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Pest Supplies Pest Control For Sale In Garland

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Stryker Pyrethrum Insecticide
Prices start at : 46.51 USD / 16 Ounce

64.6 milliliters of Stryker with 10,000 gallons of water. Stryker works great as a fogging insecticide in many areas. You can also treat the building at a height of 2 to 3 feet up the walls of the building.
Optigard Flex Liquid Insecticide
Prices start at : 56.21 USD / 8 Ounce

Use indoors as a crack-and-crevice application. Per 1 - 10 gallons of water (0.05% - 0.1%) Thiamethoxam - 21.6% Optigard Flex as a liquid: Use liquid applicators (compressed air sprayers, backpack, or power sprayers).
  •  Systemic activity by the active ingredient thiamethoxam in plants helps control honeydew-producing insects found in landscape environments that serve as food source for ant pests
  •  Advanced non-repellent chemistry with low use rates that transfers throughout social insect colonies
Brio Pro 1000CC 42cm Extension Tube
Prices start at : 30 USD / Each

For use with the Brio Pro 1000CC Steam Cleaner. With this 42 cm extension tube, you can reach new heights with your EnviroMate PRO steam cleaner.
Safari 20SG Insecticide Dinotefuran
Prices start at : 155.42 USD / 12 Ounce

Application to Ornamental plants: Safari 20 SG Insecticide can be applied as a foliar spray, a broadcast spray, a soil drench, soil injection and via chemigation for insect control in ornamental plants in greenhouses, nurseries, outdoor landscapes and...
Pro Control Formula 2 Fogger
Prices start at : 9.41 USD / 8 Ounce

Tilt actuator away from face. Do Not use use in small, enclosed spaces such as closets, cabinets or under counters or tables. Do Not use more than one fogger per room. Place a chair, table or stand in the middle of the room to be fogged.
1-10 HPS Concentrate for 30 Gallon Spray System
Prices start at : 132.89 USD / 2.5 Gallon

Concentrate may also be mixed 1:11 with water for use as a space spray. Horn Flies Horse Flies Deer Flies Fruit Flies Black Flies Stable Flies Face Flies Midges Mosquitoes Gnats Recommended for residential and commercial animal settings also lawns turf...
PAK 27
Prices start at : 118.52 USD / 50 Pound Bag

PAK 27 is an effective and environmental compatible algaecide that can be used as both a selective and broad-spectrum algae control solution Blue-green algae in lakes ponds drinking water reservoirs irrigation drainage and conveyance ditches canals laterals...
Hypro 4101 Roller Pump
Prices start at : 199.84 USD / Each

And a 5/8" solid stainless steel shaft. This pump features a max flow of 7 gpm. The Hypro 4101 Roller Pump is used for agricultural and industrial spraying and transfer of a variety of fluids, including insecticides, herbicides, emulsives, aromatic solvents,...
B&G Lo Line Insect Trap
Prices start at : 14.75 USD / Each

The monitoring device's low-profile design makes it one of the most discreet insect monitors on the market and is a great choice to use in office buildings, public spaces, or at home.
Mavrik Perimeter Insecticide
Prices start at : 36.85 USD / 8 Ounce

Use higher rates and shorter re-treatment intervals for green peach aphids, unexposed insects and heavy pressures of other insects Immediate knockdown and residual control of wide variety of flying and crawling pests .04–0.1 fl oz (1.2– 3 ml) per...
DeerGard Ultrasonic Pest Repeller
Prices start at : 59.09 USD / Each

Deer rats rodents dogs cats squirrels Garden farm crops yard highwayroadsfields runwaysnurseries Protects up to 4,000 sq. High-frequency soundwaves (silent to most humans) irritate deer, making them flee to seek calmer, untreated areas.
  •  Water & weather resistant
  •  Protects Gardens & Lawns from Damage
  •  Great for any outdoor space
  •  Easy to use, motion-activated
Terro PCO Ant Bait Stations
Prices start at : 1.01 USD / Each

USING TERRO - PCO LIQUID ANT BAIT IN BAIT STATIONS: Apply the 1% or 2% TERRO-PCO Liquid Ant Bait solution using bait stations designed to hold liquid bait. Ants will enter, feed on the Terro ant bait and return to the nest where they will pass on the...
Premise Granules
Prices start at : 25.82 USD / 3.6 Lb

After digging a narrow trench, about 6 inches wide by 6 inches deep, uniformly incorporate 3 oz of this product per linear foot of trench. This is a 3.6 lb Container Premise Granules Kill and Control Subterranean Termites Premise Granules are for use...
Nova 40 Fungicide
Prices start at : 154.55 USD / 20 Ounce Bottle

