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Pest Supplies Pest Control For Sale In Ohio

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Mistaway Wind Sensor
Prices start at : 387.73 USD / Each

Sensor mounts on 3/4" pvc pipe and is connecedt to unit controller with a 50' segment of phone line. When the wind is high the misting chemical and mixture will be ineffective. This will cause a decrease in control and an increase in wasted product.
United States
Camelot O
Prices start at : 129.37 USD / 1 Gallon

Use Camelot O in a disease control program at 0.5 to 2.0 gallons per 100 gallons (64 to 256 fl. Camelot O is a liquid copper formulation using proven technology to provide broad-spectrum bacterial and fungal disease control.
United States
VC-152 Valve Cable 8\' (22045300)
Prices start at : 23.85 USD / Each

VC-152 Valve Cable 8' (22045300) by B&G Equipment Company is specifically sold for use as a replacement part for B&G products. Material/Construction: Stainless Steel Used For: Repairing used equipment.
United States
2 4-D Amine Selective Weed Killer
Prices start at : 19.39 USD / 1 Gallon

When product is used for weed control in crops, the growth stage of the crop must be considered. In the last 60 years, there have been over 40,000 different research studies done on 2, 4-D, going down as one of the most researched chemicals in history.
United States
Mistaway Hago To Slimline Tip Adapter
Prices start at : 12.56 USD / Each

Keep your misting system running at 100% with repair pieces from Part Number 10257 Mosquitoes Mistaway Mosquito Misting Systems The Hago to Slimline Tip adapter will help you convert your larger bulkier hago nozzles on your misting...
United States
Advance 360A Dual Choice Ant Bait Stations
Prices start at : 6.74 USD / Each

After all, the product's number one feature is in the name, Dual Choice. The kit has also been proven and tested in a myriad of trials developed by our Entomologists to provide optimal results, and it comes with 100% money back guarantee that is proof...
United States
Victor Moleworms
Prices start at : 9.99 USD / 5 Pack

Victor Moleworms can be used to eliminate Moles in lawns or turfgrasses in homes, parks, recreational and athletic fields. Packed in packs of 5, which allow you to use worms over a course of time unlike other products such as Talpirid which should be...
United States
Bromacil 40/40 Bare Ground Herbicide
Prices start at : 67.85 USD / 6 Pound

Bromacil 40/40 is a selective herbicide for use in citrus and in noncrop areas. Agitate spray tank contents by mechanical or hydraulic means; do not use air agitation. Annual Weeds: Barnyardgrass Brome/downy (cheatgrass) Chickweed(common) Chickweed(mouseear)...
United States
Caravan G Insecticide Fungicide
Prices start at : 92.1 USD / 30 Pound Bag

Caravan G Insecticide Fungicide will treat 1/4 of an acre Caravan G Insecticide Fungicide can be mixed at a rate of 2.0 - 2.8 lbs per 1,000 st ft with a broadcast sprayer. When applied at the right time and in the right place one application of Caravan...
United States
Protecta LP Bait Station
Prices start at : 17.5 USD / Each

Remove the rod and slide the bait into place. Kaput Combo Bait Mini Blocks Eratication Rodent Bait JT Eaton Peanutbutter Rat Mouse Bait Blocks To load the Protecta LP Rodent Bait Station with bait, first open the lid using the key.
United States
Tenacity Herbicide
Prices start at : 65.99 USD / 8 Ounce

If you are wondering how much Tenacity per gallon it takes to treat your yard, please refer to the instructions on the label. If used at the maximum rate of application per acre to St. Augustinegrass each 8 ounce container will treat an estimated 2 acres.
United States
Fusilade II Herbicide
Prices start at : 79.99 USD / 32 Ounce

Fusilade II is labeled for control of grass weeds, such as bentgrass and crabgrass, in fine fescue fairways, roughs and other areas on a golf course. Per acre with 2-3 lbs. Help the herbicide stick better to the weeds with surfactant such as Alligare...
United States
(M) Gen 1.2 - Float Switch
Prices start at : 70.95 USD / Each

Outside of making the homeowner's yard more enjoyable, mosquito misting systems main value comes from protecting a homeowner, the homeowner's family and guests from: 1. We have the industry expertise and training about the various misting insecticides...
United States
Replacement Respirator Cartridges AGP100
Prices start at : 37.99 USD / Each

