For best results, the pet should be left in the lathered state for four to five minutes before rinsing with warm water. Pyranha Pyrethrin Shampoo is an insecticidal shampoo rich in coconut conditioners that aid in building body, luster and groomability...
It filters more of the UV light spectrum without harming aquatic life. It's easy to use and dissolves quickly. It is also safe to swim and fish in immediately after use and does not stain.
(Manufacturer Product Number: 916) Large Gold Stick traps measures 24" long. (Manufacturer Product Number: 962) Catchmaster Gold Sticks are long tubes with a sticky glue and fly pheromone attractant for capturing and killing house flies and other nuisance...
For broadcast application of Tebuthiuron 80 WG use at a rate of 0.38 to 0.75 pounds per acre in a minimum spray volume of 5 gallons per acre for most ground equipment. If Tebuthiuron 80 WG is used at the rate for broadcast application each 25 pound bag...
Sonar A.S. provides the most efficient concentration level and is the ideal choice in waterbodies with minimal water flow and when targeting strands of emersed vegetation. Under optimum conditions full weed kill occurs in 30 to 90 days.
Make sure you have the right sprayer for this product: We suggest a Hose End Sprayer or a 1 Gallon Pesticide Sprayer Alternatively, you can purchase Reclaim IT Insecticide which is our own patented brand of insecticide and a better value.
Detex Blox is used as a monitoring rodent bait with no toxicity. Rats and mice Residential commercial or industrial buildings Rats: Use 1 Detex Blox every 30 - 50 feet Aids in the tracking of entry points, pathways and nesting areas to improve your baiting...
The 30mm brush for the Brio Pro 250CC Steam Cleaning System comes in nylon(Black and White) for jobs you would want to keep separate, Brass, and stainless steel. The 30 mm stainless steel brush is for scrubbing and cleaning on surfaces that require a...
Liquid copper fungicide spray for disease prevention on fruit trees, nut crops, citrus, vegetables and ornamentals. A replacement for lime sulfur. Liquid-Cop is extremely weatherproof and does not require oil or a sticker.
Easy to use, place a small amount of Provoke on the your snap trap or on small piece of paper or cardboard to place in mouse multi-catch trap (ketchall or Pro-ketch) or glue board Provoke Mouse Attractant is the first and only attractant formulated specifically...
You can be up and running with your misting system in a few short hours. The second is the MistAway Mosquito Misting System by MistAway Systems, also located in Houston, Texas. 3/8" Union Elbow Product Number 15010 Mosquitoes Mistaway Mosquito Misting...
Spray to moisten the treatment area; but not to the point of saturation. One gallon of concentrate can be added to 54 gallons of water. Zero-Bite Concentrate is a natural insect repellent with a new green formula.
Depending on the trageted disease Mefenoxam 1% Subdue GR Granular Fungicide can be used for the control of certain diseases in ornamentals, turf, nonbearing citrus, conifers, and non-bearing deciduous fruit and nut trees in nurseries To control damping-off...
SFM 75 Herbicide (generic Oust XP) by Alligare is formulated as a pre-emergent and post-emergent broadleaf weed control in non-crop industrial sites, forestry, and vegetation control around roadsides and railroads.
It helps produce attractive and marketable plants, bringing out the full beauty of ornamentals by keeping them compact Bonzi maintains the plant-to-pot size ratio for aesthetically pleasing plants with deeper green foliage Transport is less stressful...
This B&G Ultra Lite Fogger M2400 is designed for fogging large indoor areas such as homes restaurants bakeries attics crawl spaces etc. 2-stage motor for good reliability. Features: Variable flow from ULV (ultra-low variable) to light mist.
For a broadcast application Picloram P+D Herbicide can be used at a rate of 1 to 7.4 pints per acre making sure to use sufficient enough water to get uniform coverage of the treatment area.
Place Maki Bulk Paraffinized Pellets in bait station and place bait station in or around infested location. Place Maki Bulk Paraffinized Pellets in bait station and place in indoor/outdoor infested location.
Kage-All Pigeon Traps are simple and easy to use and can be used indoors or outdoors. After the pigeons become familiar with the trap, untie the doors. Transonic PRO - Ultrasonic Pest Repeller
Quick Dry can be used in but not limited to Industrial Plants Service Stations and Garages Machine Shops Drive Ways Athletic Fields Kennels Poultry Houses and Barbecue Pits. Quick Dry is an absorbent gradual clay that reduces cleaning time, accidents,...
The High Capacity HEPA IPM 5 Gallon dry particulate vacuum is an excellent choice for large volumes of dry chemical, rodent droppings and bat guano. Features: Used for Pest Management Rodent droppings and Dry Chemicals.
Maxforce FC Ant Bait Stations contain .01% Fipronil and can effectively eliminate ants by either ingestion or contact with the bait. Outdoors: Bait stations should be placed adjacent to the structure near ant activity or anywhere ants may gain access...
For larger nests, repeat applications might be needed. DO NOT USE in habitable portions areas of domestic and residential dwellings, including homes, residences, apartments, and hotels.
EcoPCO ACU will immediately begin working on contact of target pests. To kill...inject into all crack/crevice and void spaces where insects are present. EcoPCO ACU will not stain or leave residue on carpet/floors/walls.
P-274 Brass Cap (22029700) by B&G Equipment Company is specifically sold for use as a replacement part for B&G sprayers. Description: replacement brass cap for B&G sprayers Material/Construction: Brass Used For: repairing loss of tank pressure Features:...
Depending on the resilience and stubbornness of some hard-to-control weeds, there may still be some weeds that pop up during growing season meaning that some post-emergent treatment may have to still be conducted.