot Metal Power Strip 6 Outlets and 6 Foot Yellow Jacket Cord Conveniently and Safely Add Outlets Anywhere You Need Them These Products Have No Surge...
North Carolina
Zoo Med New Zealand Sphagnum Moss
Prices start at : 4.49 USD / each

Zoo Med New Zealand Sphagnum Moss Great for live plants and incredibly long lasting - after other substrates have decomposed the moss remains usable. For use with most species of toads, frogs, salamanders, newts and invertebrates including hermit crabs.
North Carolina
Zilla Mini Halogen Bulb
Prices start at : 5.36 USD / each

Zilla Mini Halogen Bulb For use with zilla mini halogen dome light, Saves energy, Lasts longer than comparable incandescent lights
North Carolina
Zilla Rock Lair
Prices start at : 10.99 USD / each

Zilla Rock Lair Side Entrance and Solid Top Help Hold Humidity Realistic and Natural Looking Heavy Material Keeps The Hide From Moving Rough External Texture Helps Animals Shed Skin
North Carolina
ELIVE Micro Heater
Prices start at : 19.99 USD / each

ELIVE Micro Heater Designed for bowls and small aquariums - heats up to 3 gallons, Shatterproof thermal plastic design, Fully supmersible, Thermal safety switch
North Carolina
Screen Cover
Prices start at : 10.40 USD / each

Good For 15H/20 Gallon Aquariums Size 12in X 24in. Allow additional time for delivery. Screen Cover Screen Cover in stock and ready to ship. Product is made with Metal. The Tough top Screen Covers Provide Security When Housing Animals In Aquariums.
North Carolina
Cork Bark Flat for terrariums
Prices start at : 9.99 USD / each

Ingredients: Cork Bark Supplier measures size by weight as 1.5 lbs (dimensions not available). Cork Bark Flat for terrariums Natural flat cork bark for terrarium design.
North Carolina
Galapagos Sheet Moss Decorative
Prices start at : 9.49 USD / each

For Use In Tropical and Forest Tanks Made Of Soft, Flat Pieces Of Real Moss Can Be Used As A Terrarium Accent, Bedding Or A Source Of Humidity Retains Moisture and Releases It Into The Air, Providing A Realistic Environment For Your Pet While Promoting...
North Carolina
Galapagos Mossy Bark
Prices start at : 11.99 USD / each

Galapagos Mossy Bark Mossy Bark Decor For Humidity Seeking Reptiles Color: Sheet Moss
North Carolina
Screen Cover Clips
Prices start at : 3.19 USD / each

The Screen Cover Clips Furnish Added Security For Your Pet. Product is made of Metal. Screen Cover Clips Screen Cover Clips is an excellent product we know our customers will love.
North Carolina
Food/Water Dish For Reptiles
Prices start at : 4.49 USD / each

Food/Water Dish For Reptiles This Reptile Food or water dish features an almost natural, rock-like look and color, making it perfect for your reptile friends. Many of our products ship out the same business day! Shop our on-line catalog with over 120,000...
North Carolina
Zoo Med Hermit Crab Shell
Prices start at : 3.19 USD / each

As hermit crabs grow they need larger shells to change into, Always keep extra shells in their enclosure., These extra growth shells should be larger than the shell your crab currently resides in Color: Natural Size: Small/3 Pack
North Carolina
Cork Bark Round for terrariums
Prices start at : 6.90 USD / each

Ingredients: Cork Bark Cork Bark Round for terrariums Natural cork bark for terrarium design.
North Carolina
Zoo Med Hermit Crab Kit
Prices start at : 16.50 USD / each

Zoo Med Hermit Crab Kit A great starter kit for hermit crabs, Includes care book, thermometer, sand, soil, food, trial size salt water conditioner, trial size drinking water conditioner, Also includes extra small water dish, hermit crab sea sponge, and...
North Carolina