Nova 40 is a systemic fungicide that controls various diseases affecting fruit crops. Nova 40 is used to protect Apples Grapes peaches nectarines cherries asparagus Saskatoon berry greenhouse tomatoes cucumbers peppers Kentucky bluegrass grown for seed...
  •  Start agitation.
  •  Add requiered amount of product per hectare
  •  Continue mixing and agitiation while filling the spray tank to the requiered volume.
Demon WP Insecticide
Prices start at : 8.25 USD / (4x9.5) Packet

Each pound of Demon WP will make up to 48 gallons of finished product. Just drop them into water, and when the unique packaging dissolves, you're ready to work. Demon WP will begin killing insects in 5 minutes and continue providing pest control for 3...
Maxforce Carpenter Ant Gel
Prices start at : 22.06 USD / 30 Gram Tube

NOTE-Do not disturb the natural behavior of trailing ants or foraging ants. Either way, one contaminated roach or ant kills many others where they live and breed. Do not place gel where insecticides have been sprayed.
Brio 500CC 30mm Brush
Prices start at : 4 USD / Brass

For use with the Brio 500CC Muli-Purpose Steam Cleaner The 30 mm nylon brush is for scrubbing and cleaning on finer surfaces. The 30mm Brush for the Brio 500CC comes in Nylon (black and white) for projects you want to keep separate, Bass and Stainless...
Glyphosate 5.4 Aquatic Herbicide
Prices start at : 31.44 USD / 1 Gallon

This product works systemically through the foliage down to the root killing off the plant within days of application. For application in aquatic sites refer to label for more specific details on how to treat these areas.
Premise Foam
Prices start at : 20.85 USD / 18 Ounce Can

Imidacloprid 0.5% Premise Foam is a foaming termiticide developed by Bayer and its quite popular to treat termite infestations and ant infestations. This eventually and ideally leads to a domino effect which wipes out more of the colony.
B&G Jumbo Carry Case (Blue)
Prices start at : 109.94 USD / Each

The B&G item can take 5-7 business day for shipping Please give us a call to check on inventory for this item. The dimensions of the Jumbo carrying case is: 16 1/2"x14"x19 1/4" Used to carry B&G Sprayers and other B&G Equipment.
5850 Tip Assembly (22049451)
Prices start at : 38.68 USD / Each

Material/Construction: Brass Used For: Repairing used equipment. 5850 Tip Assembly (22049451) by B&G Equipment Company is specifically sold for use as a replacement part for B&G products.
Maxforce Professional Bait Gun
Prices start at : 79.49 USD / Each

Kit contains a vinyl gun holster with belt clip, a Maxforce bait gun made of high-quality all-metal contstruction, and a SharpShooter 12" extension for placing gel in hard-to-reach areas.
Bensumec 4LF Herbicide
Prices start at : 213.84 USD / 1 Gallon

To use this product to treat for Annual Bluegrass apply at a rate of 3⅛ gallons of product per acre with 80 to 100 gallons of water per acre. This product is labeled to be used on the following well-established grass lawns and turfgrasses that include...
Transonic PRO - Ultrasonic Pest Repeller
Prices start at : 43.99 USD / Each

This Best-Selling electronic repeller couldn't be simpler - just plug the device in to repel rodents, bats, spiders, & more. Combines both sonic (audible) & ultrasonic (silent-to-most-humans) sound waves.
Sylo Insecticide
Prices start at : 53.99 USD / 16 Ounce

Ants Ant Mounds Bees Carpenter Ants Carpenter Bees Centipedes Chiggers Chinch Bugs Cockroaches Asian Cockroaches Crickets Earwigs Firebrats Flies Ground Beetles Mole Crickets Mosquitoes Millipedes Pill Bugs Scorpions Silverfish Sowbugs Spiders Wasps and...
Imazapyr 2 SL Herbicide
Prices start at : 60.54 USD / 1 Gallon

Where bareground may be desired apply Imazapyr at a rate of 1.5-6 pints per acre tank mix combined with a systemic weed and grass killer such as Eraser for best results. Imazapyr 2 SL Herbicide is formulated as a pre-emergent and post-emergent for control...
VT-621A Valve Seat Gasket
Prices start at : 3.81 USD / Each

The B&G item can take 5-7 business day for shipping. Please give us a call to check on inventory for this item. Holds the valve rod on the Versatool Valve. VT-621A Valve Seat Gasket by B&G Equipment Company is specifically sold for use as a replacement...