Replacement Respirator Cartridges for 3M FULL FACEPIECE REUSABLE RESPIRATOR 7800S-M Respirator mask 3m brand Ready to Use
United States
Maxforce FC Ant Bait Gel
Prices start at : 30.07 USD / Pack (4x30gm)

When following up some time later, inspect bait placements and reapply when necessary. For killing indoor ants, purchase our own ant bait formula Ant-Trax Ant Gel Bait You could also try our GUARANTEED ANT CONTROL KIT which has all you need for ant control.
United States
Evergreen Pyrethrum Concentrate
Prices start at : 53.99 USD / 1 Gallon

If Evergreen Pyrethrum Concentrate is used at the higher rate of application as a surface spray for crawling insects each pint size container will treat an estimated 4,000 square feet.
United States
Altosid 30 Day Briquets
Prices start at : 167.98 USD / Each

Treated larvae continue to develop normally to the pupal stage where they die. Best of all, the (S)-methoprene in Altosid products has an excellent toxicity profile. ALTOSID Briquets prevent the emergence of adult mosquitoes including Anopheles, Culex,...
  •  Hand application by operators on foot or in moving vehicles
  •  The active ingredient (S)-methoprene
United States
Merit Granules- Turf Insecticide
Prices start at : 58.06 USD / 30 Pound Bag

For optimum control, product application should be followed by mechanical incorporation, irrigation, or rainfall, to help move the active ingredient into the soil. We suggest using Reclaim IT Insecticide in tandem with Granules for total outdoor insect...
United States
Advance Termite Monitoring Base
Prices start at : 4.72 USD / Each

Advance Termite Monitoring Base (TMB) is a wood base placed in the bottom of each monitoring station. Termites Advance Termite Bait Stations installed around a structure
United States
Solutions 15-5-10 Weed & Feed Fertilizer with Trimec
Prices start at : 45.98 USD / 50 Pound Bag

Solutions 15-5-10 Weed & Feed can be applied with a broadcast spreader applying it at a rate of 3.2 to 4 pounds per 1,000 square feet of turfgrass. 5)Do not wash the product from the weed leaves for 1 to 2 days after application.
United States
Bac-A-Zap Odor Killer
Prices start at : 19.37 USD / 1 Gallon

And it can only be purchased through the pest control company. This build-up creates odors and is unsanitary. This product is designed to be used indoors as a grease build-up remover for drains in wall voids crawl spaces and garbage containers.
  •  Add-on sale to virtually all stops
  •  Sell directly to customers
  •  No other product like it
United States
Martins Viper Insecticide Concentrate
Prices start at : 11.85 USD / 1 Ounce

Shake or re-agitate sprayer before use if spraying is interrupted. Make sure you have the right sprayer for this product: We suggest a Hose End Sprayer or a 1 Gallon Pesticide Sprayer Alternatively, you can purchase Reclaim IT Insecticide which is our...
United States
Gopher Getter Type 2
Prices start at : 19.99 USD / 1 Pound

Take care not to spill bait on the surface. For best results, this bait must be placed in the gophers' active runway for four (4) days in a row or until activity ceases. Diphacionone — .005% (anti-coagulant)
United States
B&G 4-Way C&C Tip Holder
Prices start at : 28.31 USD / Each

This B&G 4-Way Cracks and Crevices holder is for the B&G Sprayer wand This product is used to hold the 4-Way sprayer tip on the B&G sprayer wand. Please give us a call to check on inventory for this item.
United States
Archer Insect Growth Regulator
Prices start at : 54.08 USD / 16 Ounce

For other specific insects and their individual mixture rates refer to label above. A tank-mix of Archer and Demand CS should be applied outdoors to surrounding vegetation, including but not limited to trees, bushes and shrubbery, as well as around other...
United States
Pendulum 3.3 EC
Prices start at : 106.69 USD / 2.5 Gallon

Rates and combinations: 1.3 to 4.8 ozs. Therefore, areas to be treated should be free of established weeds. Weeds controlled suppressed or prevented: crabgrass foxtail annual bluegrass barnyardgrass fall panicum oxalis spurge purslane knotweed hop clover...
United States
Gardner AG-963 Electrocutor
Prices start at : 399.99 USD / Each

The AG-963 Insect Electrocuter is an ideal device for aggressive insect control in sensitive areas. With 2-25 watt insect lights and decorative wall mount its dimensions are: 26in.x15in.x5in.
United States