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MistAway Union Elbow 1/4\
Prices start at : 12.56 USD / Each

Product code: 2236 Use when making 90° turns to avoid kinking the tubing. Outside of making the homeowner's yard more enjoyable, mosquito misting systems main value comes from protecting a homeowner, the homeowner's family and guests from: 1.
Cyzmic CS Insecticide
Prices start at : 28.21 USD / 32 Ounce

Cyzmic CS (Demand CS) is an odorless micro-encapsulated insecticide with lambda-cyhalothrin that controls many pests around homes and buildings including crazy ants, and mosquitoes.
Prices start at : 1361.98 USD / 2.5 Gallon

Pyronyl 525 targets flies and other flying insects in livestock quarters corrals feedlots and meat and poultry plants Pyronyl 525 Oil can be applied as an indoor space spray contact spray surface spray or thermal fogging application When flies and other...
Chapin Spreader
Prices start at : 16.95 USD / Each

The Chapin Spreader model 8706: Weight - 1.5 lbs Dimensions (LxWxH) - 12x6.25x7 Ideal for an array of spreading applications, this durable polypropylene spreader is rust and corrosion resistant.
Rescue! WHY Trap For Wasps, Hornets & Yellowjackets
Prices start at : 12.99 USD / Each

Screw the bottom cap back into place. Please refer to the Rescue Why Trap instructions to learn how to properly use this product to achieve the best possible results. Hang outdoors for backyard control of dangerous pests The WHY Trap has a top chamber...
RoundUp QuikPro Herbicide
Prices start at : 12.59 USD / 6.8 Pound Jug

This allows the product the most surface area to be absorbed into the plant. Be careful about drift as any vegetation this product touches will be killed off. The mix rate for Roundup QuikPro is 1.5 ounces per gallon of water.
Protecta RTU Bait Station
Prices start at : 4.54 USD / Each

Protecta RTU is a mouse-size, triangular shaped bait station. Constructed to nicely fit flush in a corner and to lead mice directly to the bait. Dimensions: 5.25" long x 3.75" wide x 1.25" high All types of Mice Protecta RTU bait stations are to be used...
Bell Ditrac Cake Rodent Bait
Prices start at : 77.4 USD / 16 Pound

(15 to 30 feet) Maintain a fresh supply of bait for at least 10 days until signs of rat activity cease. This bait can be used indoors and out. Pieces may be needed at points of higher activity.
Diuron 80df Herbicide
Prices start at : 41.51 USD / 5 Pound

Red Spray Pattern Indicator (Brandt Mark-It) - Keep track of your spraying and avoid overspraying with this spray. After an extended period of time, regrowth of plantain, thistle or wild carrot will indicate that re-treatment is necessary.
Reward Herbicide
Prices start at : 121.25 USD / 1 Gallon

Reward Landscape and Aquatic herbicide acts very quickly on green, photosynthesizing plant tissue. Reward Landscape & Aquatic Herbicide can control or suppress water lettuce duckweed salvinia pennywort frog's bit cattails bladderwort hydrilla watermilfoils...
IQ Standard Replacement Glueboards
Prices start at : 47.86 USD / Each

Product code: 3530 Replacment glue boards utilize an advanced insect pheromone- Triconzene z-9 for improved insect attractiveness, making them more effective than competitor's insect traps.
Advance 360A Dual Choice Ant Bait Stations
Prices start at : 6.74 USD / Each

It works incredibly well as barrier treatment inside and outside your house and will keep more than 75+ species of pests out of your home for at least 3 months. Developed by BASF United States, The North American branch of BASF SE a German chemical company...
Rozol Tracking Powder
Prices start at : 79.98 USD / 8 Pound

Rozol Blue Tracking Powder may also be dusted into rat burrows that are located along the periphery of buildings and that are likely to serve as routes of entry into these structures.
Dicamba Plus 2,4-D Herbicide
Prices start at : 112.47 USD / 2.5 Gallon

Dicamba + 24-D Herbicide is for the control of broadleaf weeds such as buttercup chickweed cocklebur dogfennel henbit kochia morning glory nightshade pigweed rageweed smartweed clover dock goldenrod groundsel honeysuckle poison ivy mesquite and many other...
Diaphragm Pump Skid Sprayer- Low Profile 50gal
Prices start at : 2699.99 USD / Each

Ensuring proper application of chemical is important. These models can handle fluids up to 140°F (60°C) and can be run dry. Solutions equipment is for use Tree Spraying Chemical Sprayer Agricultural sprayer Insecticide sprayer and Weed Spraying.
  •  400 ft of 3/8th's inch hose or 300 ft ½ inch hose
  •  Dual bearing and dual frame support – standard on all models
  •  1800 Burst Pressure
  •  Heavy-gauge steel frame
  •  Compact design to conserve space
  •  Will not rust
Suspend SC
Prices start at : 41.22 USD / 1 Gallon

For outdoor applications, we recommend utilizing a gallon hand sprayer and mixing the same rate of 0.25 to 0.75 of Suspend SC concentrate into one (1) gallon of water spray the mixed solution around the exterior perimeter of your home including door frames...
Honda GX340 11HP Engine
Prices start at : 1399.09 USD / Each

Engine Type- Air-cooled 4-stroke OHV Bore x Stroke- 88 X 64 mm Displacement- 389 cm3 Net Power Output*- 10.7 HP (8.0 kW) @ 3,600 rpm Net Torque- 19.5 lb-ft (26.4 Nm) @ 2,500 rpm PTO Shaft Rotation- Counterclockwise (from PTO shaft side) Compression Ratio-...
Invade Hot Spot Foam
Prices start at : 21.99 USD / 16 Ounce

Press down the actuator to dispense foam. Odor eliminating microbes Invade Hot Spot contains the same effective microbes and ingredients as InVade Bio Foam. Shake well before using.
  •  The 360-degree valve in Invade Hot Spot allows for dispensing in tough-to-reach areas.
  •  Invade Hot Spot foam comes in an easy to use 16 oz can
  •  The foam will take a couple hours to dissipate and should be left and not cleaned up. The foam will need to be in contact with the scum for at least an hour to be most effective. Do not apply directly to a food contact surface unless the surface is disinfected with a quaternary ammonia-type disinfectant after treatment
Mistaway Nozzle Circuit Filter Kit - Gen 3 Retrofit
Prices start at : 142.97 USD / Each

Tubing from the unit connected to the port marked "IN." Tubing from port marked "OUT" feeds nozzle circuit. Wherever you'd like a mosquito free zone, simply installing an automatic mosquito misting system can have you experiencing bite free living whenever...
Tandem Pro 23000CV AXSS Pad
Prices start at : 20 USD / Each

Long-wearing microfiber pad for cleaning floors, ceilings, walls with the Tandem Pro 2000CV Commercial Stream Cleaner. For use with the Tandem Pro 2000CV Commercial steam Cleaner Mop Attachment.
Ecotriclopyr 3 SL Aquatic Herbicide
Prices start at : 176.89 USD / 2.5 Gallon

Ecotriclopyr can also be used in aquatic sites such as ponds, resevoirs, non-irrigation canals, lakes, and ditches which have little or no outflow. For forestry sites if Ecotriclopyr 3 SL Herbicide is used at the maximum rate per year each 2.5 gallon...
Jecta Injectable Borate
Prices start at : 37.84 USD / 10 Ounce

Drill holes at a downward angle using charts on label to determine length and diameter of holes. Jecta's patented carrier system facilitates rapid penetration throughout wood of any moisture content.
  •  * Carpenter ants
  •  * Formosan termites
  •  * Wood destroying beetles
  •  * Subterranean termites
Vampyre Misting Concentrate
Prices start at : 179.99 USD / 1 Gallon

Vampyre Misting Concentrate by MGK is designed as a water-based microemulsion to provide the consumer with unparalleled long-term stability in water dilutions. Vampyre is used for the control of a broad-spectrum of insects, and may be applied indoor as...
Vole Scram
Prices start at : 119.99 USD / 22 Pound

Extend the coverage to about 30 feet around and beyond the damaged area. For lawn and garden areas of 5,000 or less square feet, we recommend covering the entire area. A 22 lb pail well cover approximately 13,200 sq.
Vision Pond Dye
Prices start at : 27.98 USD / 32 Ounce

The use of VISION POND dye adds a natural beauty to ponds, lakes, fountains and lagoons, coloring them a natural, beautiful blue. However, do not swim, fish or irrigate from ponds treated with VISION POND dye until the product has thoroughly dispersed.
Maxforce Flyspot Fly Bait
Prices start at : 9.21 USD / 1 Pound

Spray application: spray diluted product where house flies aggregate; on walls, windows, surfaces of pillars and other structures. House flies prefer warm, still sites for resting, so avoid cool or windy locations.
Chlorothalonil DF Fungicide
Prices start at : 89.26 USD / 10 Pound

Not only is Chlorothalonil quick to destroy fungi but has a long-lasting residual to prevent it from coming back. For Golf Course Greens and Tees, use approximately 1.82 to 3.5 fluid oz per 1000 square feet.